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We're not married, yo

Dan can be part of our bromance!

We even played poker! POKER!

yay a bromance <3

Ace and Alicia heard Carter's words amd made their way towards the mountain, until Breezy's horse walked out. Concerned, the twins ran towards Zephyr.

Carter looked behind, seeing the twins run towards Breezy's horse. "Huh?"

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"..." He couldn't say anything. He knew what he did was wrong, and he felt awful because of it. "... It probably means nothing to you now, but... I'm sorry"

​"…You can make it up to me later. I'm drawing a bath for you both and then taking one myself to try and calm down. Nothing's seemed to go right ever since… well, ever since a certain leader of ours discovered his dragon and has secluded himself to slowly break his body to pieces with overwork." *pauses* "Well, one thing has."

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Poly saw Alicia running past him, which made him very concerned as to what was going on. Poly turned around and chased after the twins, not noticing that the two were running towards Zephyr, Breezy's horse.

Alicia:"Poly, Breezy's horse just came out of that forest!"

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(Shipping has nothing to do with it)

(This is payback for the crotch shot earlier)

I see

I deserve nothing more than death then

​"…You can make it up to me later. I'm drawing a bath for you both and then taking one myself to try and calm down. Nothing's seemed to go right ever since… well, ever since a certain leader of ours discovered his dragon and has secluded himself to slowly break his body to pieces with overwork." *pauses* "Well, one thing has."

"... And that one thing is?"

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"... And that one thing is?"

"I got you." *turns to look at him* "Though I don't know why you're so insistent on leaving me so soon, I have you. I love you, Dusk, and I want to stay with you for as long as possible."

Edited by Kat
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​"…You can make it up to me later. I'm drawing a bath for you both and then taking one myself to try and calm down. Nothing's seemed to go right ever since… well, ever since a certain leader of ours discovered his dragon and has secluded himself to slowly break his body to pieces with overwork." *pauses* "Well, one thing has."

You are just killing him Kat



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You are just killing him Kat

(Uh, HK? It's the same thing she's been complaining about. She's not saying anything new.)

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Poly ran faster towards the horse, following closely behind Alicia as he did. However, he ended up tripping on a stray log that had found it's way out in the open, and ended up crashing right into Alicia. "Shit!" he cursed out, falling as he did so.

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Poly ran faster towards the horse, following closely behind Alicia as he did. However, he ended up tripping on a stray log that had found it's way out in the open, and ended up crashing right into Alicia. "Shit!" he cursed out, falling as he did so.

(Awkward positions in 3… 2… 1…)

(Also, HK, I thought you switched it to 55.)

Edited by Kat
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Zephyr dropped Breezy's Bow and Arrows on the ground.

Ace:"Breezy's bow and arrows. Breezy is a Bow Knight so he should still have his blade... Zeph, I know you only listen to Breezy but, he's missing and I don't want to lose a friend. Can you take us to him, please?" Alicia was suddenly forced face down on the ground. She struggled to face the person who knocked her down, Khan Poly. Alicia's face turned bright red.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Dan had decided to look for the soap he had requested. Finally finding it, he started to draw a bath, and put some of the soap in it. As he took it his jacket and his shirt, he realized his stab wound was gone. Ishtar had actually fully head it. He heard something, and turned around to see Kat dragging Dusk inside...and Dan started to emit heat when he realized he had no shirt on.

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"I got you." *turns to look at him* "I got you, though I don't know why you're so insistent on leaving me so soon."

"I don't plan on dying, Kat..." He paused for a moment, thinking about what to say. "Look, up until we got each other, I haven't given a damn about myself. I co-founded the Dreamers looking for a decent death, and I never got it... Hell, I contemplated committing suicide, and I wouldn't gone through with it if not for you. I'm alive because of you, and I know I don't have enough time on his world to be with you forever, but I'm not planning on leaving you any sooner than I have to... It's just... I'm the Grand General of this army, and sometimes my job has to come before my personal life. I don't want to die, but I can't promise you I won't... I want to be with you for as long as I can"

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Ace:"Breezy's bow and arrows. Breezy is a Bow Knight so he should still have his blade... Zeph, I know you only listen to Breezy but, he's missing and I don't want to lose a friend. Can you take us to him, please?"

Zephyr starts to walk away, kinda like he wants them to follow

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"I don't plan on dying, Kat..." He paused for a moment, thinking about what to say. "Look, up until we got each other, I haven't given a damn about myself. I co-founded the Dreamers looking for a decent death, and I never got it... Hell, I contemplated committing suicide, and I wouldn't gone through with it if not for you. I'm alive because of you, and I know I don't have enough time on his world to be with you forever, but I'm not planning on leaving you any sooner than I have to... It's just... I'm the Grand General of this army, and sometimes my job has to come before my personal life. I don't want to die, but I can't promise you I won't... I want to be with you for as long as I can"

​"Yes, but…" *sighs* "No, never mind. You're right. Duty above everything."

Dan had decided to look for the soap he had requested. Finally finding it, he started to draw a bath, and put some of the soap in it. As he took it his jacket and his shirt, he realized his stab wound was gone. Ishtar had actually fully head it. He heard something, and turned around to see Kat dragging Dusk inside...and Dan started to emit heat when he realized he had no shirt on.

"Hi, Dan." *not even noticing he's shirtless* "Sorry about taking so long." *pushes Dusk his way.* "Have fun you two." *leaves*

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(Awkward positions in 3… 2… 1…)

(Also, HK, I thought you switched it to 55.)

(Wasn't that Dusk's total?)

It was until I added Dusk into the mix. And no, Dusk doesn't have his own total, but he has the strongest influence among everyone

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Dan had decided to look for the soap he had requested. Finally finding it, he started to draw a bath, and put some of the soap in it. As he took it his jacket and his shirt, he realized his stab wound was gone. Ishtar had actually fully head it. He heard something, and turned around to see Kat dragging Dusk inside...and Dan started to emit heat when he realized he had no shirt on.

"Hi, Dan." *not even noticing he's shirtless* "Sorry about taking so long." *pushes Dusk his way.* "Have fun you two." *leaves*

"Uh... Hi"

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It was until I added Dusk into the mix. And no, Dusk doesn't have his own total, but he has the strongest influence among everyone

(What's mine, then? Or do I not have one?)

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