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(sorry for the wait)

Ace couldn't believe what she was seeing, Duck was now a zombiefied corpse under Formotiis's command. "I haven't forgotten about Duck, or any of those who died for this dream! Let me make this clear, I don't intend for anymore to die here!" Ace decides to pair up with Marth, for it was better to fight together than alone. Even moreso with their former friend and comrade now turned against them as a puppet.

Marth: Not only did it create a monster out of my long time friend, it had the AUDACIOUSNESS to take over the just deceased Duck. Ephraim and Eirika were not kidding about you. In both name and being, you really ARE a monster! Such atrocities cannot go unpunished. Like the many years before, prepare to be faced by your own nightmare! With Ace, joined beside me, we charged after Fomortiis, since it was the head of the undead forces.

(Marth max health: 70)

Alicia frowned, this was troubling. Duck's spirit would not be able to move on until this puppet body was destroyed. (Poly...Uncle Jack...We could use you both right now. Please tell me you managed to talk some sense into Poly. For now...) Alicia drew out her forged Celica's Gale tome, "Duck...what has happened to you is truly awful. As the Judge of Souls, allow me to finally lead you to the peace you deserve." Alicia moves to attack Zombie!Duck, firing off a spell at him. And noting the zombie horde behind him. (Poly...if you were here. This scene would be familiar to you.)

So the dead Dreamer was resurrected as a zombie...Crizix never noticed him when he was alive, but she still felt a pang of sadness...though she probably had an advantage right now over those who did know him. After a long moment, she decided that she should attack the Dreamer zombie first. She quickly flipped her Rexcalibur tome open and fired at the one called "Duck".

Enemy Phase:

(note: It'd be nice if everyone posted their health with all of their actions)

Duck: Being dead, Zombie Duck had no recollection of the Dreamers before it at all. What were once friends and allies, it now only sees as prey for his murderous intent and hunger for flesh & blood. It may have been mindless, but it certainly still knew how to fight. Noticing both Alicia and Crizix aiming to strike him, it called forth its army of the dead and they shielded him from the attack. Their burned an mutilated bodies littered the ground before it when the smoke cleared from their spells, as the same zombies that were killed, were quickly replaced by a new batch of zombies out from the ground. But where was Duck? He was nowhere to be found. Unbeknownst to the Dreamers, before their attacks made impact on the zombie mooks that guarded it, Zombie!Duck had burrowed under ground, rose out from underneath, grabbing the leg of Alicia and slashed her back with its Killing Edge, dealing 23 damage.


  1. Charges after Crizix and lunges with its lance, but misses
  2. Attacks Samson, dealing 22 damage
  3. Attacks Polydeuces, dealing 14 damage
  4. Attacks Wizard dealing 20 damage
  5. Attacks Marth: dealing 16 damage


Marth's attack missed, but Ace's attack with Mercurius managed to land, but it activated Pavise, reducing damage to 10. It was still unfazed, for the Demon King had a very durable body, despite it not having one for many years. It simply laughed at their attempt. Futile. There is no hope for any of you. I am omnipotent! *Attacks with Demon Light, dealing 30 damage to Marth*

Player Phase!!

(Marth HP: 24)

(Fomortiis HP: 110)

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Dusk was shaking. For once in his life, he was quivering in his boots, and not because he was cold... He just noticed the zombified Duck slash at Alicia's leg, and he just... couldn't move. His killer bow was in his hands, ready to send arrows into the enemy, but he just couldn't. Not now, anyway. Everything seemed so... distant from him. The cries of battle rang hollow through his eardrums, as if he was in a dream state. Was this even real? Confused about his state and his surroundings, Dusk's iron heart and mind was clearly no more, but was tattered and stained in something that just... wasn't him

(Dusk didn't do anything this turn. Is it possible for you to send the two of them out now, HK? :3)

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Dusk was shaking. For once in his life, he was quivering in his boots, and not because he was cold... He just noticed the zombified Duck slash at Alicia's leg, and he just... couldn't move. His killer bow was in his hands, ready to send arrows into the enemy, but he just couldn't. Not now, anyway. Everything seemed so... distant from him. The cries of battle rang hollow through his eardrums, as if he was in a dream state. Was this even real? Confused about his state and his surroundings, Dusk's iron heart and mind was clearly no more, but was tattered and stained in something that just... wasn't him

(Dusk didn't do anything this turn. Is it possible for you to send the two of them out now, HK? :3)

(You mean the twins?)

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Ace had to frown, seeing Marth miss with his attack meant blades wouldn't be as effective against this foe. And his statement made her blood boil a bit, but there wasn't enough Chaotic energy present to go into Chaos Mode or use an Ignis for that matter. "Shut up Demon-face! You're not omnipotent! You're just a miserable, oversized demon who needs to be reduced to ashes!" Ace sheathed Mercurius and took out Valflame and fired off a flaming burst at the evil monster, noting that Marth should be able to take advantage of the Demon King fending off the spell to land a hit with a follow up attack.

(Ace max health: 80)

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Crizix's HP: 63

(I don't know Samson's HP...If he's paired up with me, does he get to make a move?)

The zombie's lance thrust missed Crizix, but everyone else looked significantly injured already...Duly noting that her attack failed to hit the zombified Duck, who was no longer in her field of vision, she decided that healing everyone else was her priority as the only staff user present. She would save her new Fortify Staff for later, though. Taking her Physic, she healed the one who had taken the most damage: King Marth.

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(I do!)

(Also, Dusk has 80 health. Sorry)

(Okay then. Gimme a minute)

Crizix's HP: 63

(I don't know Samson's HP...If he's paired up with me, does he get to make a move?)

The zombie's lance thrust missed Crizix, but everyone else looked significantly injured already...Duly noting that her attack failed to hit the zombified Duck, who was no longer in her field of vision, she decided that healing everyone else was her priority as the only staff user present. She would save her new Fortify Staff for later, though. Taking her Physic, she healed the one who had taken the most damage: King Marth.

(Samson's max HP is 80)

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He still couldn't find his weapon, although it was probably farther down the tree. He looked around for something he could use. He saw a small branch, but decided against it. Instead, he moved fartger away from tge direction of the enemy zombies.

Current HP: 80/80

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Ace had to frown, seeing Marth miss with his attack meant blades wouldn't be as effective against this foe. And his statement made her blood boil a bit, but there wasn't enough Chaotic energy present to go into Chaos Mode or use an Ignis for that matter. "Shut up Demon-face! You're not omnipotent! You're just a miserable, oversized demon who needs to be reduced to ashes!" Ace sheathed Mercurius and took out Valflame and fired off a flaming burst at the evil monster, noting that Marth should be able to take advantage of the Demon King fending off the spell to land a hit with a follow up attack.

(Ace max health: 80)

The zombie's lance thrust missed Crizix, but everyone else looked significantly injured already...Duly noting that her attack failed to hit the zombified Duck, who was no longer in her field of vision, she decided that healing everyone else was her priority as the only staff user present. She would save her new Fortify Staff for later, though. Taking her Physic, she healed the one who had taken the most damage: King Marth.

The demon's power was overwhelming. Is this what the twins of Renais destroyed? Such a feat is worth their legends. I was struggling to get up from its last attack, until the healing light of Crizix's staff revitalized my strength. You have my thanks Crizix. Noticing what Ace was trying to do, I quickly got up and rushed forward, taking a swing at its leg.

(Marth HP: 60)

Meanwhile, at the camp of the Dreamers, the twins were sitting idly in Marth's tent, along the other lords. That is, until hey heard the dreadful roar from the Mila Tree.

Eirika: Brother, do you see that? Over yonder, by that strangely tall tree.

Ephraim: I noticed as well. Such an ominous atmosphere can only be the doings of one being.

Eirika: You don't mean......

Ephraim: Yes. The great adversary of antiquity......

Eirika: But how?! We destroyed its body back in our age and continent, and sealed away its soul. For what and how is it here?!

Ephraim: I don't know. But we're not about to let it roam free are we? You said that it came from atop that tree?

Eirika: Well, yes but....... OH! Marth and the Dreamers are up there! Ephraims, we have to help them!

Ephraim: *Atop his steed with his lance* My thoughts exactly. There's no time to waste right now. A monster has returned from the depths of hell, aiming to continue what it couldn't in the past.

Eirika: So then, you know what must be done. *Heeves herself onto his horse* I hope that we're not too late.

Ephraim: Nor I. Hyaa! *Gallops as fast as a horse physically can and rushes up towards the top of the Milla Tree.

(Due to the Mila Tree's great size, the two of them will arrive on the battlefield on the next coming player phase)

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Alicia groaned a bit from the wound she took from Zombie!Duck. She was about to try attacking again when her uncle called out to her.

Jack Taylor: "Y'know, Poly is over there all by his angsty lonesome. You go lend him a hand, I'll handle this fellow."

Alicia cringed, "Uncle Jack...do you mean Poly is here?!" Alicia turned to see Poly a few yards away facing zombies, "Just like before when he and Sumia were facing all those Risen. Not this time, history will not repeat itself! I'll make sure of that!" Alicia moves and pairs up with Poly, given her leg injury.

(Alicia max health 57)

Jack Taylor watched Alicia walk over towards Poly, despite her leg injury paining her as she walked, "Alright then, I may not have been able to meet you before your untimely death. But rest assured, I'll be the one to send you on your merry way to the next life. Where you should be by now."

Jack Taylor equips his Silver Dagger and lunges to attack Zombie!Duck. (Jack Taylor max health 70)

[spoiler=Jack Taylor's stats and weapon attack rates]


HP: 70

Str: 35

Mag: 5

Skill: 46

Speed: 48

Luck: 41

Defense: 30

Resistance: 30

Asset: Speed

Flaw: Luck

Skills: Bane, Hit +20, Pass, Bowbreaker, Lucky Seven

Weapons: Stiletto, Silver Dagger, Peshkatz

Other items: an “Elixir” or two, a small black book, and some coins

With Peshkatz

48 attack, 180 hit(179.5) 23 crit, 93 avoid (92.5)

With Silver Dagger

47 attack, 175 hit(174.5) 28 crit, 93 avoid (92.5)

With Stiletto

43 attack, 170 hit (169.5), 43 crit, 93 avoid (92.5)

Based on Awakening calculations

Edited by Ace Tactician
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*glares at the zombified remains of his friend Duck* "... Damn it. And to think, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help rebuild Ferox with me & Alicia." *sighs* "At the very least, let me send you home in peace... And rest assured, whoever or whatever did this to do will fall to hell." *moves closer to the zombified Duck*

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Enemy Phase!

Alicia groaned a bit from the wound she took from Zombie!Duck. She was about to try attacking again when her uncle called out to her.

Jack Taylor: "Y'know, Poly is over there all by his angsty lonesome. You go lend him a hand, I'll handle this fellow."

Alicia cringed, "Uncle Jack...do you mean Poly is here?!" Alicia turned to see Poly a few yards away facing zombies, "Just like before when he and Sumia were facing all those Risen. Not this time, history will not repeat itself! I'll make sure of that!" Alicia moves and pairs up with Poly, given her leg injury.

(Alicia max health 57)

Jack Taylor watched Alicia walk over towards Poly, despite her leg injury paining her as she walked, "Alright then, I may not have been able to meet you before your untimely death. But rest assured, I'll be the one to send you on your merry way to the next life. Where you should be by now."

Jack Taylor equips his Silver Dagger and lunges to attack Zombie!Duck. (Jack Taylor max health 70)

[spoiler=Jack Taylor's stats and weapon attack rates]


HP: 70

Str: 35

Mag: 5

Skill: 46

Speed: 48

Luck: 41

Defense: 30

Resistance: 30

Asset: Speed

Flaw: Luck

Skills: Bane, Hit +20, Pass, Bowbreaker, Lucky Seven

Weapons: Stiletto, Silver Dagger, Peshkatz

Other items: an “Elixir” or two, a small black book, and some coins

With Peshkatz

48 attack, 180 hit(179.5) 23 crit, 93 avoid (92.5)

With Silver Dagger

47 attack, 175 hit(174.5) 28 crit, 93 avoid (92.5)

With Stiletto

43 attack, 170 hit (169.5), 43 crit, 93 avoid (92.5)

Based on Awakening calculations

*glares at the zombified remains of his friend Duck* "... Damn it. And to think, I was going to ask you if you wanted to help rebuild Ferox with me & Alicia." *sighs* "At the very least, let me send you home in peace... And rest assured, whoever or whatever did this to do will fall to hell." *moves closer to the zombified Duck*

Duck: Jack's dagger hit the mark, but it didn't really do much, save for 7 damage. Such is expected from a dagger after all. It then notices Poly approaching and charges after him instead. It leaped into the air and swung downward to meet his flesh, dealing 10 damage to him.

(Duck HP: 73)


  1. Attacks Jack for 17 damage
  2. Attacks Poly but Alicia Dual Guards
  3. Attacks Samson for 16 damage
  4. Attacks Crizix for 24 damage
  5. Attacks Ace for 14 damage

Ace had to frown, seeing Marth miss with his attack meant blades wouldn't be as effective against this foe. And his statement made her blood boil a bit, but there wasn't enough Chaotic energy present to go into Chaos Mode or use an Ignis for that matter. "Shut up Demon-face! You're not omnipotent! You're just a miserable, oversized demon who needs to be reduced to ashes!" Ace sheathed Mercurius and took out Valflame and fired off a flaming burst at the evil monster, noting that Marth should be able to take advantage of the Demon King fending off the spell to land a hit with a follow up attack.

(Ace max health: 80)

The demon's power was overwhelming. Is this what the twins of Renais destroyed? Such a feat is worth their legends. I was struggling to get up from its last attack, until the healing light of Crizix's staff revitalized my strength. You have my thanks Crizix. Noticing what Ace was trying to do, I quickly got up and rushed forward, taking a swing at its leg.

(Marth HP: 60/70)

Fomortiis: Ace's attack formation proved to be effective in managing to strike him, but their combined efforts were not enough to slow him down. From both of their attacks, it would have taken a total of 44 damage, but Pavise activated against Ace, reducing it to 27. Despite their efforts, all it could do was laugh at their petty attempts. Hehehehe. By all means, try. The only thing you will succeed in is making your death all the more painful. *Uses Ravager On Ace, but Marth Dual Guards* You arrogant little......

Marth: As if I'd let you!

(Fomortiis HP: 83)

Player Phase!

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Ace winced from the zombie attack while Renewal kicked in, healing 30% of her wounds. "My wound should be healed up.*to Formotiis* So? Chaos is my specialty after all. I'll see you reduced to ashes in the most painful way possible! Comeon Marth! Let's burn this Demon!" Ace moves in for an attack with Valflame.

(Ace max health back to 80 I think thanks to Renewal?)

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"... Tch." *barely winces from the damage* "... Sorry about this, mate." *Moves back slightly and uses the Thaniblade's ranged attack on zombie!Duck*

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Ace winced from the zombie attack while Renewal kicked in, healing 30% of her wounds. "My wound should be healed up.*to Formotiis* So? Chaos is my specialty after all. I'll see you reduced to ashes in the most painful way possible! Comeon Marth! Let's burn this Demon!" Ace moves in for an attack with Valflame.

(Ace max health back to 80 I think thanks to Renewal?)

(Yes it is. Also, next turn, we're switching)

"... Tch." *barely winces from the damage* "... Sorry about this, mate." *Moves back slightly and uses the Thaniblade's ranged attack on zombie!Duck*

(How much HP does Poly have atm? So far, he's been dealt 24 damage total)

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(Yes it is. Also, next turn, we're switching)

(How much HP does Poly have atm? So far, he's been dealt 24 damage total)


"... Tch." *barely winces from the damage* "... Sorry about this, mate." *Moves back slightly and uses the Thaniblade's ranged attack on zombie!Duck*

Jack Taylor flinched a bit from the zombies attacking him, "Tsk, I'm trying to take down this one and these other freaks attack as well!"

Alicia called out to her uncle from besides Poly, "Uncle Jack, Poly and I can handle Duck. Kill these lesser zombies."

​Jack Taylor glanced at the two of them, both had injuries on them. "Y'know, you both could stand some healing. And this "Duck" fellow is proving to be troublesome pain in the neck. Though these other zombies are really irritating me. I'm torn really." Jack Taylor ultimately decided to attack the Zombie that attacked him, though he could stand some healing himself.

(Jack Taylor max health 53)

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"Gah!" Nathaniel reeled back from the first attack against him, then reached for his tome. "You're not worth my time..." Nathaniel ran towards Formotiis, and attacked, activating Luna as he did so.

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(the one that attacked him. Let me amend that post.

(Okay then)

(one more note: With the exception of Duck, the zombies will continue to spawn, until Fomortiis is dead. Being zombies, they are frail and can easily be killed)

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The travel would've taken ages, if not for the King's steed. Riding up an actual tree took the duo a bit longer than expected, but they eventually emerged from the trunk and made their way into the battlefield, still distraught about how their biggest enemy was alive once more, despite his soul being trapped in the Sacred Stone of Rausten and its body destroyed by the army the two of them led. Coming to a halt, Eirika jumped off Ephraim's steed and gazed at the Demon King, slightly baffled about seeing it once more. "Not again..." She then glanced at her brother and declared that, since he had a horse and she a stave, it might've been best for her to play the more supportive role. Ephraim nodded in agreement and eyed Formortiis. "Demon King! One thrashing wasn't enough, was it?" Ephraim sarcastically asked, not showing the tiny of doubt that just formed inside him. "We may not have any of the Sacred Stones with us this time, but that doesn't matter. My lance will perish your body AND your soul!" Gripping his signature lance tightly with one hand, he commanded his horse to charge into the nearest zombie, skewering it in a matter of moments.

Eirika on the other hand, used a physic staff on the nearest person that looked injured, who turned out to be Jack Taylor. Having no idea who he was, she just hoped that the man appreciated what she did for him.

(Ephraim: 80HP)

(Eirika: 70HP)

(What are we doing with their stats? I don't think we got anything for them)

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The travel would've taken ages, if not for the King's steed. Riding up an actual tree took the duo a bit longer than expected, but they eventually emerged from the trunk and made their way into the battlefield, still distraught about how their biggest enemy was alive once more, despite his soul being trapped in the Sacred Stone of Rausten and its body destroyed by the army the two of them led. Coming to a halt, Eirika jumped off Ephraim's steed and gazed at the Demon King, slightly baffled about seeing it once more. "Not again..." She then glanced at her brother and declared that, since he had a horse and she a stave, it might've been best for her to play the more supportive role. Ephraim nodded in agreement and eyed Formortiis. "Demon King! One thrashing wasn't enough, was it?" Ephraim sarcastically asked, not showing the tiny of doubt that just formed inside him. "We may not have any of the Sacred Stones with us this time, but that doesn't matter. My lance will perish your body AND your soul!" Gripping his signature lance tightly with one hand, he commanded his horse to charge into the nearest zombie, skewering it in a matter of moments.

Eirika on the other hand, used a physic staff on the nearest person that looked injured, who turned out to be Jack Taylor. Having no idea who he was, she just hoped that the man appreciated what she did for him.

(Ephraim: 80HP)

(Eirika: 70HP)

(What are we doing with their stats? I don't think we got anything for them)

(Are you talking about the zombies, or the twins? Each zombie has 1 HP, and I'm doing damaging on my own volition, save for Fomortiis. I had assumed you'd use the max stats of the twins, like I have for Marth)

Fomortiis: Grr..... The Royalty of Renais? How is this possible? Nevertheless, you are too late! I am reborn, and you no longer have the stone of Rausten. The end is nigh for all of you!

Marth: *turning around before continuing his assault with Ace* Glad to see that the two of you came to help. Now, the tides have turned in our favor everyone!. *Attempts to stab its tail*

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(Are you talking about the zombies, or the twins? Each zombie has 1 HP, and I'm doing damaging on my own volition, save for Fomortiis. I had assumed you'd use the max stats of the twins, like I have for Marth)

Fomortiis: Grr..... The Royalty of Renais? How is this possible? Nevertheless, you are too late! I am reborn, and you no longer have the stone of Rausten. The end is nigh for all of you!

Marth: *turning around before continuing his assault with Ace* Glad to see that the two of you came to help. Now, the tides have turned in our favor everyone!. *Attempts to stab its tail*

(Twins. Max stats works though, along with their asset/flaw)


HP: 80

Str: 52

Mag: 19

Skl: 36

Speed: 36

Luck: 45

Def: 50

Res: 27)

(For whatever reason, I can't find the stats+modifiers for Eirika as a Bride due to the bar scroller thing not working on this website. Hate to do this, but do you mind getting her maxed stats for me?)

Ephraim looked up at his newest friend and smirked. "Indeed, Marth!" Removing his lance from the zombie he just poked, he yet again looked at Fomortiis, smirk still sprawled all over his face. "Not quite, you barbarous fiend! I've destroyed your body once, and I can do it again!" Ephraim's horse neighed upon hearing this, almost like it was agreeing with his retainer.

At the same time, Eirika glanced over at Marth and smiled, relieved to see one of the other Einjerhar cards in the fray. She continued to stay in the rear of the Dreamers, helping out with her mend and physic staff whenever she could. She also had a silver lance on her person, in case a zombie tried to assault her. She was glad that the techniques Ephraim taught her with the sword also applied to the lance, so she wasn't totally useless on the battlefield.

(Ephraim has Ephraim's Bravelance [which gives +2 to strength and speed] and a spear)

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