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For my skills I'll go with: Galeforce, Armsthrift, Renewal and...still need to figure out the last two >_<

Still trying to figure out what my class should be. I did really enjoy the Grandmaster class. There can only be one Grandmaster, right?

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Sorin, we're still going by the 'Gender Exclusive' skills and classes right?

Scratch this.

We ARE going by Gender Exclusive. That means we can't learn the stupid, conditional male-only skills, or be their classes.

And the guys can't fly the flying horses, and whatnot.

Edited by Carter
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Oh, sorry. I was at the place called "School".

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but that wasn't a jab at anybody. When he wrote the list originally he didn't have you added, so I reminded him

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>Ace Tactician


... I think we have our main tactician [:

Wow, in that case, I'll add on Ignis and Vantage as my last two skills then. So to summerize: Galeforce, Armsthrift, Renewal, Ignis and Vantage.

Let's see, for weapons: Valflame, forged Killing Edge, Mercurius, and Katarina's Bolt.

Class: Grandmaster, if that's okay.

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Polls up and votes aren't Public.

@Yes Carter :smug:

@Ace Yes we can have as many regular classes as we want. Only lets say 3 per DLC class.

@Gladyr If you embrace walking into hell then yes.

Edited by Sorin
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Wow, in that case, I'll add on Ignis and Vantage as my last two skills then. So to summerize: Galeforce, Armsthrift, Renewal, Ignis and Vantage.

Let's see, for weapons: Valflame, forged Killing Edge, Mercurius, and Katarina's Bolt.

Class: Grandmaster, if that's okay.

Sounds like a plan

I'm not a lover of characters being dropped into the story out of the blue so how do we find you? Hmm...


I'm thinking all the stragglers in Ferox formed a little squad like we did in Ylisse and are doing a similar thing to what the Ylisseans are doing, and all the new people who joined since they thread was made are said stragglers? Just jolting ideas down

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@Gladyr If you embrace walking into hell then yes.

Then count me in! :D

Class: Swordmaster

Skills: Galeforce, luna, vantage, swordfaire and limit break (will probably change limit break, still deciding what to replace it with)

Weapons: Forged Brave Sword, forged killing edge and amatsu

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Just checked the spoiler tags. Sorin you updated my weapons but not my skills (which is funny consider the latter I posted first). They're lifetaker, counter, sol, bowfaire and tomebreaker

EDIT: Oh you're updating them again. My bad

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Damn gender exclusive ponies. If I can't assist as a Valkyrie, I shall offer up my assistance as a Sage instead.

I bring with me a Physic, a Mend, a forged Valflame named Florence and a Celica's Gale and a Rescue Staff that is being reserved for only when someone is surrounded and at low health.

Skills: Deliverer, Dual Guard+, Defender, Tomefaire and Renewal.

Great Knight and Paladin skills to make up for my lack of Valkyrie!

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