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"Fuck. Alicia, please stay here. For my sake, if not your own."

Jack Taylor nodded in agreement, "Why go out looking for them when you can stay here? Besides, Khan Poly would reeeeeeeeally like it~"

Alicia decided since she didn't know where to start looking to stay in camp with Poly.

Jack Taylor meanwhile couldn't stop wondering where Ace could have gone. Maybe he'd sneak out to look for her. Maybe.

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Jack Taylor grinned his silly grin, "I'm sticking around till morale here picks up quite a bit. How long that will be...even I don't know. Oh yeah, name's Jack Taylor. Ace and Alicia are my nieces."
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Ace gave the risks some thought. Falling asleep here did pose risks. Like being unable to defend herself if they did get caught. Though if she could even glimpse what could be up there, then the Dreamers could plan their advance. Ace decided to trust Dusk and tried napping to see if she could dream.

Seeing that Ace was intent on spying on the enemies as a bird, Dusk kept her as close to himself as possible while she slept, hoping that the enemy wouldn't see her and attack them in a vulnerable state. [it would be really awkward to be seen in a moment like this, but I guess it's the only way for us to check on the enemy...] He sighed quietly, and waited for the woman to wake up and give him the news

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A golden bird flew inside the Mila Tree, flapping its wings as it soared on the winds towards the top. Ace scanned the ground below her, "I'm a bird, soaring inside this tree. No one should suspect its me." Ace the bird flew closer towards the noises she heard. "This sound...it is..." Ace flew closer to the source. "What?! Here?! Of all places..." They were people, who Ace knew for a fact were dead. "Those...look like the Grimleals I burned to cinders seven years ago."

Ace woke up with a start, a look of shock and fear on her face. "How...they should be dead...they should be in..."

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A golden bird flew inside the Mila Tree, flapping its wings as it soared on the winds towards the top. Ace scanned the ground below her, "I'm a bird, soaring inside this tree. No one should suspect its me." Ace the bird flew closer towards the noises she heard. "This sound...it is..." Ace flew closer to the source. "What?! Here?! Of all places..." They were people, who Ace knew for a fact were dead. "Those...look like the Grimleals I burned to cinders seven years ago."

Ace woke up with a start, a look of shock and fear on her face. "How...they should be dead...they should be in..."

(I approve of this poetry)

Ace's startled jump surprised the hell out of Dusk. "Gah!" Dusk looked down at the woman. The man was a bit annoyed with her disruptive awakening, but the shock on her face quickly calmed him down. "Who should be dead? ... What's in there, Ace?"

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Ace: "I saw the faces of deceased people. The Grimleals I burned seven years ago, what appeared to be a convent, and a figure whose face was hidden by shadows. That figure was the source of the noises."
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Ace: "I saw the faces of deceased people. The Grimleals I burned seven years ago, what appeared to be a convent, and a figure whose face was hidden by shadows. That figure was the source of the noises."

"The faces of deceased people? As in, Risen?" Dusk couldn't understand what she meant, but the final thing she described intrigued him somewhat. "A figure whose face was hidden in the shadows? How... odd. Definitely ominous" Dusk placed his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to reassure her. "I think the others need to know. What to head back now?"

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*In a random forested area*

....Huh? Where.....? Light could have at least warped me someplace practical, instead of the middle of a forest. Now, if I can find my way back. Sorin, you th- *pauses* .... thats right. How am I to break this to everyone?

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"The faces of deceased people? As in, Risen?" Dusk couldn't understand what she meant, but the final thing she described intrigued him somewhat. "A figure whose face was hidden in the shadows? How... odd. Definitely ominous" Dusk placed his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to reassure her. "I think the others need to know. What to head back now?"

Ace nodded, "Yeah, let's head back, we should tell the others. They had Risen-like apperances to them." Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ace nodded, "Yeah, let's head back, we should tell the others. They had Risen-like apperances to them."

(Sorry I fell asleep)

Dusk nodded in agreement and slowly made his way back to the camp, keeping as quiet and as hidden as possible so that the Risen from the tree wouldn't spot him or Ace

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Ace lead the way back to camp, the faces of those she saw still fresh in her mind. That last shadow covered figure though still stuck out. The way the figure was standing, Ace could only reason whoever was standing there was an assassin in life. (That air around those human-like Risen...it's as if they were condemned to eternal darkness...)

(it's okay^^)

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The memory of Xert, along with Jxemas, followed by Sorin was still fresh within his mind, he wasn't sure exactly what to make of it actually. Let alone how to explain the whole story, when he's the only one who witnessed the entire battle unfold, and Sorin's departure following soon afterwards. Looking up, he saw a giant treein the distance. No dount the Mila Tree, considering how far the roots go down. Even as he looked to the ground, he could see it roots.

The Mila Tree? If recall, the Dreamers were heading to the Mila Tree. I might not be as lost as I thought.

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The memory of Xert, along with Jxemas, followed by Sorin was still fresh within his mind, he wasn't sure exactly what to make of it actually. Let alone how to explain the whole story, when he's the only one who witnessed the entire battle unfold, and Sorin's departure following soon afterwards. Looking up, he saw a giant treein the distance. No dount the Mila Tree, considering how far the roots go down. Even as he looked to the ground, he could see it roots.

The Mila Tree? If recall, the Dreamers were heading to the Mila Tree. I might not be as lost as I thought.

Ace thought she heard footsteps besides her. She turned her head to look into the trees. "Someone there?" Ace asked, hand reaching for Valflame, unsure if it was friend or foe.

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"Wait...Sorin is GONE?!

(you're at camp arent you? Marth isn't and hasn't stated out loud that he is)

Ace thought she heard footsteps besides her. She turned her head to look into the trees. "Someone there?" Ace asked, hand reaching for Valflame, unsure if it was friend or foe.

He then heard someone call out. Unsure of who it was, he remained cautious and spoke out. I could ask the same about you, wherever you are. Though I can tell you that I mean no harm. I'm looking for a group of people, that I had met, but separated from. It'd be nice if you showed yourself

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(you're at camp arent you? Marth isn't and hasn't stated out loud that he is)

He then heard someone call out. Unsure of who it was, he remained cautious and spoke out. I could ask the same about you, wherever you are. Though I can tell you that I mean no harm. I'm looking for a group of people, that I had met, but separated from. It'd be nice if you showed yourself

Ace recognized the voice as Marth's, so she came out. "It's Ace, phew. Marth am I glad to see you back."

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(you're at camp arent you? Marth isn't and hasn't stated out loud that he is)

He then heard someone call out. Unsure of who it was, he remained cautious and spoke out. I could ask the same about you, wherever you are. Though I can tell you that I mean no harm. I'm looking for a group of people, that I had met, but separated from. It'd be nice if you showed yourself

(My bad)

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Ace recognized the voice as Marth's, so she came out. "It's Ace, phew. Marth am I glad to see you back."

It was only Ace. What a relief.

Its good to be back, but what are you doing out here? Has Dan and Cassandra returned?

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It was only Ace. What a relief.

Its good to be back, but what are you doing out here? Has Dan and Cassandra returned?

Ace thought back to when she was bandaging her hands before she left, "I saw them in camp when I came back from blowing steam off. As for why I'm out here, Dusk and I decided to scout ahead to gather information on our enemies. I wound up discovering the Mila Tree has human-like Risen inside. What's worse, they're all long deceased people from my past...most of them."

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