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Ace had been sitting down, listening mostly. She had gone off to try a recipe from her mothers cookbook. "Mmmm, this cinammin candy recipe is awesome. Mother has some darn good recipes in that book." Ace said before eating a piece.
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Dusk and the other Dreamers had finally made their way towards Mila Tree and was surprised by the lack of patrols around the area. Dusk thought that maybe they had moved somewhere else, but the possibility of that was next to non-existent. Nevertheless, the cautious liberators walked into the tree and began their advancement, not knowing what kind of horrors they were about to face

The group didn't get very far when the scent around them started to smell... off. Everything around them started to dim slightly, and the strong aroma of what seemed to be rotten flesh and meat. It wasn't the first time Dusk had properly smelt this, but it still almost made him gag. It was foul, yet they stomached through it and continued climbing up the enormous tree, knowing that whatever was here when Ace spied on them was still here. But this rank? Something was very much wrong, and the lack of guards made the entire squad even more cautious and nervous, despite seeing something similar in the Feroxi port all those months ago

Meanwhile, near the top of tree where the Divine Dragon Tiki once resided, a couple of the undead was beginning to gather. A human too, yet how the man co-existed with the undead was unknown to the few people that witnessed it. They're no longer alive, as the carcass' littered across the floor clearly showed. In the middle of the crowd forming was a towering figure. Coloured indigo and having glowing pink lines running across its body, the.... thing was surely a sight not to be seen. The crooked four horns on its head, heavy fists digging into the floor and its humongous wingspan showed off how intimidating and powerful the creature was, never minding the creepy 'smirk' it bestowed on its face. Tail snapping in the air, it was truly a terrifying creature. It began to stretch its body out, pushing its shoulders back and raising its head as it does, looking down and its subordinates it once and still ruled. "... It appears we have the humans in our land..." It scanned the area below him and snapped its tail once more, a thunderous crack ripping through the sky. "My slaves, tear them apart, limb for limb. Show the humans what happens when they defy us. Make them tremble in their boots in despair and awe as you slay them on the spot. Make it known that Fomortiis has returned. And this time..." The Demon King pulled a faint smirk. "... Without a Sacred Stone in their grasp, I am unstoppable!" Fomortiis turned to face a cloaked humanoid and a white-ish draco zombie near him. "I want you to take this pawn and lead the assault against the idiotic humans. I want their faces to drop as they realise their life leaks out of their bodies like a waterfall. Slowly though. I want them to see themselves bear witness to their own demise"

(And now we wait for Ace)

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(Here now, I'll have Ace show up as a reinforcement. For now its just Alicia and Jack Taylor I'll be RPing as.)

The cloaked man, Wayne Chambers smirked. Finally, the time to finish his job had begun. He had a Draco-Zombie and a mix of his associates and Grimleals with him in addition to Formotiis's troops. Wayne turned to face his troops, Yewfelle Bow in hand, "Alright men and fellow creatures! Our prey have finally walked in to our grasp! Now move out and kill them all! Hold nothing back, especially against supernaturally gifted Dreamers named Ace Tactician, Alicia Taylor, and het "Father" Jack Taylor. Kill them before they can kill you! Now get out there!"

A deafening roar resounded as the Human-like Risen and Draco-Zombie stormed out to greet the Dreamers.

Jack Taylor didn't waste any time calling Wayne out, "So...you escaped fron Hell after all."

Wayne Chambers stepped out into the light, his dark brown hair covering the right side of his face, "If it isn't the greatest slacker of them all. Jack Taylor."

Alicia froze, "You...what you've done to my family, I'll never forgive you."

Wayne smirked, "I didn't come to ask for your forgiveness, Judge. I came to end your miserable life once and for all!"

Jack Taylor drew our his Silver Dagger, "Leave this bastard to me! I'll send him back to the Hell he belongs in!"

Wayne laughed, "As if, Jack. I know your strengths and weaknesses. All of you! Your lazing about gave me plenty of time to plan my attack. I am Wayne Chambers! Slayer of Supernaturals! Today shall be your final day!"


4 Warriors, 2 with Brave Bow, 2 with Helswath

1 Valkyrie with Thoron, Recover, Physic

1 Sage with Rexcailbur, Cathrsis

2 War Monks with Physic, Silver Axe, Tomahawk

5 Wyvern Lords, 2 with Brave Lance, 3 with Brave Axe

4 Swordmasters with Silver Swords

1 Falcon Knight with Brave Lance, Spear, Mend.

5 Sorcerors with Ruin

[spoiler=Wayne Chambers]

Class: Assassin

Weapons: Brave Sword, Yewfelle










Skills: Lethality, Pass, Hit +20, Aegis, Swordbreaker

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Dan sensed something was off. There was a stench coming from somewhere. And it seemed most of the animals around him could smell it as well. The bear looked towards the tree. That must be where it is coming from. Suddenly, he saw a pack of wolves running towards the tree. Wolves...yet another oddity. Dan starting to walk towards the tree, then realized he was being followed by the animals that surrounded him. The bear, the foxes, the rabbit, all of them. And some more it seems. More animals had appeared behind him. But why were they all here? All in peace and harmony? And seeing them all together made him think. Think about the Annas. About perhaps they could live in harmony with us as well. And yet the thoughts of them murdering innocent civilians, the thoughts of creating husks out of their own sisters, troubled him. But now was not the time. He marched towards the Mila tree, with what seemed to be an entire squadron of animals. With the rabbit was right behind Dan.

Edited by DenDurgon
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With a blood-curdling cry, the Risen started to bombard the Dreamers. The Wyvern Lords and the Falcon Knight flew in tandem alongside the Draco Zombie, assaulting them with lances, axes and deadly breath. The Swordmasters and Warriors charged towards them, pelting the Dreamers with heavy weaponry and swift strikes. Any human that was lucky to evade the en masse of weapons got attacked by the dark magic of the Sorcerers. It was truly one hell of a way to start to battle, and the Dreamers were caught off-guard by the sheer ferocity of the enemy

Dusk stepped back and crouched, drawing his silver bow out and began aiming at the aerial enemies, knowing that a well-placed hit would bring them to the ground instantly. The others Dreamers didn't seem to be doing much, so he began the retaliation by sending an arrow through the hide of a wyvern, the additional damage quickly bought it to its death

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Without her steed, Crizix was at a clear disadvantage. She was feeling something terrible in her gut as well. Still, she steeled herself and fired a Rexcalibur spell at one of the Wyvern Lords.

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Two Wyverns were down, and Alicia took out one of the War Monks while Jack Taylor crippled the Sage. Disabling it from using staves. The souls that were felled got dragged off the field by Mira of the Dawn, being returned to the Hell plane where they belonged.

Ace meanwhile had begun madly dashing towards the Mila Tree.

(Phone about to die, bbl)

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Just when I had thought that it would be easy climbing, I was wrong, just a few minutes ago, there was a putrid smell of the dead, and now comes a legion of soldiers. But yet.... these ones appear to be different somehow. I cant put my finger on why though. I was right to be cautious.

Quickly unsheathing Falchion, I rushed forward and jumped into the air to assault one of the Wyvern Lords. It was a bit of a struggle actually. Both he and I were wrestling on top of the wyvern for control. In the end, I managed to knock him off with him landing on his back, stab the wyvern and then leap off to pierce his back and end him.

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Dan had finally made it to the entrance. He stood there, looking forward into the dark that the opening held. He looked back at tge animals that had followed him, and put a hand up towards them. "Stay here." They seemed to understand. Smiling, he turned back, and ran inside. Unbeknownst to him, however, is that he did not go in alone.
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Crizix was about to aim at another Wyvern Lord when she caught a Tomahawk flying at her out of the corner of her eye. She dodged, although a bit clumsily (she was completely unused to fighting on foot), and aimed a spell at the offending War Monk.

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Crizix was about to aim at another Wyvern Lord when she caught a Tomahawk flying at her out of the corner of her eye. She dodged, although a bit clumsily (she was completely unused to fighting on foot), and aimed a spell at the offending War Monk.

Easy there Crizix. You don't want to lose your footing

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(I'm back)

Ace rushed towards the entrance of the Mila Tree, "I hope I'm not too late."


Jack Taylor finished off the Sage, "One healer down, a few more to go. Then I can finally move on to the annoying twit himself."

Alicia was about to aim a spell at the Falcon Knight when a Swordmaster lunged at her. Alicia barely managed to dodge, getting a nick on her arm. Alicia cast Celica's Gale on the Swordmaster, landing a critical hit on it which killed it.

But unknown to her, Wayne had used that chance to fire an arrow at her. The arrow hit for 15 damage, "Gah!" Alicia pulled out the arrow to glare at Wayne.

Wayne smirked, "I didn't know Emotionless Judge Taylor had emotions. Oh wait, that's because you had to go and fall head over heels for The Emperor of North Ferox there."

Alicia glared a death glare at Wayne, "You leave Poly out of this!"

Wayne only smirked wider, "And why would I do that? Emperor of North Ferox? Don't make me laugh. Recently he hasn't quite lived up to that nickname. What I don't understand is why THAT GUY gets more second chances than the average person ever gets! He commits suicide TWICE! He was ALMOST within my grasp! But noooooooo! You, your sister, and your Mother had to come together just to save his pathetic life!"

Alicia was getting beyond pissed at this point, "You are still the same, horrible man I killed seven years ago! And I will see you returned to Hell!"

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*cracks his neck* "Alright... so, I'm not quite sure what's going on here. But I'm just gonna assume that you..." *points at Wayne* "... are a miserable fuckhead that badly wants my axe embedded in his head."

Cassandra ran onto the field with a start, drastically looking for Dan. Pulling out her sword, she raced across the field, searching for the young Swordmaster, praying he wasn't doing something stupid.

Edited by Polydeuces
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Easy there Crizix. You don't want to lose your footing

"Ah ha ha..." Crizix turned to King Marth with a sheepish expression. "Forgive me, sire. I-I just...haven't battled without Luna before..."

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Wayne was grinning now, "Hehehehe, suuuuuure. I can play with the lovebirds for a while. What better way to break a supernaturally gifted person than to make watch their loved one's die before their eyes. The King of Slackers can wait, I have a contract to fufill." Wayne notched another arrow, "That is to kill Alicia Taylor."

All around Wayne the remaining foes moved towards the Dreamers present. A Sorcerer casting a Ruin spell at Marth. A Warrior fired an arrow at Crizix, another Warrior lunged at Poly Helswath in hand, another Sorcerer cast Ruin on Jack Taylor, who wound up taking a hit. The rest of them, Draco Zombie included moved up towards the Dreamers.

Wayne turned to the Draco Zombie with a grin, "Oh Lady Tikiiiii. Can you be a dear and kill little miss Chaotic weapon, the Trueblade and his Assassin girlfriend?"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"... Tch." *blocks the Warrior's Helswath attack with Armads* "If this is the best you have to throw at us, asshat, then I'm sure you won't be much of a useful plaything."

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"Ah ha ha..." Crizix turned to King Marth with a sheepish expression. "Forgive me, sire. I-I just...haven't battled without Luna before..."

Well,you might want to get us-

Wayne was grinning now, "Hehehehe, suuuuuure. I can play with the lovebirds for a while. What better way to break a supernaturally gifted person than to make watch their loved one's die before their eyes. The King of Slackers can wait, I have a contract to fufill." Wayne notched another arrow, "That is to kill Alicia Taylor."

All around Wayne the remaining foes moved towards the Dreamers present. A Sorcerer casting a Ruin spell at Marth. A Warrior fired an arrow at Crizix, another Warrior lunged at Poly Helswath in hand, another Sorcerer cast Ruin on Jack Taylor, who wound up taking a hit. The rest of them, Draco Zombie included moved up towards the Dreamers.

before I could finish my sentence, an arrow was shot at Crizix, which i sliced in two before it could make impact. However, I was unaware of the sorceror targeting me and took a hit from the dark spell, as the dark spell enveloped my body. Nearly stumbling, I looked up to see, that looked like..... a dead zombie dragon?

Reviving the dead? What a scoundrel this person is! Wait a second.... Is that...... No.....no no nono NO!

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Well,you might want to get us-

before I could finish my sentence, an arrow was shot at Crizix, which i sliced in two before it could make impact. However, I was unaware of the sorceror targeting me and took a hit from the dark spell, as the dark spell enveloped my body. Nearly stumbling, I looked up to see, that looked like..... a dead zombie dragon?

Reviving the dead? What a scoundrel this person is! Wait a second.... Is that...... No.....no no nono NO!

"S-Sire! Are you all right ?!" King Marth probably hadn't noticed the sorcerer because he defended Crizix from the arrow, which made her feel very guilty. She pulled out her Mend Staff, but before she could start using it, she noticed that his face had gone pale. His sudden yelling also caught her off guard. She found herself hesitant to speak. "...Sire...? What's wrong...?"

Edited by Crizix
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Ace finally managed to make her way inside, and the awful smell. "Holy---- that reaaally reeks. Follow the smell and I'll find my comrades and sister."


Jack Taylor was about to go after the Valkyrie, but decided that Wayne couldn't wait any longer. His insults towards Alicia and Poly were beginning to annoy him.

Wayne wasn't paying any attention to Jack, he was busy aiming an arrow at Poly while he was fighting off the Warrior.

Before he could fire the arrow, he felt a knife embed itself in his arm for 15 damage. Wayne had to drop his arrow to pull out the offending Peshkatz and throw it back at Jack, who caught it. "Dang it Jack! You disrupted my aim!"

Alicia tore the Warrior apart with forged Celica's Gale before casting another spell at Wayne via Galeforce. One spell hit Wayne for 29 damage, the other one missed. Wayne had 36HP left after all those attacks.

Jack Taylor had to tease him about it, "What's wrong Wayne? If you didn't go about ticking people off and rushing in like this, you wouldn't be so POUNDED!"

At that moment the Valkyrie used its Physic staff to heal Wayne up to 78HP.

Alicia frowned, "Those healers are going to draw this fight out. They must be dealt with."

Wayne smirked, "Not unless you beat me first, Judge. And I intend to see you die!"

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*trembling and drops Falchion at the sight of the Dracozomie* I...... I could have prevented this..... I .....I could have saved you... you'd still be with us and alive if I had just...... But I failed.... I couldn't reach you in time..... And now...... now look at you.... Look what they've done to you! What you've become! Tiki...... *punches the ground* WHY?!

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*trembling and drops Falchion at the sight of the Dracozomie* I...... I could have prevented this..... I .....I could have saved you... you'd still be with us and alive if I had just...... But I failed.... I couldn't reach you in time..... And now...... now look at you.... Look what they've done to you! What you've become! Tiki...... *punches the ground* WHY?!

Crizix could do nothing but stare silently at him for a minute. Then she cocked her head towards the Dracozombie...which seemed to be preparing to attack them.


She didn't have a Barrier Staff, but she channeled her energy through the palm of her hand to generate a small magical force field enveloping her, King Marth, and possibly Polydeuces (Is he standing near them?). Hopefully this would be enough to repel the oncoming attack.

(My character is allowed to have new tricks on virtue of being away training for a long time...right...?)

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Crizix could do nothing but stare silently at him for a minute. Then she cocked her head towards the Dracozombie...which seemed to be preparing to attack them.


She didn't have a Barrier Staff, but she channeled her energy through the palm of her hand to generate a small magical force field enveloping her, King Marth, and possibly Polydeuces (Is he standing near them?). Hopefully this would be enough to repel the oncoming attack.

(My character is allowed to have new tricks on virtue of being away training for a long time...right...?)

(Well.... yes, we did say that, but to be able to use staff magic without a staff? That..... doesn't happen in FE, save for Micaiah. Sorry to say.Though, we could figure out something for you. Just.... not something like that.)

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