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Ace looked up at the sky, "We are gonna move out soon...right? I get sooo bored sitting around. Maybe I should head to the Garden of Giants from here."

Dusk heard Ace's question somehow and proceeded to walk up to her. Hearing the doubt in her voice, Dusk had mixed emotions on her situation. On the one hand, she agreed with him. They stayed in this camp for far too long and needed to move. However, going alone was basically suicide... what a hypocrite, he felt the exact same way a day or two ago. "Hey Ace... you feel that way too?"

(I got face and voice mixed up. How do you even...)

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Dusk heard Ace's question somehow and proceeded to walk up to her. Hearing the doubt in her face, Dusk had mixed emotions on her situation. On the one hand, she agreed with him. They stayed in this camp for far too long and needed to move. However, going alone was basically suicide... what a hypocrite, he felt the exact same way a day or two ago. "Hey Ace... you feel that way too?"

Ace shifted to face Dusk, "Sure do! I get bored sitting around for too long without doing anything much besides train. Though moving out alone isn't the best option. You never know what might be out there."
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Ace shifted to face Dusk, "Sure do! I get bored sitting around for too long without doing anything much besides train. Though moving out alone isn't the best option. You never know what might be out there."

"Yeah I understand, but what if..." Dusk hesitated for a few moments. Does he say what's been on his mind? ... Guess it was a bit late now regardless. "... What if I told that I thought about going to the tree on my own? What if... I told you that we should go together?" Dusk looked over his shoulder and sighed. "When I founded the Dreamers, I did it with two wishes; either vanquish the Anna threat, or die trying. The latter isn't happening any more, so only the former can be achieved, but as of late... the others just don't seem to be doing a lot. It's like they forgot about the dream... but I know you haven't"

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Ace had to think about this. Yeah, some progress would be nice. But that would mean leaving behind everyone. Though Ace wondered if Alicia and her uncle would either tail along or try to stop them. And there was also her hands being rather sore and wounded from pummeling and uprooting trees. She could still hold a blade or tome, though she feared it wouldn't be for long.

Ace then wondered if some scouting would do. If they could get a look inside the tree, then that info would help greatly. Ace nodded, "I wouldn't necessarily say everyone's forgotten. Though this glum mood does make you wonder. Let's see if we can do some scouting on the Mila Tree."

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Ace had to think about this. Yeah, some progress would be nice. But that would mean leaving behind everyone. Though Ace wondered if Alicia and her uncle would either tail along or try to stop them. And there was also her hands being rather sore and wounded from pummeling and uprooting trees. She could still hold a blade or tome, though she feared it wouldn't be for long.

Ace then wondered if some scouting would do. If they could get a look inside the tree, then that info would help greatly. Ace nodded, "I wouldn't necessarily say everyone's forgotten. Though this glum mood does make you wonder. Let's see if we can do some scouting on the Mila Tree."

"Scouting? Hmm..." Dusk thought about it for a second. He doesn't get to kill anything, which sucked a bit. If it meant stretching his legs and doing something productive though... "... Sure, why not?" Dusk nodded in agreement. His weaponry were already on his person thanks to the random encounter with the Risen a couple of days ago, so he was already ready to go. "Whenever you're ready, Heiress of Chaos"

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Ace made sure she had her weapons with her, then she nodded to Dusk. "Let's go scouting then!" Ace said, motioning towards a path leading behind the Mila Tree. "We can go this way to avoid any enemy patrols, though it's best to still be on our guard though."
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Ace made sure she had her weapons with her, then she nodded to Dusk. "Let's go scouting then!" Ace said, motioning towards a path leading behind the Mila Tree. "We can go this way to avoid any enemy patrols, though it's best to still be on our guard though."

"Indeed. You have no idea where danger could hide nowadays" Dusk tagged alongside her, hoping that those back in camp wouldn't notice their sudden absence. "You seem to know the way, so I say you lead"

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*notices Dusk and Ace leave and just sighs* "Figures." *returns to her tent, wondering what she should do. She's just been so TIRED lately, and no one seemed to want to get anything done. Had she'd been wrong and gambled on the wrong people?* "Wouldn't be the first time I was wrong."

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Ace nodded in agreement as she lead them towards the back of the Mila Tree's base, hoping no one back at camp noticed their absence. If Alicia, Poly or her uncle noticed they were gone...well that would be one awkward explanation. Ace peered out from her spot, the back of the Mila Tree's base seemed void of any foes. Too suspcious, there had to be foes around. Risen or Annas, something had to be lurking around.
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Ace nodded in agreement as she lead them towards the back of the Mila Tree's base, hoping no one back at camp noticed their absence. If Alicia, Poly or her uncle noticed they were gone...well that would be one awkward explanation. Ace peered out from her spot, the back of the Mila Tree's base seemed void of any foes. Too suspcious, there had to be foes around. Risen or Annas, something had to be lurking around.

The lack of enemies didn't really affect Dusk's mentality, but it was clear something wasn't right. "'Tis a bit quiet... perhaps the guards are on break, but surely they would have another set of guards at the ready. Might be looking for supplies, or marching somewhere else. Any input to the whole thing? Dusk whispered to Ace, crouching so that it made it even harder to see him

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Ace also made sure she wasn't easy to spot, "We might have caught them on a break. Or a guard change, anyways it seems no one is around back here. Let's try making our way towards the entrance. This can't be empty, too simple." Ace whispered back.

Meanwhile back at camp

Alicia: "Si.....s..?" Alicia looked around for Ace.

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Ace also made sure she wasn't easy to spot, "We might have caught them on a break. Or a guard change, anyways it seems no one is around back here. Let's try making our way towards the entrance. This can't be empty, too simple." Ace whispered back.

Dusk smirked at her recommendation. "Careful love, sounds like you're planning to attack them!" He whispered back at her. "Follow me then" With that, Dusk proceeded to quietly make his way to the entrance. He planned to take cover next to a broken wall, and judging at its position, nobody was going to see the two of them behind it

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Ace had to smirk as she followed behind Dusk. (Heheheh, it has been too long since we made progress. Guess my eagerness got the better of me.) Ace thought before taking a careful look around to check for foes.
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Ace also made sure she wasn't easy to spot, "We might have caught them on a break. Or a guard change, anyways it seems no one is around back here. Let's try making our way towards the entrance. This can't be empty, too simple." Ace whispered back.

Meanwhile back at camp

Alicia: "Si.....s..?" Alicia looked around for Ace.

*from her tent* "She and Dusk left."

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"Hmm..." Dusk had no idea what he should do next. He had hoped that being near the broken wall would've allowed him to eavesdrop a little bit, guess their numbers or something to that effect. It didn't work though. Gritting his teeth, he turned back to face Ace and simply shrugged. "Any ideas? I can hear faint noises coming from inside or above the tree, but I can't make out what it is or how many things are up there. Something's up there though, and it's more or likely hostile"

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Ace could only wonder what could be in there making those noises. And likely hostile, that didn't sound good. "Hostile creatures are never a good sign. Still, even if we can get a look at their numbers, we'd be able to plan our advances effectively. But we'd be risking an encounter with whatever is in there."


Alicia looked at Kat in confusion, "L...left? Bu.....t....w...hy..?" She could feel her still red eyes beginning to water. She does her best to hold her tears back, and resolves to go find Ace and Dusk.

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Ace could only wonder what could be in there making those noises. And likely hostile, that didn't sound good. "Hostile creatures are never a good sign. Still, even if we can get a look at their numbers, we'd be able to plan our advances effectively. But we'd be risking an encounter with whatever is in there."

Dusk sighed. "Where's Cass when you need her?" He looked up at the tree and stared at it, wondering if there was any way they could check on their numbers without bringing attention to themselves. "Hmm... we could try and quietly scale the tree, but I'd rather not do that"

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Ace could only wonder what could be in there making those noises. And likely hostile, that didn't sound good. "Hostile creatures are never a good sign. Still, even if we can get a look at their numbers, we'd be able to plan our advances effectively. But we'd be risking an encounter with whatever is in there."


Alicia looked at Kat in confusion, "L...left? Bu.....t....w...hy..?" She could feel her still red eyes beginning to water. She does her best to hold her tears back, and resolves to go find Ace and Dusk.

"No clue."

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*eyes open* "... m-muh... I hurt like a bitch." *tries to get up, and does, albeit very slowly and very much in pain*

Jack Taylor sees Poly trying to get up, "If you hurt so much, then why not sleep the day away?" He asks with a silly grin plastered on his face.

Alicia walks in, intent on grabbing her weapons. "Un...cle...Jac...k...do...n't...tea...se Po...ly..."

Jack Taylor's expression drops a bit, "Alicia, I didn't mean to sound like I didn't care. But when I was in pain all over I'd just goof off and sleep till I didn't hurt so much! Being hurt was the best honest...er reason for goofing off!"

Dusk sighed. "Where's Cass when you need her?" He looked up at the tree and stared at it, wondering if there was any way they could check on their numbers without bringing attention to themselves. "Hmm... we could try and quietly scale the tree, but I'd rather not do that"

Ace had to agree there, "We'd draw too much attention to ourselves if we tried to scale the tree. I'd probably be able to get a look farther up if I can dream about being the golden bird. After all, who'd suspect a bird?" Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ace had to agree there, "We'd draw too much attention to ourselves if we tried to scale the tree. I'd probably be able to get a look farther up if I can dream about being the golden bird. After all, who'd suspect a bird?"

"I was thinking about that, but I didn't want to seem like a dunce suggesting for you to fall asleep in the middle of enemy territory" Dusk shrugged though. "It could work and I could carry you to safety if things turn haywire, so it's up to you"

(Night ya'll)

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"I've done too much sleeping of late. I gotta... gotta..." *falls to the ground* "Fuck."

Alicia dashed over to Poly, "Pol...y...yo...u...sho...uld...re...st.."

Jack Taylor chimed in, "Relax nephew in law, haste makes waste. By the way Alicia, why do you have your weapons on you?"

Alicia replied, "Ac...e...an...d...Dus....k...are....go...ne..."

Ace gave the risks some thought. Falling asleep here did pose risks. Like being unable to defend herself if they did get caught. Though if she could even glimpse what could be up there, then the Dreamers could plan their advance. Ace decided to trust Dusk and tried napping to see if she could dream.

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