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Ace had to ask Alicia since she was the one who found it. "Sis says she found the grove...about 5 yards away to the Mila Tree. You can't miss it, it's practically demolished. Mostly stumps, trees stripped of bark and uprooted trees. The stripped ones most often had bloodstains, according to Sis."

"...I'm going to look for her. I have a bad feeling. Every time she's gone for too long, something bad had happened to her. First she got kidnapped and slaughtered a bunch of villagers. Then she got lost out in the cold. And now you're telling me there's a bunch of demolished trees and blood all over? I don't like it. Plus, if she were to leave, after all that raving over not trusting us with the life of Aimee, you think she would have taken her with her. But no, she's still here. This makes no sense." Dan began walking in the direction he was given.

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Ace tagged along behind Dan, in case any enemies showed up. (I don't get it, I recall him and Klotho arguing a lot. I guess he wants to change that. Though going alone makes me shiver. Who knows when the enemy might show itself?)

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*enters* I've been told that you haven't left your tent, since our departure. Is everything all right?

"Fine. Fine. Everything's just GREAT. Can you go and inform some people who left that NO ONE has asked permission of the Leader or General to actually leave the camp?"

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Dan stopped. "...You do realize I'm intending to go search for Klotho. As in going far away from the camp. Are you sure you want to follow me?"

Ace: "I figured that's what you were up to. To be honest, we don't have a solid method to pinpoint Klotho's whereabouts. Besides, why go alone when we can search as a group? And there's the fact you didn't ask the Leader or General to leave camp."

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"Fine. Fine. Everything's just GREAT. Can you go and inform some people who left that NO ONE has asked permission of the Leader or General to actually leave the camp?"

Kat seemed rather.... annoyed. I wasn't sure why exactly, but I'd surmise that quite a lot has happened in our absence. Er... Right then. However, there is something that you need to know, in regards to our mission. I'll be back in a minute. *exits and finds both Ace and Dan, who appears as if he's going somewhere*

Ace: "I figured that's what you were up to. To be honest, we don't have a solid method to pinpoint Klotho's whereabouts. Besides, why go alone when we can search as a group? And there's the fact you didn't ask the Leader or General to leave camp."

Going somewhere?

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Ace turned to face Marth, "Not anymore. I'm gonna head back. (No leads, not even a dream about Klotho... Dan isn't gonna find anything. We aren't gonna find her unless my dreams show me something.)" And on that note, Ace went back to camp.

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Ace turned to face Marth, "Not anymore. I'm gonna head back. (No leads, not even a dream about Klotho... Dan isn't gonna find anything. We aren't gonna find her unless my dreams show me something.)" And on that note, Ace went back to camp.

Good then. *turns to Dan* And as for you?

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"...You know as well as I do how stubborn I can be about these things...Where's Sorin?"

*sighs as she steps out of her tent* "OBVIOUSLY, he's not here. This means Silvia, who's sulking, sorry STUDYING, in her tent, is leader. Where Dusk is, I've no clue, but he's still the general. I highly advise NOT being a stubborn idiot about the whole thing. Find one of them and ask. If they say 'no', then suck it up. You're a soldier, not a temperamental brat. If something has happened to Klotho, then you need to just have faith she'll get out of it, UNLESS you have permission from one of the two to hunt for her. Which, considering we have villains and Annas to kill, might NOT be the best course of action for the good of the whole. Not that I can see why you're so obsessed with the idea in the first place. You two argue near constantly even on the best of days, and we are NOT in our best of days. Now, stop just charging all over the place. It's unhealthy. Go see Yuffie or Crizix for a check up. Or don't. Not like you'll listen to me anyway. Get an idea in your head and just rush about recklessly, without a care in the world for the bigger picture. Always save the girl, even when the girl in question might rather die than be helped." *sighs again* "And now I'm tired. Again. Don't bother me. If you want to go wandering about to your death, just be quick about it." *disappears back inside her tent*

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*sighs as she steps out of her tent* "OBVIOUSLY, he's not here. This means Silvia, who's sulking, sorry STUDYING, in her tent, is leader. Where Dusk is, I've no clue, but he's still the general. I highly advise NOT being a stubborn idiot about the whole thing. Find one of them and ask. If they say 'no', then suck it up. You're a soldier, not a temperamental brat. If something has happened to Klotho, then you need to just have faith she'll get out of it, UNLESS you have permission from one of the two to hunt for her. Which, considering we have villains and Annas to kill, might NOT be the best course of action for the good of the whole. Not that I can see why you're so obsessed with the idea in the first place. You two argue near constantly even on the best of days, and we are NOT in our best of days. Now, stop just charging all over the place. It's unhealthy. Go see Yuffie or Crizix for a check up. Or don't. Not like you'll listen to me anyway. Get an idea in your head and just rush about recklessly, without a care in the world for the bigger picture. Always save the girl, even when the girl in question might rather die than be helped." *sighs again* "And now I'm tired. Again. Don't bother me. If you want to go wandering about to your death, just be quick about it." *disappears back inside her tent*

"..." [i'm doing this because when I tried to go off on my own, you forced me back. But it seems that there is a double standard about this.] "...Sorin's gone...isn't he, Marth. Along with Jxemas?"

Edited by DenDurgon
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"...You know as well as I do how stubborn I can be about these things...Where's Sorin?"

Ace perked up hearing Dan's question. "Yeah... He should be back by now." Ace found a good spot to listen.

*sighs as she steps out of her tent* "OBVIOUSLY, he's not here. This means Silvia, who's sulking, sorry STUDYING, in her tent, is leader. Where Dusk is, I've no clue, but he's still the general. I highly advise NOT being a stubborn idiot about the whole thing. Find one of them and ask. If they say 'no', then suck it up. You're a soldier, not a temperamental brat. If something has happened to Klotho, then you need to just have faith she'll get out of it, UNLESS you have permission from one of the two to hunt for her. Which, considering we have villains and Annas to kill, might NOT be the best course of action for the good of the whole. Not that I can see why you're so obsessed with the idea in the first place. You two argue near constantly even on the best of days, and we are NOT in our best of days. Now, stop just charging all over the place. It's unhealthy. Go see Yuffie or Crizix for a check up. Or don't. Not like you'll listen to me anyway. Get an idea in your head and just rush about recklessly, without a care in the world for the bigger picture. Always save the girl, even when the girl in question might rather die than be helped." *sighs again* "And now I'm tired. Again. Don't bother me. If you want to go wandering about to your death, just be quick about it." *disappears back inside her tent*

"..." [i'm doing this because when I tried to go off on my own, you forced me back. But it seems that there is a double standard about this.] "...Sorin's gone...isn't he, Marth. Along with Jxemas?"

I was about to explain just what was going on, but Kat had already beat me to it. From her tone, she appears to be irritated, but does not yet know the full story. It might be better if I told her later but..... no, as one of his closest, she has to know about his current position. ..... you remember that tome that Xert was wielding? Well, just like Imhullu, anyone who opens the book will become corrupt. Jxemas opened it and attacked us, confirming that he was an enemy. Ultimately, he met his downfall by the hands of Sorin, and is now dead.

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"...And now you know why I'm going to find Klotho. We have lost too many. And I'm not going to allow another one to die if I can do something about it. I should have stayed. I should have stopped him. I should have stabbed and ripped that book apart! And now look at what's happened! And you people think I'm just going to stand by and not even try?! I didn't learn the importance of the alliss we have in the dimension from Mila and Doma for nothing! I will not stand by as my family is once again killed, one-by-one! Klotho is out there. Alone. Far away from her sister and her best friend. And if neither of the two want to go and look for her, then I will!"
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"...And now you know why I'm going to find Klotho. We have lost too many. And I'm not going to allow another one to die if I can do something about it. I should have stayed. I should have stopped him. I should have stabbed and ripped that book apart! And now look at what's happened! And you people think I'm just going to stand by and not even try?! I didn't learn the importance of the alliss we have in the dimension from Mila and Doma for nothing! I will not stand by as my family is once again killed, one-by-one! Klotho is out there. Alone. Far away from her sister and her best friend. And if neither of the two want to go and look for her, then I will!"

Dan, don't be rash. Sorin still lives, and if I recall, you didn't even like Jxemas to begin with. He was truly evil and had to be stopped at that moment. He made his choice ... and there was no salvation for him. As for Klotho..... I'm not sure what it is that happened with her, or why she is missing but being reckless and going off on your own is only going to get yourself killed. We'll find a way to handle her situation, but lets not forget that we already have problems among ourselves at the moment. We'll find her eventually, but we need a plan of action, as well as gathering ourselves from all of our troubles. No one said that we were to abandon her, as I personally would never allow such a thing.

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"...And now you know why I'm going to find Klotho. We have lost too many. And I'm not going to allow another one to die if I can do something about it. I should have stayed. I should have stopped him. I should have stabbed and ripped that book apart! And now look at what's happened! And you people think I'm just going to stand by and not even try?! I didn't learn the importance of the alliss we have in the dimension from Mila and Doma for nothing! I will not stand by as my family is once again killed, one-by-one! Klotho is out there. Alone. Far away from her sister and her best friend. And if neither of the two want to go and look for her, then I will!"

"You aren't going anywhere." *outside her tent again, irritated* "You have a JOB, and it is NOT to go hunting around for a missing person. It's to kill your enemies. There are a bunch of them still out here. Now stop being an idiot and go get checked by a healer. Mila and Doma didn't save your life so you can waste it on some fool's journey, and the gods are known for taking away miracles they feel are being wasted. Besides, for all YOU know, Dan, she'll shoot you on sight. Have you forgotten she absolutely loathes you in particular, much less her anger at all the other Dreamers? That's WHY you two argue all the time. You're fixated on her for some reason, and that is NOT healthy. Go play with Cassandra or something to get the excess energy out. Or have you transferred your affections to Klotho for some stupid reason?"

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As Dan and Kat were arguing outside of the latter's tent, Cassandra was still recovering from the mission, which she'd found to be very troubling for her both physically and mentally. However, every time she went over the events of the mission, there was one name that came to her mind more than any other.


There was no doubt about it; Pillow-kun had been a great help to her on the mission - again, both mentally (to calm her down) and physically (to kill off Angel with) - and to help her regain her confidence in talking to Dan for the first time since he'd disappeared and subsequently reappeared, free of Loptyr's influence.. Though, part of her wondered if perhaps she'd found the wrong cuddly being in camp to become attracted to... if maybe she'd made her own soulmate... She supposed it was possible, as she gripped Pillow-kun tightly and let out a soft purr, feeling as if she'd never want to let go of the pillow with a face.

Maybe it needed a wig to make the whole scene seem less weird without context.

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As Dan and Kat were arguing outside of the latter's tent, Cassandra was still recovering from the mission, which she'd found to be very troubling for her both physically and mentally. However, every time she went over the events of the mission, there was one name that came to her mind more than any other.


There was no doubt about it; Pillow-kun had been a great help to her on the mission - again, both mentally (to calm her down) and physically (to kill off Angel with) - and to help her regain her confidence in talking to Dan for the first time since he'd disappeared and subsequently reappeared, free of Loptyr's influence.. Though, part of her wondered if perhaps she'd found the wrong cuddly being in camp to become attracted to... if maybe she'd made her own soulmate... She supposed it was possible, as she gripped Pillow-kun tightly and let out a soft purr, feeling as if she'd never want to let go of the pillow with a face.

Maybe it needed a wig to make the whole scene seem less weird without context.

*points to Cassandra* "See? She's RIGHT there. Go talk and spend time with her, and stop thinking the best plan is to run off in a random direction that has already been looked over for clues." *returns to her tent, obviously still aggravated*

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"You aren't going anywhere." *outside her tent again, irritated* "You have a JOB, and it is NOT to go hunting around for a missing person. It's to kill your enemies. There are a bunch of them still out here. Now stop being an idiot and go get checked by a healer. Mila and Doma didn't save your life so you can waste it on some fool's journey, and the gods are known for taking away miracles they feel are being wasted. Besides, for all YOU know, Dan, she'll shoot you on sight. Have you forgotten she absolutely loathes you in particular, much less her anger at all the other Dreamers? That's WHY you two argue all the time. You're fixated on her for some reason, and that is NOT healthy. Go play with Cassandra or something to get the excess energy out. Or have you transferred your affections to Klotho for some stupid reason?"

"..." Dan took out Ragnell, still sheathed, and slammed it into the ground. Leaving the blade, he turned and began walking into the forest, visibly angered to the point of breaking. "Cassandra has something else to occupy her. I vould already smell what she did to that pillow anyways..." He dissapeared into the woods. He needed time to think.

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*points to Cassandra* "See? She's RIGHT there. Go talk and spend time with her, and stop thinking the best plan is to run off in a random direction that has already been looked over for clues." *returns to her tent, obviously still aggravated*

Yep, there's no doubt about it. She's clearly aggravated right now. So much is going wrong right now.... I wonder how we'll get out of this mess. And adding the fact that Sorin is no longer with us..... How will Silvia take all of the pressure? I do trust her, but this is REALLY a mess right now. I wonder if I can aid in calming Kat. *goes to brew some tea and re enters Kat's tent* Some tea to help calm down? I can see that everyone is under a lot of stress, along with yourself. And..... its not good for your baby. *places the cup on the table*

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"..." Dan took out Ragnell, still sheathed, and slammed it into the ground. Leaving the blade, he turned and began walking into the forest, visibly angered to the point of breaking. "Cassandra has something else to occupy her. I vould already smell what she did to that pillow anyways..." He dissapeared into the woods. He needed time to think.

"Oh, that's mature. Surely, Doma and Mila must be proud they used all that power to save you. But of course no one listen to my advice. No, everyone does their own thing, despite the fact that we're a group, and then act all shocked and upset when things go wrong. Fucking BRILLIANT."

Yep, there's no doubt about it. She's clearly aggravated right now. So much is going wrong right now.... I wonder how we'll get out of this mess. And adding the fact that Sorin is no longer with us..... How will Silvia take all of the pressure? I do trust her, but this is REALLY a mess right now. I wonder if I can aid in calming Kat. *goes to brew some tea and re enters Kat's tent* Some tea to help calm down? I can see that everyone is under a lot of stress, along with yourself. And..... its not good for your baby. *places the cup on the table*

​"…Get out." *very visibly angry* "Go deal with Silvia. Now."

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