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*comes out from the medical tent, in much less pain than he has been in of late* "... Hoo boy. What happened here?"

Ace had been reeling from the news that Jxemas was dead, Sorin, and apparently Angie and Gulasca weren't returning, when Poly came outside. "Let's see, Dan tried to look for Klotho only to get stopped by Kat, Jxemas is now dead, Sorin isn't coming back, and I'm guessing Angie and Gulasca aren't either. And now Dan went off to be alone." Ace then sighed, "How's Sis doing? Last I saw she went to go check up on you."
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Ace was glad to hear Alicia was fine, aside fom being a little tired. "From the sound of things, it's due to Klotho being MIA for a long while now. I can understand why though, she disappeared without a trace. Add to that Jxemas's death and Sorin's departure, Dan must feel the same as me right now. We lost the founder of the Dreamers and three more comrades. Assuming Angie and Gulasca aren't returning either."
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(the funny thing is, Marth never even mentioned that Sorin left. Too late for that now, huh? *shrugs*)

(Dan implied it. Kat was just mentioning that Sorin WASN'T here, though.)

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Meanwhile, Crizix was busy baking chocolate cupcakes for everyone. It was nice to be back with the Azure Dreamers; it really has been too long. This time, she experimented with a raspberry filling. When she was satisfied with the result, she went to look for someone, anyone. She followed faint voices until she saw a bunch of people discussing something. It sounded really important, but she still wanted to give them cupcakes...but maybe that wasn't appropriate. She was very unsure, so she tried to eavesdrop while holding cupcakes.

(Just wanted to post something since I haven't been here the whole week, lol. Incidentally, no one has posted anything since yesterday...How odd.)

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Meanwhile, Crizix was busy baking chocolate cupcakes for everyone. It was nice to be back with the Azure Dreamers; it really has been too long. This time, she experimented with a raspberry filling. When she was satisfied with the result, she went to look for someone, anyone. She followed faint voices until she saw a bunch of people discussing something. It sounded really important, but she still wanted to give them cupcakes...but maybe that wasn't appropriate. She was very unsure, so she tried to eavesdrop while holding cupcakes.

(Just wanted to post something since I haven't been here the whole week, lol. Incidentally, no one has posted anything since yesterday...How odd.)

(School work. There's a fight tomorrow, though. ^^)

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Everyone was under stress, and no progress was being made. On top of that, there are still three villains on the loose. With so much disarray, i decided to go to the training grounds to practice battle with the other Lords. I must admit, it was quite the match, to go against all of them. Even though I had witnessed their fighting styles first hand, actually battling them proved to be more challenging than I had predicted. Alm was far more an aggressive fighter than I had ever fought, Ephraim's lance-work proved to be difficult to follow with my weapon of choice being a sword. And then there's Ike's signature technique that makes him quite the fighter.

After about a good hour of sparring, I fixed myself up again and returned to the gate, waiting for our next course of action

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Last few days for Dusk has been moderately quiet. Not a lot was going on, which prompted him to stay in his hammock more so than usual. He liked it there though. Placed it so that a bunch of leaves and branches would cover his face from the sunlight that peered through the small gaps of the trees above him. Dusk has been quite bored, and really wanted to investigate the tree again. What Ace claimed to have spotted confused him though. [A face covered by the shadows? How interesting]. Dusk couldn't wait to go, and if the others didn't move soon, he considered going alone

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Dan awoke within the grove. How long had he been asleep, he wondered. The Rabbit was still there, under his hand. Only...there was more than a single rabbit. During his rest, he had attracted what seemed to be a massive amount of other animals, all of them asleep. A few small birds were on the ground. Some squirrels and chipmunks had nestled around his feet. A group of foxes had slept around him, one of them laying on his belly. He looked up to see even a large bear sleeping. This was odd. Normally, these animals would be trying to eat one another, but here they were. He started to move, and all of the animals began to wake up. The fox on him moved off as he got up. None of the animals attacked each other. They just sat there. Why was this? He didn't know.

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Actually, I wonder if kat is doing okay. She HAS been rather seclusive as of late. * goes to her tent and knocks on door* Kat? Would you like to talk?

"No, I would not, actually. I'm too busy yelling at things in my head."

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Ace: "My hands aren't so sore anymore, though still kinda bruised though." Ace mused as she finished changing the bandages on her hands. "Still, who was that obscured by shadows? I couldn't see the face very well in the dark so I have no idea who or what that was."

Jack Taylor meanwhile was trying to cheer up Alicia, who seemed to be worried about something. "Comeon Alicia, which trick do I have to pull out to make you grin?"

Alicia's voice had recovered enough for her to speak for short periods of time, "I'm worried."

Jack Taylor tilted his head, "About what?"

Alicia frowned a bit, "The dark souls gathered inside the Mila Tree. One among them looked like a hardened killer."

Jack Taylor frowned a bit this time, "Did you see what his face looked like?"

Alicia: "Not very well, but I could tell it was a man. He seemed to recognize me."

Jack Taylor started wondering, (A hardened killer, seems to know Alicia. Don't tell HE escaped. That bastard.)

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Crizix had holed herself up in her tent. In the end, none of the cupcakes were eaten, and she stowed them away in hammerspace in case of an emergency. "Hmmm. I haven't had a proper conversation with anyone ever since coming back...Oh well." She just decided to take a walk...or something. With her tome and staff on hand, she started wandering aimlessly through camp.

Edited by Crizix
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"All right, all right... we've been here for..." Dusk counted the days that have dragged past with his fingers... and got annoyed when he began counting on his second hand. "We've been here for too long, dammit!" Dusk rose from his hammock, jumped down and grabbed his weapons off the floor, already agitated by the lack of motivation the other members were showing. "I swear, between Ace and myself... Screw it" Dusk closed his eyes, spat on the floor and turned to face the forest, in the direction of Mila's Tree. Hesitating for a second, he shook his head and began to walk towards it

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"No, I would not, actually. I'm too busy yelling at things in my head."

Well.... all right then. Just.... if there ever is anything you would like to talk about, I'll be around.

"All right, all right... we've been here for..." Dusk counted the days that have dragged past with his fingers... and got annoyed when he began counting on his second hand. "We've been here for too long, dammit!" Dusk rose from his hammock, jumped down and grabbed his weapons off the floor, already agitated by the lack of motivation the other members were showing. "I swear, between Ace and myself... Screw it" Dusk closed his eyes, spat on the floor and turned to face the forest, in the direction of Mila's Tree. Hesitating for a second, he shook his head and began to walk towards it

*walks away to notice Dusk walking towards the tree* It wouldnt be wise to just go out there b yourself. Especially when we don't know whats up ahead

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*walks away to notice Dusk walking towards the tree* It wouldnt be wise to just go out there b yourself. Especially when we don't know whats up ahead

Dusk halted his progress, but didn't turn his head to face the King. He was annoyed, and he just wanted to see his dream a reality. "I've got a rough idea. And besides, we're not doing any good staying in the exact same spot for who knows how long" He started to raise his voice. "I want this crap dealt with now, and sitting put doing nothing is not benefiting us at all"

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Dusk halted his progress, but didn't turn his head to face the King. He was annoyed, and he just wanted to see his dream a reality. "I've got a rough idea. And besides, we're not doing any good staying in the exact same spot for who knows how long" He started to raise his voice. "I want this crap dealt with now, and sitting put doing nothing is not benefiting us at all"

he was right after all. It sure HAS been a while since something happened. That may be true, but going alone will do you no justice. And as your friend, I wouldnt want that to happen. But if nothing will sway you, at least allow me to accompany you

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he was right after all. It sure HAS been a while since something happened. That may be true, but going alone will do you no justice. And as your friend, I wouldnt want that to happen. But if nothing will sway you, at least allow me to accompany you

Dusk smirked. He liked the sound of that. "Yeah sure. Whatever you want"

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he was right after all. It sure HAS been a while since something happened. That may be true, but going alone will do you no justice. And as your friend, I wouldnt want that to happen. But if nothing will sway you, at least allow me to accompany you

Dusk smirked. He liked the sound of that. "Yeah sure. Whatever you want"

Crizix caught sight of DodgeDusk and King Marth. "Where are they planning on going? Should I ask...?" She wondered aloud.

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