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(Oh, did Isabelle follow Crizix?)

(I'm right behind you. Didn't go inside the tent though. XD)

Isabelle(outside the tent): Usually being bitten by a Zombie makes you one of them. But in Poly's case....

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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Ace waited for Kat to answer before finally deciding what she had to do. (Forgive me everyone, you all said you would come but...I've decided to go alone. I'll come back, I promise.)

Ace gathered up her weapons and supplies and after making sure no one was aware of her movements inside the camp, Ace Tactician slipped out of camp intending to go to the Garden of Giants.

Ace's thoughts were many as she began walking, some good, some sad, and some that caused her to feel frustrated enough to strike nearby trees. Leaving a trail of treese with holes in their bark, marking her path.

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Dusk hadn't done too much since he got back into camp with his new friend, Ephraim. He was still kind of distant from everyone and everything, but he was slowly getting better at handling his emotions. He has been practising his archery for the past hour or so, trying to push aside his feelings to one side... with limited success. As he was returning to the camp, he noticed what appeared to be holes in some nearby trees. Observing the strange phenomenon, he quickly figured out that they were fist implants, and that they all went in one direction, albeit squiffy. Curious as to who could've punched all these trees, he began following what was, unbeknownst to him, Ace's unintentional trail

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Reval surveyed the mercenary camp. It seemed more or less like every other mercenary camp Reval has seen, with grim-faced heroes sharpening and polishing their weapons and magic users focusing and practicing incantations, but with the foreboding air of a battle narrowly won. "What should I do from here?" Reval mused as he recalled the strategy he had been using for most of his short mercenary career. "First, I should befriend and offer to protect a staff-user. That way, I can avoid stepping onto the front lines and receive immediate treatment if I'm hurt." A less than honorable or courageous strategy, Reval was ashamed to admit, but an effective one. His brother always told him that honor was a foolish ideal, and that he should always use whatever means necessary to survive. "But perhaps I should search for the commander. I am a new recruit, after all." Reval hoisted the bag that held his swords and began his search.

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Crizix awoke sometime later, slightly confused but feeling much better than before. She took a sleepy glance around the medical tent. Deciding that there was nothing out of the ordinary, she got up, stretched, and left the tent. What now? The camp was very quiet now...Maybe she should just take a stroll. No...wait. She should go find Luna. After all, she's been separated from her for one whole battle. Luna must be worried about her...Luckily, finding her wasn't much of a challenge. She was simply eating the leftover biscuits beside Kat's tent.

...Oh. She had forgotten about those. Better clean those up...

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*eyes flutter open* "Gnu..." *grabs his weapons and walks out of the medical tent, before noticing a tree with a hole in it* "Hmm..." heads towards it and just keeps on going*

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Alicia was outside when she noticed the line of trees with holes in them. "...You decided to go after all, didn't you Ace? Then I'm coming too." Alicia grabbed her weapons and gear and followed the line of trees with holes in them.
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Marth was in his tent after the two previous battles. Those two fights yielded a loss, and casualties on our end, which he wasn't very proud of, despite the victory against the colossal demon. In attempt to get his mind off of it, he was reading a book on Ylissean history and eventually, a talk with the Dawn Priestess, Micaiah. He felt relieved from their little talk. When they finished, the both of them went outside the tent... and noticed holes in the trees.

Marth: Well that's..... odd. Do you know what might have caused this?

Micaiah: I'm afraid not. But.... I sense something along the trail. A mixture of emotions, out in the distance

Marth: You don't think...... He begins to ponder what it might be.

Micaiah: it's all right Marth. I'll go take a look at it.

Marth: Are you sure about that? There's no telling what it might be.

Micaiah: Perhaps, but you are needed here, with the Dreamers. They're not exactly in the best shape in terms of moral, and you might be able to help pick everyone up.

Marth: Very well then. Just, make sure that you come back.

Micaiah leaves to follow the trail of trees and source of what she had sensed before.

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After cleaning up the tray of tea and biscuits, Crizix and Luna spotted the holes in the trees that everyone else had seen already. They seemed to mark a path. "Oh, is the camp quiet because everyone is following the trail? Hm. Luna, what should we do?" Obviously Luna did not respond. "...I think that...I should stay here and watch over the camp."

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Our numbers are growing small, and there are still two villains on the loose. And although we do have the newly joined Draco, we've become very idle, and still have had no word from the newly appointed Silvia. There isnt much that we can do at this point. And four of our members went off somewhere, but Micaiah is with them. I trust that they will make it back safe and sound, but until they do, we cannot move onward. And until Silvia emerges from her chambers, I believe that I am the only one that the Dreamers can turn to at this moment of time. *Sigh* I am to entrust the future to them, and yet I didnt think that I would actually take the lead again. Heh, another day on the job, I guess.

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Our numbers are growing small, and there are still two villains on the loose. And although we do have the newly joined Draco, we've become very idle, and still have had no word from the newly appointed Silvia. There isnt much that we can do at this point. And four of our members went off somewhere, but Micaiah is with them. I trust that they will make it back safe and sound, but until they do, we cannot move onward. And until Silvia emerges from her chambers, I believe that I am the only one that the Dreamers can turn to at this moment of time. *Sigh* I am to entrust the future to them, and yet I didnt think that I would actually take the lead again. Heh, another day on the job, I guess.

Seeing the Hero-King meandering around the camp, Yuffie suddenly recalled something. He walked up to the Lord.

"Hello Marth. If my memory serves me correctly, I owe you my gratitude. You saved my life a while ago, and I'm not sure if I remembered to thank you. So, thank you!"

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Seeing the Hero-King meandering around the camp, Yuffie suddenly recalled something. He walked up to the Lord.

"Hello Marth. If my memory serves me correctly, I owe you my gratitude. You saved my life a while ago, and I'm not sure if I remembered to thank you. So, thank you!"

I was surprised to see Yuffie approach me. We never really did talk much, save for that one battle some time ago. Nevertheless, it sure is nice seeing him. You are most welcome Yuffie. I'd give my life for both you, and anyone in this army, shoud the time arise. And I trust that you would do the same for me.

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"There's nothing quite like the promise of dying for someone to make a person feel loved. Rest assured, King Marth, I'll do my very best to assure that the loss of life is kept to a minimum." Yuffie winced, thinking back to Duck's demise. Obviously his best wasn't quite good enough.

"I'm sorry I was so late arriving to the battle against Form... big evil thing. If I had arrived any sooner, we could have lost someone else."

Yuffie sighed.

"Anyway, I'm about to brew some tea. Would you like any?" Do people offer other people tea in an apocalypse? Do they offer more dangerous drinks, to suit the times, like coffee?

Do Einherjar even drink tea? Or does it just splat to the ground? Realising that these thoughts were going absolutely nowhere useful, Yuffie shook his head, and awaited Marths reply.

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Crizix was riding Luna around the camp for no reason other than the fact that she couldn't find the stables. Seriously, where were they? Then again, since coming back, Crizix hasn't seen any horses other than her own. It was...strange. Weren't there other Dreamers with steeds before? Like Breezy? Where'd they go? Did they all leave like she did? Hopefully, they'd come back...

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"There's nothing quite like the promise of dying for someone to make a person feel loved. Rest assured, King Marth, I'll do my very best to assure that the loss of life is kept to a minimum." Yuffie winced, thinking back to Duck's demise. Obviously his best wasn't quite good enough.

"I'm sorry I was so late arriving to the battle against Form... big evil thing. If I had arrived any sooner, we could have lost someone else."

Yuffie sighed.

"Anyway, I'm about to brew some tea. Would you like any?" Do people offer other people tea in an apocalypse? Do they offer more dangerous drinks, to suit the times, like coffee?

Do Einherjar even drink tea? Or does it just splat to the ground? Realising that these thoughts were going absolutely nowhere useful, Yuffie shook his head, and awaited Marths reply.

I'll admit that things could have been different in that last battle. But if you hadn't shown when you did.... well, it could have ended a lot worse. And for that, i thank you.

Tea would be splendid actually

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Jack Taylor was wandering around camp, wondering who all was around since his twin nieces had gone off somewhere in addition to his nephew in law.

Crizix caught sight of...that guy that's always around Ace and Alicia. It's safe to assume he's also a Dreamer, so...maybe he knows where the stables are...if there are stables in the first place. She bade Luna to walk up to him. "E-Excuse me, sir...Uhm, do you know where the stables are...?"

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Crizix caught sight of...that guy that's always around Ace and Alicia. It's safe to assume he's also a Dreamer, so...maybe he knows where the stables are...if there are stables in the first place. She bade Luna to walk up to him. "E-Excuse me, sir...Uhm, do you know where the stables are...?"

Jack Taylor waved a cheerful hello to Crizix before racking his brain on where he had seen the stables. "Hello there friend...oops I don't believe I ever introduced myself. I'm Jack Taylor, Alicia and Ace's uncle. Their mother was my older sister. As for where the stables are......Oh! I've seen them, they have a temporary stable behind the medical tent. Even horses need shelter from the elements."

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I'll admit that things could have been different in that last battle. But if you hadn't shown when you did.... well, it could have ended a lot worse. And for that, i thank you.

Tea would be splendid actually

"Then I shall put on a pot! If you see any of the others, let them know that I'm making some tea."

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Jack Taylor waved a cheerful hello to Crizix before racking his brain on where he had seen the stables. "Hello there friend...oops I don't believe I ever introduced myself. I'm Jack Taylor, Alicia and Ace's uncle. Their mother was my older sister. As for where the stables are......Oh! I've seen them, they have a temporary stable behind the medical tent. Even horses need shelter from the elements."

"I see..." No wonder why he bore such a striking resemblance to those two. "It's nice to meet you, sir. I'm Crizix. So...right behind the medical tent? I thought that was just a storage place..." She admitted sheepishly.

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Jack Taylor smiled his trademark silly grin again, "It is...but that's also where the horses are being kept to make keeping watch easier. Because...you never know when someone will try to swipe things from under your nose."

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Jack Taylor smiled his trademark silly grin again, "It is...but that's also where the horses are being kept to make keeping watch easier. Because...you never know when someone will try to swipe things from under your nose."

"Ah, I understand. That sort of thing has happened to me before, except the culprit was a cat, and then a thief stole it from that cat, and then I had to chase that thief all around Yliesse to get it back..."

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Jack Taylor's eyes grew wide, "A cat stole something from you and then a thief stole from the cat? I've chased a few cats whenever they'd sneak into my house and make off with some of my things but this is the first time I've heard of a thief stealing from a cat...unless it was his cat. Other than that I simply feed them since my house seemed to attract them for some oddball reason. If I didn't feed them those kitties would find some way to sneak into my house... I've woken up a few times with a cat or two sleeping besides me! Probably because after a while they associated me with free handouts."

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Jack Taylor's eyes grew wide, "A cat stole something from you and then a thief stole from the cat? I've chased a few cats whenever they'd sneak into my house and make off with some of my things but this is the first time I've heard of a thief stealing from a cat...unless it was his cat. Other than that I simply feed them since my house seemed to attract them for some oddball reason. If I didn't feed them those kitties would find some way to sneak into my house... I've woken up a few times with a cat or two sleeping besides me! Probably because after a while they associated me with free handouts."

"That thief didn't seem to care much for that cat, so I guess it wasn't hers...I think I would rather have chased the cat, though...Ah, that sounds amazing! Cats must really like you then!"

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