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I can tell. Now, do you see a way in for us to start scaling the tree?

"Hmm..." Dusk tried to remember the layout of the tree, with limited success. "I think there's an entrance near the front of the tree. We can just walk in and scale the tree that way, battling as we go"

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"Hmm..." Dusk tried to remember the layout of the tree, with limited success. "I think there's an entrance near the front of the tree. We can just walk in and scale the tree that way, battling as we go"

Looking ahead the coast appeared to be clear.... for now that is. All right then With one hand on Falchion's hilt, I walked over to the entrance, which seemed to be unguarded

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(...You guys got married? o.o)

(Dusk and Kat got engaged. Kat's pregnant, though, which is why she's not fighting (and I've another char to fight with the Dreamers, but she's busy). There was a 6 month time skip after liberating the continent. ^^)

Edited by Aqua
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Looking ahead the coast appeared to be clear.... for now that is. All right then With one hand on Falchion's hilt, I walked over to the entrance, which seemed to be unguarded

"Don't let your guard down Marth..."

(...You guys got married? o.o)

(As did Poly and Ace's sister, Alicia)
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(Looks like someone has some supports to read~)

(Yeah, looks like I do. xD)

(Dusk and Kat got engaged. Kat's pregnant, though, which is why she's not fighting (and I've another char to fight with the Dreamers, but she's busy). There was a 6 month time skip after liberating the continent. ^^)

(...That explains a lot. >___<;)

(They reached S support, so yes. And there's another couple as well)

(well DAMN. I got ninja'd badly)

"Don't let your guard down Marth..." (As did Poly and Ace's sister, Alicia)

(I see...Now that I think about it, my character's still not acquainted with this Alicia person...or that Jack guy.)

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"Two things. First of all, Dusk has sauntered off with HK, Nathaniel, Crizix, and a few others to go scouting around Mila Tree. Second of all, I think we may need to have a chat."

"Of course they left. I don't, however, feel like talking."

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"Unfortunately for you Kat, I do. Something's bothering you, and I want to know what. Remember when you slapped me? I do, because it kind of hurt, and also because of the conversation. 'Do you feel better now that you've talked?', 'That's why you don't let things sit. It feels yucky until you get it off your chest.'. I remember you said those things to me, and I've been feeling better since then. Now it's your turn to talk, Kat. What's bothering you?"

Yuffie sat down on the ground, and waited for Kat to reply.

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"Unfortunately for you Kat, I do. Something's bothering you, and I want to know what. Remember when you slapped me? I do, because it kind of hurt, and also because of the conversation. 'Do you feel better now that you've talked?', 'That's why you don't let things sit. It feels yucky until you get it off your chest.'. I remember you said those things to me, and I've been feeling better since then. Now it's your turn to talk, Kat. What's bothering you?"

Yuffie sat down on the ground, and waited for Kat to reply.

(…Wow, going to the support)

​"…Well, I highly doubt talking about how worthless and useless I am is going to change facts."

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Crizix was feeling a little uneasy. She was sensing something magical...Was it the tree, or an enemy? She tried to calm down, but knowing that a tome-wielding enemy with such a pervasive aura would undoubtedly be strong was not helping. "C-Calm...down, it could just be the tree..." She mumbled to herself.

Edited by Crizix
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(…Wow, going to the support)

​"…Well, I highly doubt talking about how worthless and useless I am is going to change facts."

(Bringing out the big guns! Wahahaha!)

"Beg pardon? Worthless? Useless? YOU?! Kat, you're being ridiculous! You're been naught but a benefit to the Dreamers! Where on earth is this coming from?"

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(Bringing out the big guns! Wahahaha!)

"Beg pardon? Worthless? Useless? YOU?! Kat, you're being ridiculous! You're been naught but a benefit to the Dreamers! Where on earth is this coming from?"

"Well, let's see. Every time I try to give advice, it just makes the person worse off, normally leading to hysterics or them storming off in anger. No one visits save for you. I can't fight. I can't contribute anything. I'm just a drain on resources. That more or less defines being useless."

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Alicia had tagged along after her uncle and the two of them had caught up to the others fairly quickly. A surprise given Jack Taylor lazed about unless he had to slit someone's neck. Ace had stayed behind and decided to pay Kat a visit. Though Yuffie was talking to her so Ace took a seat on the ground outside of her tent.
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"Well, let's see. Every time I try to give advice, it just makes the person worse off, normally leading to hysterics or them storming off in anger. No one visits save for you. I can't fight. I can't contribute anything. I'm just a drain on resources. That more or less defines being useless."

"Ummm, okay. Right, first of all, Dusk and myself, and Silvia would be highly inclined to disagree with that first point. Well, Dusk and myself would. Silvia's had a few hysterical moments, but she's on the way up now. People don't visit because they're afraid of distressing you, not because of anything else. Yes, you can't fight at the moment, but that doesn't make you useful. There's still loads of things that you can do, like giving advice, offering another perspective on matters, and so on. And hypothetically speaking, IF you were to become incapable of doing anything, you still wouldn't be useless, or a waste of resources. You'd still be our friend! Friends are there to help friends in need, and we're all here to help each other out. You're not useless, and you never will be!"

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"Ummm, okay. Right, first of all, Dusk and myself, and Silvia would be highly inclined to disagree with that first point. Well, Dusk and myself would. Silvia's had a few hysterical moments, but she's on the way up now. People don't visit because they're afraid of distressing you, not because of anything else. Yes, you can't fight at the moment, but that doesn't make you useful. There's still loads of things that you can do, like giving advice, offering another perspective on matters, and so on. And hypothetically speaking, IF you were to become incapable of doing anything, you still wouldn't be useless, or a waste of resources. You'd still be our friend! Friends are there to help friends in need, and we're all here to help each other out. You're not useless, and you never will be!"

"Except no one has visited, no one even bothers to ask me for advice, and when I give it anyway, people yell, go into hysterics, or, worse, tell me to go rest because I'm 'stressing the baby'. …So, actually, now that I think about it, I'm WORSE than useless."

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"Except no one has visited, no one even bothers to ask me for advice, and when I give it anyway, people yell, go into hysterics, or, worse, tell me to go rest because I'm 'stressing the baby'. …So, actually, now that I think about it, I'm WORSE than useless."

"People aren't visiting because they don't want to put any strain on you Kat. It doesn't seem that way, and it makes no sense, but that's why. And people tend to not react well to advice - people tend to not like admitting that they don't have it all figured out. We're human. That makes us irrational, illogical, and fairly daft. You know that as well as I do. You're not useless, and I refuse to allow that to go unsaid."

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"People aren't visiting because they don't want to put any strain on you Kat. It doesn't seem that way, and it makes no sense, but that's why. And people tend to not react well to advice - people tend to not like admitting that they don't have it all figured out. We're human. That makes us irrational, illogical, and fairly daft. You know that as well as I do. You're not useless, and I refuse to allow that to go unsaid."

"Right, so not even Dusk visits because of the 'strain'. Instead, he huffs and grumbles all around camp without even trying to solve some of the disputes. No one does, but then they all complain about how we aren't getting anything done. I try and I get yelled at or told to just 'go back to your room' or something equally ridiculous. Yuffie, I'm NOT doing anything but being a strain. I'm useless, because the only thing I can possibly do just gets me yelled at or causes more problems."

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"Right, so not even Dusk visits because of the 'strain'. Instead, he huffs and grumbles all around camp without even trying to solve some of the disputes. No one does, but then they all complain about how we aren't getting anything done. I try and I get yelled at or told to just 'go back to your room' or something equally ridiculous. Yuffie, I'm NOT doing anything but being a strain. I'm useless, because the only thing I can possibly do just gets me yelled at or causes more problems."

"I don't know what's up with Dusk, so I'm not going to get involved in that. Or why everyone's huffing around, for that matter. That's something I can't explain. I'll just go with the 'people are strange' explanation. Everyone's telling you to go back to your tent because they're worried for you, but a smidge overzealous about it. And by a smidge, I mean an huge amount. You're not causing problems, Kat. And that's a view I'm going to stick with."

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"I don't know what's up with Dusk, so I'm not going to get involved in that. Or why everyone's huffing around, for that matter. That's something I can't explain. I'll just go with the 'people are strange' explanation. Everyone's telling you to go back to your tent because they're worried for you, but a smidge overzealous about it. And by a smidge, I mean an huge amount. You're not causing problems, Kat. And that's a view I'm going to stick with."

​"…Well, obviously, I can't get you to stop lying to yourself."

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