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"Umm! You guys! There's still the big old mega Risen out there! It's great you're concerned about Poly, but we literally have bigger things to worry about!" *Unsheathes Silver Sword* *Runs outside*

*flashy overkill on the Mega Risen involving Superhuman backflipping onto the Risen's back, then slashing and jumping off*

Draco's initiative had tore into the Mega Risen's body and ripped straight through it, thus ending its life. Dying from the attack, the Risen began to fall foreward and onto the Earth.... which happened to be right in position with one of the Dreamers! If no one acts soon, some might be crushed by its weight!

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*is still maybe dead*

Ace had entered the medical tent and skidded to a screeching halt, pissed off majorly. Jack Taylor had to restrain her. "Lemme go, lemme go."

Jack Taylor: "I understand you're upset, Ace. Don't judge to hastily now. He may still yet live, do you really want to make his wound worse?"

Alicia was sobbing her eyes out when a voice spoke to her, "Alicia, my daughter of Order. Flee. Your life is danger! Leave my son in law to me." Alicia lifted her eyes to see the pieces of the Mega Risen falling down so she rolled out of the way. Then she grabbed Tyrfing and jumped up, knocking the Risen's giant corpse away with forceful strength.

Turns out Ace had come out to aid her twin sister, and both sisters and flung the corpse quite far.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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*feels his heart seize up from all the lost blood, and goes limp*

Jack Taylor checked for a pulse, "Shit! Not now!"

Ace came back in, "Don't tell me, he is..."

Jack Taylor nodded

Ace screamed in fury and rage, "YOU BLASTED MORON! WHY I OUTTA..."

???: "Ace, that's enough!"

Ace recognized the voice, "But mother...Poly is...he just...."

Mira spoke again, "I'll handle this, my daughter of Chaos. Since all three of you are up in arms about this matter."

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*still not moving*

Mira then spoke to Poly, whatever state of consciousness he was in. "In all my years of living, I haven't seen a man so fussed over before. You have both of my daughters and my younger brother up in arms over your well being."


Ace sighed, "Great...just great...Mother has to fix this mess...I'm no help at all." *storms out, sits outside of Kat's tent.*

Alicia had resumed sobbing her eyes out.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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*isn't able to respond to Mira, instead feels himself slowly drift towards a bright light in the sky* 'Ah... I guess it's my time, then...'

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"I don't know who's out there, but I guarantee you that sitting outside my tent isn't going to do jack."

Ace: "I can't do anything else so I may as well sit here. I'm nothing but a war tool anyways."

*isn't able to respond to Mira, instead feels himself slowly drift towards a bright light in the sky* 'Ah... I guess it's my time, then...'

Mira put a stop to this, "No love, your time isn't up yet. My daughter of Order should have told you this. I'll mend that nasty chest wound of yours, but next time do take more care to watch for snipers, Marksmen and the like." Mira then used her powers to heal the apparently fatal wound caused from the arrow.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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*is still not awake, and his heart still isn't beating*

Mira had to sigh, "It's usually the brash ones that are the most troublesome to revive after an arrow to the chest like that." *Begins CPR* "Jack, can you get Alicia and/or Ace in here?"

Jack Taylor nearly jumped, "...Sure Mira. I can get Alicia, Ace though...may want to be left alone." *goes to get Alicia*

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*still not showing any vital signs*

Mira: "Very tricky..."

Jack Taylor brought Alicia in, "M-Mother?!"

Mira: "Alicia, it saddens me to see your eyes so red."

Alicia: "Mother...can you..save him...?"

Mira: "I'll need your twin sister here for this to work. Since my powers aren't enough, we'll have to try together as Mother and twin daughters."

Alicia: "Then, let us both try to revive Poly." *both try reviving Poly*

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Ace: "I can't do anything else so I may as well sit here. I'm nothing but a war tool anyways."

Mira put a stop to this, "No love, your time isn't up yet. My daughter of Order should have told you this. I'll mend that nasty chest wound of yours, but next time do take more care to watch for snipers, Marksmen and Markswomen and the like." Mira then used her powers to heal the apparently fatal wound caused from the arrow.

(Can you please take out the marksman, woman thing? I would rather no hints that it is Klotho)


*still in her tent, talking quietly so that no one will hear her* "Maybe I should just leave. I can't do anything right, after all."

(Running away?)

"Fuck off, Mila."

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*nothing happens as he slowly drifts to the light again*

Jack Taylor finally brought Ace in, "What help can I be? Besides destroying shit?"

Alicia: "Ace, please don't be like that. You feel bad about not being able to help Poly. So let us team up with Mother to save him!"

Ace sighed, "This better work. I really wanna beat him up when he's able to get pummeled again."

*Mother and twin daughters join hands, and stand over Poly*

Mira: "By the power vested in me and my daughters as Dawn, Order and Chaos. I command you, arise! Arise and walk among the living once again! For your time is not up yet!"

*A bright column of light envelop's Poly's unmoving form*

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"What's that?" Weaver pointed at the pillar of light, an expression of fascination on his weathered features.

"I don't bloody know. Should we take a look?" Nathaniel and Weaver left the tent they had been talking in, and approached the pillar, both fascinated.

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Ace and Alicia had stayed up all night with their mother and uncle until Poly was finally alive once again. Alicia had sobbed tears of joy until her voice was nearly gone. Ace had gone off to vent her frustration and rage by pummeling trees. Jack Taylor bade his older sister, Mira farewell and had stayed up cleaning his knives, before dozing off once he was done.
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Ace wrapped her hands in bandages. She had punched trees so much, her hands showed just how much rage she had vented, "Nnnn, ow. ....there." Ace finished wrapping the bandages and sat down in front of her tent. "Sis is still recovering her voice, while being pretty much glued to Poly's side. Uncle Jack is goofing off, like Mother said he would." Ace looked up at the sky, "We are gonna move out soon...right? I get sooo bored sitting around. Maybe I should head to the Garden of Giants from here."
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