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Ace wasn't sure herself, did they? "Not sure, I'm Ace Tactician. And over there is my twin sister Alicia Taylor..." Ace got cut off however when,

Marth hugged her. Given what had happened the last few days, Ace felt that was what she needed right now. And Marth had a point, she did need to keep her cool. Not just for Alicia and the Dreamers, but also for the test in the Garden of Giants. "Yeah, I feel like I took a few steps back. I'm glad Poly's still alive, but I want to know who would do such a thing? (I owe them a major ass kicking)" Ace didn't say anymore after that, there was nothing else she wanted to say.

All will be figured out in due time. Both, the culprit and your trials. And I'll be there in support.

(Nathaniel's father)

"Greetings! How are you today, kind sir?" Weaver bowed again.

Well, you're a new face. I swear I keep seeing more people every time I come back from somewhere. I am Marth. Nice to meet you.

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All will be figured out in due time. Both, the culprit and your trials. And I'll be there in support.

Well, you're a new face. I swear I keep seeing more people every time I come back from somewhere. I am Marth. Nice to meet you.

Ace: "Thank you, Marth. I'm so blessed to have found friends here." Ace then recalled that her bandages needed changing, so she retrieved her medical kit to do just that.

Alicia meanwhile was sitting outside her tent watching Weaver and Sampson talk from where she was sitting. Noting that her uncle was goofing off once again.

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Weaver pauses momentarily at the sight of Marth. "Oh my... Do my eyes decieve me, or are they tricking my ears? Fair greetings, Hero-King. I am the manakete, Weaver."

A manakete you say? Quite the rarity around these times. Can I help you with anything?

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"A pleasure to meet you, young Samson." Weaver then looks at Marth. "Well... A while back, I lost my dragonstone. It was stolen... Do you know any way I can acquire another?"

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"A pleasure to meet you, young Samson." Weaver then looks at Marth. "Well... A while back, I lost my dragonstone. It was stolen... Do you know any way I can acquire another?"

I see. Dragonstones are quite the rarity actually. And I'm just coming back from a mission and need to report the situation. As soon as I do that, you have my assistance Weaver

"Yes, yes. Yes I am."
"I see, your son's a good friend of mine"

*turning my attention to Samson* His son? And who would that be?

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I see. Dragonstones are quite the rarity actually. And I'm just coming back from a mission and need to report the situation. As soon as I do that, you have my assistance Weaver

*turning my attention to Samson* His son? And who would that be?

"Nathaniel... Wizard is what he prefers to be called though."
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"Nathaniel... Wizard is what he prefers to be called though."

Really? *gives out a small laugh* (The Azure Dreamer...... never have I met such a surprising group of people) Anyways, I need to speak with Kat. *Goes to Kat's tent*

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Ace finished changing her bandages, (so that's Nathaniel's father. Who would have thought I'd see another manakete here? He must be older than Nowi, certainly looks like he could be.)

Alicia was fascinated, she had never seen or encountered a manakete before. (If only I could speak well enough, but alas my voice still hasn't recovered yet. Writing out my words will have to suffice until my vocal cords are strong enough.)

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"...Forgive me for being a bit inconsiderate, or something along those lines, but a few days you said Alicia was crying for? Has Klotho been gone for DAYS?!"

Ace nodded, "You're correct, Klotho's been gone for days and without a trace too. Sis found a torn up tree grove with some trees bearing bloodstains, but that was about it. Unless you can count that night I woke up screaming from the nightmare I had in the middle of the night."

Ace then took a deep breath, "Sis crying is a different story. During a Risen attack, arrows hit us and the monster Risen. ...Poly nearly died from an arrow to the chest. Heh, the situation was enough to get our mother to come down from heaven just to help save his life. Dawn, Order and Chaos had to come together to save his life, which was hanging by a thin thread..."

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Really? *gives out a small laugh* (The Azure Dreamer...... never have I met such a surprising group of people) Anyways, I need to speak with Kat. *Goes to Kat's tent*

"Must you enter my tent without so much as pretending to knock, Marth?"

"...Forgive me for being a bit inconsiderate, or something along those lines, but a few days you said Alicia was crying for? Has Klotho been gone for DAYS?!"

​"…So loud. And why do you care? You two NEVER get along and she hates you. To be perfectly blunt about it. Every time you two are within shouting distance, there's SOME sort of argument."

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Ace nodded, "You're correct, Klotho's been gone for days and without a trace too. Sis found a torn up tree grove with some trees bearing bloodstains, but that was about it. Unless you can count that night I woke up screaming from the nightmare I had in the middle of the night."

Ace then took a deep breath, "Sis crying is a different story. During a Risen attack, arrows hit us and the monster Risen. ...Poly nearly died from an arrow to the chest. Heh, the situation was enough to get our mother to come down from heaven just to help save his life. Dawn, Order and Chaos had to come together to save his life, which was hanging by a thin thread..."

"...Days..." Dan heard this and he began to feel chills down his spine once again. "Which direction did you find the tree grove?"

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"...Days..." Dan heard this and he began to feel chills down his spine once again. "Which direction did you find the tree grove?"

Ace had to ask Alicia since she was the one who found it. "Sis says she found the grove...about 5 yards away to the Mila Tree. You can't miss it, it's practically demolished. Mostly stumps, trees stripped of bark and uprooted trees. The stripped ones most often had bloodstains, according to Sis."

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"Must you enter my tent without so much as pretending to knock, Marth?"

​"…So loud. And why do you care? You two NEVER get along and she hates you. To be perfectly blunt about it. Every time you two are within shouting distance, there's SOME sort of argument."

(He didnt enter. Just went towards it. And now....)

*knock knock* Kat, you there? Its Marth

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