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Question - do we want to RP-via-PM support conversations or just leave them as vague/blank? (doesn't have to be answered right away, it just came up earlier and there was no real answer)

Oh, I have no idea... yikes. :\ U-Um... I think the best thing would be to start RPing them in PM, really...

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We DID have Poly literally show up at the end, as well. 'Latecomers' can be easily fit in. The only 'consequence' might be slower support rates (even then, I think we move ours pretty fast).

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I guess I could always be the late reinforcment to show up I could even make my characters personailty/trait *Always late for battle*

See? Easy to fit in. :)

So, that's... two votes for PM support conversations?

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So, at the late hour, the general consensus is to PM support conversations? *nods* Right then. We'll see what the people who ARE asleep think of the idea and come up with a decision sometime tomorrow.

I'm not certain when the European Players will start up (possibly the same time as they did today?), but the American ones will try to meet up at around 6PM (EST).

Overall... awesome day, people! We've defeated two of the bosses! (...how many are there going to be?)

@Dusk - for the 'story thus far' section... you might want to separate them into pseudo-chapters? Things in Carter's Log can serve as the prologue and the two battles here can serve as chapters 1 and 2? just a thought to make it easier to read through?

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So I Just made up a profile for my character here since I saw others doing it earlier

This is what I look like but with blue hair


Voice: 1
Personality: Tries to do her best at everything, Enjoys sleeping, she is often found dozing off and as such is late to battle. Always puts her comrades above herself and is willing to sacrifice herself if need be to save her friends. Tends to be cool and calm but can get fired up if provoked.
Has a soft spot for Animals.

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No, it's just a fun little roleplay thing (eventually, there's a lot of planning going about).

I'm so amused by how many pages get up at a short time. (If we can pull this off, it shall be fantastic.)

It will.

Oh, I see.

Wait... why isn't this then in the Roleplay section?

It was.

The mods moved it. Remember, for those who have joined it before it moved here gets to fight for the Ylissians.


...but im american

What does that make us? I'm American also.

*turns everyone here into stone*

...Okay, that's just not fun. It's really not.

It's not. x.x

It's powermodding.

It's not a problem at all! I was talking and acting like a socialite since I was 12. Act however you want to act! I'm just unused to not being the youngest!

Ha ha...

I love your characterstics as well as Vashi's.


Since I'm joining here too, that makes me fight for the Feroxies. I'm in.


Name: Isabelle
Class: Sage
Weapons: Rescue, Recover, Physic, Barrier, Mjolnir
Skills: Galeforce, Astra, Armsthrift, Tomefaire, Limitbreaker(Later on), otherwise Rally Spectrum
My 2nd gen character. My daughter from the future.
Name: Sireace
Class: Sniper
Weapons: Brave Bow, Killer Bow, Longbow, Astra Bow, Double Bow
Skills: Counter/Limitbreaker, Pass, Bowfaire, Hit+20, Sol
Okay, where do I start?
Shall I suggest that we should also have our kid from the future? Anyway, here is mine. xD
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Since I'm joining here too, that makes me fight for the Feroxies. I'm in.


Name: Isabelle
Class: Sage
Weapons: Rescue, Recover, Physic, Barrier, Mjolnir
Skills: Galeforce, Astra, Armsthrift, Tomefaire, Limitbreaker(Later on), otherwise Rally Spectrum
My 2nd gen character. My daughter from the future.
Name: Sireace
Class: Sniper
Weapons: Brave Bow, Killer Bow, Longbow, Astra Bow, Double Bow
Skills: Counter/Limitbreaker, Bowbreaker, Bowfaire, Hit+20, Sol
Okay, where do I start?
Shall I suggest that we should also have our kid from the future? Anyway, here is mine. xD

What am I still doing up?

Minor problem with child from the future - we have no S-supports here, so that will be awkward to implement. The max support is A, but you can reach A support with all of your supporters.

Also, those who join from this point until Sorin gets back are those who have managed to make it to the home fortress, not necessarily Feroxi (you can if you like, of course, but atm, we're all stationed in Ylisse). All chapters (for lack of a better term atm) will be defense/kill commander until Sorin returns (as he's the commander and must be absent for a week or so). Vash (or, rather, her character Silvia) serves as the Commander in his stead. Carter is the Master Tactician, with Ace as her back up. DodgeDusk is... i think it's third in command, and I'm uncertain if he has an understudy.

As for where to start... at the moment, I'm pretty sure we're all for bed, so there are no scenes/roleplays/chapters going on right now.

One definite time is tomorrow at 6pm EST (the european players, who are obviously on a very different time than americans, might do a different time like what happened today). At that point, there will DEFINITELY be people here to play. If you'd like, you can check earlier to see if there's a chapter going on before that point. Latecomers can easily be added into the scene, so don't worry if you're late.

For now, though, I would suggest going through and making sure you know the current plot (posting any questions you might have) and to look at people who you want to have support conversations with. (I believe the max is 6, but I'm uncertain if that 'max' includes the Support with me or not. Due to how it was designed, I support with everyone.)

Other than that, welcome to the chaos? :)

Edited by Kat
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I have 4 supports atm including you kat does that mean I could get more? if so I would support Crizix as well

Like I said, I believe the max is 6. Carter will know more about it, of course. That said, I think you might already be 'listed' under Crizix's supports (but they haven't been updated to the main bit yet as Carter went to bed before it was finalized).

Edit: Okay, at this point, I really am going to bed. If there are any questions, just post and someone will get back to you asap, okay?

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What am I still doing up?

Minor problem with child from the future - we have no S-supports here, so that will be awkward to implement. The max support is A, but you can reach A support with all of your supporters.

Also, those who join from this point until Sorin gets back are those who have managed to make it to the home fortress, not necessarily Feroxi (you can if you like, of course, but atm, we're all stationed in Ylisse). All chapters (for lack of a better term atm) will be defense/kill commander until Sorin returns (as he's the commander and must be absent for a week or so). Vash (or, rather, her character Silvia) serves as the Commander in his stead. Carter is the Master Tactician, with Ace as her back up. DodgeDusk is... i think it's third in command, and I'm uncertain if he has an understudy.

As for where to start... at the moment, I'm pretty sure we're all for bed, so there are no scenes/roleplays/chapters going on right now.

One definite time is tomorrow at 6pm EST (the european players, who are obviously on a very different time than americans, might do a different time like what happened today). At that point, there will DEFINITELY be people here to play. If you'd like, you can check earlier to see if there's a chapter going on before that point. Latecomers can easily be added into the scene, so don't worry if you're late.

For now, though, I would suggest going through and making sure you know the current plot (posting any questions you might have) and to look at people who you want to have support conversations with. (I believe the max is 6, but I'm uncertain if that 'max' includes the Support with me or not. Due to how it was designed, I support with everyone.)

Other than that, welcome to the chaos? :)


Well...ha ha.

Support A it is; and I can start at the home fortress and I can start along with what's happening in that when I begin and goodnight.

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Well...ha ha.

Support A it is; and I can start at the home fortress and I can start along with what's happening in that when I begin and goodnight.

Okay, so (making sure I've interpreting correctly), you will be playing someone who was 'recruited' during the time there was the large group in Death's Embrace Ferox?

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First of all I want to formally say I hate all of you for making read though 18 pages. I still love you guys though

What does that make us? I'm American also.

It was only for that one skirmish. From this point on anybody can be in any group. I only said Team Europe because it fitted with the time zones and such

@Kat Yeah I'll update it now (although I don't know how to do spoiler tags, so until someone tells me they won't be under a spoiler tag). I also like the idea of sorting out support conversations via PM, although it can be an optional thing

@Carter Unless Glaedyr objects I'll support with her

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@Carter Unless Glaedyr objects I'll support with her

Fix'd :P (and I said it was fine by me :) )

Sadly I'll be missing any battles there are today because the jazz band (excuse already used by someone else 0/10) I play in has to play at an event that's on during the same sort of time that the battles were at yesterday >.<

I'll be able to join in in any battles on friday or the weekend though ^.^

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@Kat Yeah I'll update it now (although I don't know how to do spoiler tags, so until someone tells me they won't be under a spoiler tag). I also like the idea of sorting out support conversations via PM, although it can be an optional thing

I think it's something like... there should be a helpful page somewhere around here...

Another vote for PMs via supports, then.

(wanting to repeat this - I'm taking a friend out for dinner after my lab, so there's a chance I will be late to the scene this time, though not by much if that is the case)

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I'll wait for more people to have their say before anything becomes concrete. I think 2-3 hours is when our friends from the west come online

The support conversations (if you want to write them) can be discussed whenever by the way. If we're not doing any fighting today then supports could be written instead

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And for the record i unfollowed because i my email keeps getting updated too much. so yeah, if you need me:

Mon-Thurs: 2:40-7:00 PM

Friday: 2:40-9:00

Saturday: 10:00 am - 9 pm

sunday: 10:00am - 7:00 pm

these times im free, message if i am required please

THANK YOU! and good day.

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You rang?

I'll wait for more people to have their say before anything becomes concrete. I think 2-3 hours is when MOST OF our friends from the west come online

And for the record i unfollowed because i my email keeps getting updated too much

I'm gonna have to do this too sorry. I've had around 600 emails already in the past two days

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