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Poly simply shrugged his shoulders when the topic of discussion switched to Dan. "I dunno, he's probably off sulking or whatever. Might be better to just leave him be."

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"…" *sets axe down* "I'm going to look for him."

Poly simply shrugged his shoulders when the topic of discussion switched to Dan. "I dunno, he's probably off sulking or whatever. Might be better to just leave him be."

"Hmm... You go look for him Kat, seeing as you've already volunteered. The Khan can give me a lesson or twelve about the axe?"

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"Hmm... You go look for him Kat, seeing as you've already volunteered. The Khan can give me a lesson or twelve about the axe?"

*fiercely* "I will. Since obviously you all didn't care enough to check earlier!" *stomps off*

(Uh oh. Dusk's in the dog house, I think.)

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Poly laughed and looked over to Dusk. "You may be better at getting Samson to teach you the basics of axe fighting... I'm great in practice, but when it comes to teaching, I'm total shit."

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(We have equal chance of not hitting each other dickweed.)

"...Fine.*Pulls out Shadowblade* I am ready."

More of a shot at bravura but ok.

I ran toward Jxemas and made a feint at his front while aiming at his side. I used this move against Shadow. Let's see how he reacts.

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Poly snickered away from Dusk at Kat's sudden outburst, but then started to think about the potential connotations of Kat's reaction to Dan going missing... and ran off himself. "Dammit, dammit, dammit... Dan, you are NOT ruining that relationship, even if it is unintentionally!"

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*fiercely* "I will. Since obviously you all didn't care enough to check earlier!" *stomps off*

(Uh oh. Dusk's in the dog house, I think.)


"... Kind of forgot the guy existed... My bad" He sighs. "And I'm no rookie, Khan. I did tell you earlier I've already been taught, but clearly your love triangle issues are messing with your head!" He turns to Samson. "Eh, she'll be alright"

Edited by DodgeDusk
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More of a shot at bravura but ok.

I ran toward Jxemas and made a feint at his front while aiming at his side. I used this move against Shadow. Let's see how he reacts.

(you'e losing leadership points, but carry on)

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"... Yet you only now noticed too?" He sighs. "And I'm no rookie, Khan. I did tell you earlier I've already been taught, but clearly your love triangle issues are messing with your head!" He turns to Samson. "Eh, she'll be alright"

(She's been away, remember? She just got back 'last night' remember?)

"I wonder where.... ! I remember seeing a bright flash of light as I was passing out... could he have been taken elsewhere...?"

(She's wandering about…)

*growing more frantic as she can't find him in any of the rooms* "Damn it! Dan, where are you?"

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You love it really

aw I can't stay mad at you bb

Poly continued to scan the area, looking for Dan before Kat could find him. 'Shit, Dan, why'd you have to vanish and freak out Kat?' he thought as he continued barrelling down the halls. 'Now what the hell do I do?'

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aw I can't stay mad at you bb

Poly continued to scan the area, looking for Dan before Kat could find him. 'Shit, Dan, why'd you have to vanish and freak out Kat?' he thought as he continued barrelling down the halls. 'Now what the hell do I do?'


"So she's gone and so has Poly... Excuse me Samson, I think the Grand General has to step in here" He then runs off, trying to find Dan, axe still slung over his shoulder. [i should drop this but... eh, it looks cool]

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"Well... Yes, I suppose I could do with a hand..." Nathaniel walked towards her. "There's a sort of library downstairs. I need to grab some more books." He walked out of his room and downstairs.

Alicia: *follows Nathaniel downstairs to help him out*

So about Dan...No search party? Nothing?

Ace: *staring at the skies* "...That way. So be it then. It wasn't merely coincidence I dreamt of Dan wandering the desert near the Shepherds fortress. I better find Kat and tell her." *goes off to find Kat inside*

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"Gah! What the..." Poly looked down after he felt something crash into him... or, as it turned out, someone. "Oh, it's you, Kat." Poly simply shook his head, he didn't have the time for this. He had to find Dan before Kat did, or all that he'd worked for would be ruined.

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