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Carter took her Brave Lance, Silver Lance and Thoron tome, and hopped onto her Pegasus. "...What's taking everybody so long?!" She hopped off her Pegasus, walking past a slightly opened door, to find Kat giving someone a bath.

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Carter took her Brave Lance, Silver Lance and Thoron tome, and hopped onto her Pegasus. "...What's taking everybody so long?!" She hopped off her Pegasus, walking past a slightly opened door, to find Kat giving someone a bath.

she hasn't even prepared it yet

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Carter took her Brave Lance, Silver Lance and Thoron tome, and hopped onto her Pegasus. "...What's taking everybody so long?!" She hopped off her Pegasus, walking past a slightly opened door, to find Kat giving someone a bath.

(Much less is she going to GIVE Dan a bath… she's just going to draw one for him. In the Men's bathing area.)

(Also, Shadow, she's basically pissed off at everyone who didn't go on the Paralogue trip.)

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Thinking that Ace didn't hear his question he just shrugged her off and carried on walking down the corridor, until he realised that nobody had gone to find Breezy yet. [... I'm going to die, aren't I?] Slowly climbing down the stairs, he made his way to the entrance of the castle

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Ace: "Want to go look for Breezy and have whoever else wants to aid in the effort catch up sis?"

Alicia: "...Let's, the longer we wait, the greater the chance it may be too late."

Ace: "So let's get going then. Just try not to make too hard for Khan Poly to find you sis."

Alicia: "......"

*both sisters began to head towards the entrance to the castle*

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"N-no, hot water is best for me."

"All right." *smiles* "I'm glad you're back. You had me worried. And Dusk nearly killed himself trying to find you. Don't worry; I gave him a lecture on THAT too. Any specific type of soap you want?"

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"All right." *smiles* "I'm glad you're back. You had me worried. And Dusk nearly killed himself trying to find you. Don't worry; I gave him a lecture on THAT too. Any specific type of soap you want?"

"Uhhhm....Vapo soap sounds nice."

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(What class is Alicia?)

Carter ran up to Ace and Alicia, "Guys wait up! You might need some assistance on the trip, so I'll go along with you. But I've also packed some food and water, just in case we'll be out there for a long time," Carter quickly scrambled to get onto her Pegasus one more time, and gripped her Silver Lance tightly, "Let's leave!"

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Ace: "Want to go look for Breezy and have whoever else wants to aid in the effort catch up sis?"

Alicia: "...Let's, the longer we wait, the greater the chance it may be too late."

Ace: "So let's get going then. Just try not to make too hard for Khan Poly to find you sis."

Alicia: "......"

*both sisters began to head towards the entrance to the castle*

(Breezy is in the middle of a forest...


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[Alright Breezy, where the hell are you?] He made his way outside, and, yet again, tried to play hero. Having no idea on where he went, Dusk decided walk north, in hope of finding him. [i swear to Naga, if I find you you're dead]

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(What class is Alicia?)

Carter ran up to Ace and Alicia, "Guys wait up! You might need some assistance on the trip, so I'll go along with you. But I've also packed some food and water, just in case we'll be out there for a long time," Carter quickly scrambled to get onto her Pegasus one more time, and gripped her Silver Lance tightly, "Let's leave!"

(Grandmaster, same as Ace. Only Alicia's Grandmaster outfit has a blue sash instead of the red one Ace's has.)

Ace: "Yeah, we'll need all the aid we can get on this search."

Alicia: "We'll need to be prepared for the possibility of searching for a while. Do we know where to begin searching?"

Ace: "Let's try the forest near the stables."

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[Alright Breezy, where the hell are you?] He made his way outside, and, yet again, tried to play hero. Having no idea on where he went, Dusk decided walk north, in hope of finding him. [i swear to Naga, if I find you you're dead]

"Oh, wait Dan, I'll go find that soap for you first." *races off… just in time to catch Dusk leaving* "And WHERE do you think you're going, mister?"

Edited by Kat
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"Great! Let's get started," Carter quickly surveyed the plains before them, "Why don't we start by those rivers northwest over there? Breezy could be trying to seclude himself from the rest of us, and he may even be thinking of suicide. The cold is the complete opposite of trying to keep average temperature."

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"Great! Let's get started," Carter quickly surveyed the plains before them, "Why don't we start by those rivers northwestover there? Breezy could be trying to seclude himself from the rest of us, and he may even be thinking of suicide. The cold is the complete opposite of trying to keep average temperature."

Ace: "A secluded place like that would be the perfect area to commit suicide without being found out."

Alicia: "And the cold temperature would hasten death setting in."

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"Great! Let's get started," Carter quickly surveyed the plains before them, "Why don't we start by those rivers northwest over there? Breezy could be trying to seclude himself from the rest of us, and he may even be thinking of suicide. The cold is the complete opposite of trying to keep average temperature."

(That's pretty clever thinking.)

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"Oh, wait Dan, I'll go find that soap for you first." *races off… just in time to catch Dusk leaving* "And WHERE do you think you're going, mister?"

He was a bit surprised hearing Kat's voice behind him. However, he didn't turn around. "Off to find our psychopathic friend"

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