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10/10 for effort ;D

I try.

As Yuffie was performing the treatment Dusk could only think about what happen to Dan. [i hope the lad's alright... I need to get my rings so-] "Gah, that stings Yuffie!" [Gosh that stung... Now then... What to do whilst Yuffie does this? Hmm...] His thoughts quickly sailed off, changing from Dan to his deceased friends to Sir Thomas, each thought making him feel a bit uneasy. [i wonder if the ol' git's alive?.. Eh, I doubt it... Hmm... I don't think he ever had any children, and I was the only person he ever taught... I guess that means his techniques are only known by me... Gosh, I REALLY want to use an axe now]

Nice filling in - 10/10.

"That's what everyone thought! But I found a copy in this place! It stars Aversa, and some other guy from the future called Brady... Huh... It IS pretty messed-up, I don't know what kind of fan of the Shepherds would write a book like this..."

I hope you keep in mind when talking about this book that Brady is my characters kid.

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"WIll he be okay, Yuffie?"

"He'll be fine. I've cleaned out the wound, and disinfected it, so there shouldn't be any further issues. Though, there is something that the two of you should discuss. We may have figured out what's been causing the pain in his arm, and he's taking some time to think it over. I recommended that he talks to yourself and Sorin about it."

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"He'll be fine. I've cleaned out the wound, and disinfected it, so there shouldn't be any further issues. Though, there is something that the two of you should discuss. We may have figured out what's been causing the pain in his arm, and he's taking some time to think it over. I recommended that he talks to yourself and Sorin about it."

"I'm going to be fine?.. Heh. Seems like whatever wound I receive in this war it'll eventually fade away... How fortunate. But as Yuffie says, my arm can be treated, but the risks are pretty big, and I would like to get your opinion about it"

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As Poly rose up, he noticed where he was; rather than on top of the sniper tower with Alicia in his arms, he was in his bedroom, all alone. "Heh... I guess Ducky woke up first." he laughed, as he got out of bed and threw his coat on. 'I wonder... just how long am I going to have her by my side? How long do I have to love her until she leaves for her homeland?' Shaking it off, he headed out into the halls of the fortress, looking for something to do with his day.

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"I'm going to be fine?.. Heh. Seems like whatever wound I receive in this war it'll eventually fade away... How fortunate. But as Yuffie says, my arm can be treated, but the risks are pretty big, and I would like to get your opinion about it"

"I'm already panicking." (I've an appointment at 3, so…)

Edited by Kat
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"I'm already panicking." (I've an appointment at 3, so…)

"Oh my... Well to cut to the chase then; we think my arm has shrapnel in it. Now Yuffie can remove it, and is confident in doing so, but there's every possibility I may lose function of my left arm. Now obviously, this is awful, but if the shrapnel DOES stay in then it may agitate the muscle in my arm and would cause more pain... And as we know, my arm is in pretty terrible shape as it is... I want the operation done personally, but I was told to ask you first in case you said otherwise"

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"Oh my... Well to cut to the chase then; we think my arm has shrapnel in it. Now Yuffie can remove it, and is confident in doing so, but there's every possibility I may lose function of my left arm. Now obviously, this is awful, but if the shrapnel DOES stay in then it may agitate the muscle in my arm and would cause more pain... And as we know, my arm is in pretty terrible shape as it is... I want the operation done personally, but I was told to ask you first in case you said otherwise"

​"…" *closes eyes and sighs* "It's your arm. I don't have a say."

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​"…" *closes eyes and sighs* "It's your arm. I don't have a say."

"Hmm... I thought you'd say that... I've been told to ask Sorin too..." He exhales through his nose heavily. "... Until then, there's nothing I can do... And with this wound in my shoulder... Well, I'm just about useless" In a sarcastic tone he adds: "Good times..."

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(I so wanna jump in on that but I feel like this is a lovey-dovey moment brewing)

(You want Poly to be hanging upside down like Samson?)

"Meh, I can think of things you can do with just one arm."

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​"…" *closes eyes and sighs* "It's your arm. I don't have a say."

"We also plan on asking Sorin. We would like your input in the matter on whether it's too risky, or if it's not. And I think it would help Dusk to have a second opinion from you. The final decision belong to Dusk. We're just looking for some extra perspective on the matter."

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(You want Poly to be hanging upside down like Samson?)

"Meh, I can think of things you can do with just one arm."

"Yeah, and archery isn't one of them. That's my second biggest joy in this world"

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"We also plan on asking Sorin. We would like your input in the matter on whether it's too risky, or if it's not. And I think it would help Dusk to have a second opinion from you. The final decision belong to Dusk. We're just looking for some extra perspective on the matter."

"It's not my arm. It's his. I have no right to stop him if he wants to, or encourage if he doesn't."

"Yeah, and archery isn't one of them. That's my second biggest joy in this world"

"Yeah, but one arm is satisfactory for your biggest joy. Assuming you're talking about me, of course."

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"We also plan on asking Sorin. We would like your input in the matter on whether it's too risky, or if it's not. And I think it would help Dusk to have a second opinion from you. The final decision belong to Dusk. We're just looking for some extra perspective on the matter."

"It's not my arm. It's his. I have no right to stop him if he wants to, or encourage if he doesn't."

"Yeah, but one arm is satisfactory for your biggest joy. Assuming you're talking about me, of course."

"Look... I'll speak to Sorin first. He may be absolutely against it for whatever reason, but as the "leader" of this army he needs to know..." He turns to Kat and smirks. "... You're forgetting about my dancing"

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"Look... I'll speak to Sorin first. He may be absolutely against it for whatever reason, but as the "leader" of this army he needs to know..." He turns to Kat and smirks. "... You're forgetting about my dancing"

"Dancing and archery are bigger joys than me? Hmph." *pouts* "Well, maybe I'll just leave then."

Edited by Kat
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"Dancing and archery are bigger joys than me? Hmph." *pouts* "Well, maybe I'll just leave then."

"Oh c'mon, you know I was joking... Besides, being sappy in front of my healer isn't exactly something I want to do"

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"Oh c'mon, you know I was joking... Besides, being sappy in front of my healer isn't exactly something I want to do"

*still pouting* "Not forgiven yet."

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