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It was only Ace. What a relief.

Its good to be back, but what are you doing out here? Has Dan and Cassandra returned?

Dusk stayed hidden in the bushes, just in case the voice Ace claimed to have heard was in fact an enemy. It was only Marth however, so he emerged and lowered his bow. "Hey, Hero-King" Dusk shook his head at his question. "No idea. We've been doing some recon and only now coming back. I'm presuming you just came back from your latest mission?" Dusk looked at Ace when she announced that Dan and Cass were back in camp. "Oh, right"

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Ace thought back to when she was bandaging her hands before she left, "I saw them in camp when I came back from blowing steam off. As for why I'm out here, Dusk and I decided to scout ahead to gather information on our enemies. I wound up discovering the Mila Tree has human-like Risen inside. What's worse, they're all long deceased people from my past...most of them."

Dusk stayed hidden in the bushes, just in case the voice Ace claimed to have heard was in fact an enemy. It was only Marth however, so he emerged and lowered his bow. "Hey, Hero-King" Dusk shook his head at his question. "No idea. We've been doing some recon and only now coming back. I'm presuming you just came back from your latest mission?" Dusk looked at Ace when she announced that Dan and Cass were back in camp. "Oh, right"

I was stunned actually. Risen that resemble people that are long deceased is a horrible thing to conjure up. But... how exactly did they pull it off? Very well then. I see scouting ahead was a good idea after finding this discovery. Glad to know that the two of them made it back safe and sound. Being the ambiguous person that he is, I was afraid that Light might have warped them someplace else. And indeed i did Dusk. Twas no easy feat. Also Ace. From the last I saw you... you're okay now right?

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I was stunned actually. Risen that resemble people that are long deceased is a horrible thing to conjure up. But... how exactly did they pull it off? Very well then. I see scouting ahead was a good idea after finding this discovery. Glad to know that the two of them made it back safe and sound. Being the ambiguous person that he is, I was afraid that Light might have warped them someplace else. And indeed i did Dusk. Twas no easy feat. Also Ace. From the last I saw you... you're okay now right?

Ace: "Aside from dealing with another close call to losing a family member, which was why I had to blow off steam earlier...I'm good." Ace then thought about Alicia, "Sis though...hope she's okay. I imagine after crying for so long her voice must sound faint."

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Ace: "Aside from dealing with another close call to losing a family member, which was why I had to blow off steam earlier...I'm good." Ace then thought about Alicia, "Sis though...hope she's okay. I imagine after crying for so long her voice must sound faint."

Oh my gosh. Do bad things always happen whenever I am absent? We had better get on back then

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Oh my gosh. Do bad things always happen whenever I am absent? We had better get on back then

Ace nodded, "Yeah, I should alert the others on what I saw. As for your question, let's just say it was bad karma that day. It had to be for my mother to show up, if not for her power, then Poly would have...I don't wanna think about that anymore."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Dusk had been listening to the entire conversation intently, but had nothing to contribute. Hearing the suggestion to go back, he unfolded his arms and nudged his head to the direction of the camp. "Shall we? The others need to know soon, and I'm guessing Marth needs his rest"

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Dusk had been listening to the entire conversation intently, but had nothing to contribute. Hearing the suggestion to go back, he unfolded his arms and nudged his head to the direction of the camp. "Shall we? The others need to know soon, and I'm guessing Marth needs his rest"

Indeed. Lets. Though I worry how they'll take all of this bad news.

"No one has answered me about Klotho. Where is she?"

*arriving back at camp with Ace and Dusk to see Dan by himself* Hey there.

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"...Great. So I've been talking to myself the entire time. Now can someone answer my question? Has Klotho calmed down yet?"

Ace returned to camp with Marth and Dusk, hearing Dan's question made her feel sad. "Dan...Klotho's been missing for some time now."
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Ace returned to camp with Marth and Dusk, hearing Dan's question made her feel sad. "Dan...Klotho's been missing for some time now."

Hearing these words, Dan immediately ran, looking for the tent in which Aimee was in. Finally finding her still here, he felt a chill run down his spine. [This makes no sense. She was raving over how we were going to kill Aimee. If she'd of run of, it would have surely been with Aimee in tow.] No sooner had he gotten back did he go into his own tent, pack some food and water for himself as well as taking an elixir, and get geared up to leave. "I'm going to look for her."

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Hearing these words, Dan immediately ran, looking for the tent in which Aimee was in. Finally finding her still here, he felt a chill run down his spine. [This makes no sense. She was raving over how we were going to kill Aimee. If she'd of run of, it would have surely been with Aimee in tow.] No sooner had he gotten back did he go into his own tent, pack some food and water for himself as well as taking an elixir, and get geared up to leave. "I'm going to look for her."

Ace walked up to Dan, "No one was able to find her. I tried, Sis tried, Dusk tried, heck most of the camp tried. Couldn't find a single clue. Its really baffling."

Alicia then spoke up, "Just....a...to...rn...up...tree...gro...ve...Nothi...ng....mo...re..."

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Ace shrugged, "Not sure really. It's weird."

Alicia spoke up again, "She...ha...s...bee...n..,feel...ing...depress...ed...lat...ely..."

Ace: "Sis, you really ought to rest your voice."

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Kat can wait. Alicia doesn't appear to be well. At all. From the sound of her faint voice, there's no doubt about it. She REALLY needs to rest. Ace is right Alicia. Twould be troublesome should your voice worsen.

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Ace nodded, "Yeah, I recall her crying her eyes out a couple of days ago. What happened was part of my reason for blowing off steam. (And wounding my hands in the first place.)" Ace deeply sighed, did she really wanna say it? ...she better mention it. "What happened was...during a Risen attack...arrows hit us...and Poly...nearly died from an arrow to the chest. Yuffie and Crizix did their best to heal him. But in the end, our mother wound coming down from heaven to truly heal him. By pooling our powers as Dawn, Order and Chaos...it took a family effort...all because of one, stupid, freaking arrow..." Ace didn't say more, her rage was beginning to rise just thinking about how she had failed to protect her brother in law.
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Ace noticed Weaver coming out of his tent. She couldn't think of anything that needed done at the moment, so Ace cheerily said hello.

Alicia meanwhile, had been resting her voice so she was trying not to speak as much. Anything she did have to say was written on paper.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ace nodded, "Yeah, I recall her crying her eyes out a couple of days ago. What happened was part of my reason for blowing off steam. (And wounding my hands in the first place.)" Ace deeply sighed, did she really wanna say it? ...she better mention it. "What happened was...during a Risen attack...arrows hit us...and Poly...nearly died from an arrow to the chest. Yuffie and Crizix did their best to heal him. But in the end, our mother wound coming down from heaven to truly heal him. By pooling our powers as Dawn, Order and Chaos...it took a family effort...all because of one, stupid, freaking arrow..." Ace didn't say more, her rage was beginning to rise just thinking about how she had failed to protect her brother in law.

Marth was left in awe. It was really that bad then. He could understand Alicia would be the way that she is now, followed by Ace's rising anger, just from speaking of it. Without thinking, Marth pulled Ace into an embrace.

.....Ace, I know how you are feeling right now. I truly do. But.... you need to keep a cool-leveled head right now. I wouldn't want to lose you to your own rage. We'll find the culprit eventually, but right now, be glad that he is still alive and with us.

He'd be angry too if it was him. Actually, no, he WAS at one point. He could never forget the mass amounts of hatred he had for Gra after what they had inflicted upon him in the past. Upon that fateful day, he drank deeply upon those feelings, and savored them for the day that he could make them pay and achieve justice for both his family and his kingdom. Even so, as much as he wanted it, that wouldn't be the best course of action and let it go. After all, he is prince, now king before he is son, or brother.


Edited by Hero-King
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"Greetings, milady!" Weaver bowed in his usual fashion. "Have we met...?"

Ace wasn't sure herself, did they? "Not sure, I'm Ace Tactician. And over there is my twin sister Alicia Taylor..." Ace got cut off however when,

Marth was left in awe. It was really that bad then. He could understand Alicia would be the way that she is now, followed by Ace's rising anger, just from speaking of it. Without thinking, Marth pulled Ace into an embrace.

.....Ace, I know how you are feeling right now. I truly do. But.... you need to keep a cool-leveled head right now. be glad that wouldn't want to lose you to your own rage. We'll find the culprit eventually, but right now, be glad that he is still alive and with us.

He'd be angry too if it was him. Actually, no, he WAS at one point. He could never forget the mass amounts of hatred he had for Gra after what they had inflicted upon him in the past. Upon that fateful day, he drank deeply upon those feelings, and savored them for the day that he could make them pay and achieve justice for both his family and his kingdom. Even so, as much as he wanted it, that wouldn't be the best course of action and let it go. After all, he is prince, now king before he is son, or brother.


Marth hugged her. Given what had happened the last few days, Ace felt that was what she needed right now. And Marth had a point, she did need to keep her cool. Not just for Alicia and the Dreamers, but also for the test in the Garden of Giants. "Yeah, I feel like I took a few steps back. I'm glad Poly's still alive, but I want to know who would do such a thing? (I owe them a major ass kicking)" Ace didn't say anymore after that, there was nothing else she wanted to say.

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