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Omg who did poly kiss? o_o <3

Kat kissed him before Kat and Dusk got together, since she didn't know the significance of a kiss

Luckily my character doesn't know about this, or else heads would be flying

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I'm officially seeking a potential S support partner. Anyone who wants a slice of Nathaniel's sexy Dark Mage goodness, need only ask. :KnollRoll:

We've told you this, it's Carter

Umm, well I think we only have Glaedyr, Carter and Luigi left. So... Pick your poison

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Alicia: *waking up in an unfamilar room, thinking about last night* "I have a lot of growing up to do, eh Kat? Actually....I haven't fallen for a man for....seven years. Not since the day....I had to turn my very first crush to stone. The boy I thought was everything I ever wanted, turned out to be among the ranks of the vilest of sinners. After that day, my heart lead me astray in my search to find another. So I decided to cast my emotions aside for logic...." *gets up and wanders around the castle, eventually heading outside.*

Ace: *In the infirmary under her box* "Ugh, did I sleep on the floor? Yeah, I did....Poor Alicia. The way she reacted, it's like she's never harbored a crush before. Or...not after a long hiatus." *Gets out from under box and heads off to mess hall.* "I should talk to her today, it's the least I can do."

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After a peaceful night, Dusk finally woke up and climbed out of bed. For once, he was fully rested and was in high spirit because of this. Feeling a bit hungry, he made his way down to the mess hall, bumping into Ace along the way. "Oh. Hi there, Ace. How are you today?"

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After a peaceful night, Dusk finally woke up and climbed out of bed. For once, he was fully rested and was in high spirit because of this. Feeling a bit hungry, he made his way down to the mess hall, bumping into Ace along the way. "Oh. Hi there, Ace. How are you today?"

Ace: "Good morning Dusk. I feel in better spirits given that I spent most of yesterday in my room. Though I am a little worried about my sister. She isn't one to show emotions so easily, and last night she got really flustered. I hope she's okay."

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Nathaniel woke up once again in the infirmary. Today was the day the ointment would be done, and he'd be able to hear again.

Despite this, he felt depressed about something. He couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to live a normal life again- putting the thought to the side, he grabbed the finished ointment from his room and entered the mess hall.

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Ace: "Good morning Dusk. I feel in better spirits given that I spent most of yesterday in my room. Though I am a little worried about my sister. She isn't one to show emotions so easily, and last night she got really flustered. I hope she's okay."

"Oh? If I can ask, what made her get so rattled up?"

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Alicia: *outside thinking* "Heheheh, I let Kat get to me...and after all that emotion training I've done to not react like that. I've easily suggested the harborment of romantic feelings between others....so why is it when it's me in those crosshairs....I feel so exposed. I remember falling asleep on the floor, so how did I get to another room then? Did someone carry me? *stomach grumbles* I should get some breakfast, then I can sit out here again." *heads inside to mess hall*

*scene change to inside*

"Oh? If I can ask, what made her get so rattled up?"

Ace: "Kat suggesting she had a crush on Poly, it was rather darkly funny considering her apparent pastime is shipping people. I've never seen her get so rattled like that. I can only wonder if there's something in her past that happened to make her into the person she is today, emotionless and logical to most people."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Nathaniel woke up once again in the infirmary. Today was the day the ointment would be done, and he'd be able to hear again.

Despite this, he felt depressed about something. He couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to live a normal life again- putting the thought to the side, he grabbed the finished ointment from his room and entered the mess hall.


Ace: "Kat suggesting she had a crush on Poly, it was rather darkly funny considering her apparent pastime is shipping people. I've never seen her get so rattled like that. I can only wonder if there's something in her past that happened to make her into the person she is today, emotionless and logical to most people."

​Dusk found this humorous. "So the Shipping King loves someone and a different woman has fallen for him? Oh my, what an awkward love triangle this is... I wonder how he's going to deal with-" He got interrupted by the appearance of Breezy and Nathaniel. "Oh, hello you two" He waves at Nathaniel

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​Dusk found this humorous. "So the Shipping King loves someone and a different woman has fallen for him? Oh my, what an awkward love triangle this is... I wonder how he's going to deal with-" He got interrupted by the appearance of Breezy and Nathaniel. "Oh, hello you two" He waves at Nathaniel

I had to agree with Dusk on the awkward part, though I didn't want to say anything else about Alicia having a crush on the Shipping King unless she said so herself. But knowing my twin sister, Poly would have to work to get her to show her feelings...if she did have any for him. Ace: "Hello Nathaniel, hello Breezy. I don't suppose either of you have seen Alicia have you?"

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I had to agree with Dusk on the awkward part, though I didn't want to say anything else about Alicia having a crush on the Shipping King unless she said so herself. But knowing my twin sister, Poly would have to work to get her to show her feelings...if she did have any for him. Ace: "Hello Nathaniel, hello Breezy. I don't suppose either of you have seen Alicia have you?"

"Considering I just woke up, no."

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