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I-I didn't fall asleep. I was on a roll too. *sigh* I have a game today anyway. Let's just say I passed out in the desert. Just for the lolz.

HK wants Admin status? Hmm...

I need to be an admin for that? Well then, I had to get out of Lt. General sometime, so I'll take it

Also: +6


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"Gah, thanks..." Poly replied as he & Alicia limped off to the infirmary. He kissed her forehead and clasped her right hand in his left. "I wish you and I could stay like this forever."

(yeah, even if I am two hours behind you lot, I'm probably gonna zonk out soon)

Alicia didn't go to sleep that night, she just sat on the infirmary floor with a smile, turning more of the fabric pile into bandages before Breezy had run off. ("A Light Brand, a powerful magic weapon said to be nearly impossible to come by.) Alicia then shuddered, causing her to drop the scrap of fabric she was holding and grasp her right shoulder. ("...Just as I thought, that explosion did leave some burns.) Alicia thought, unaware of the cuts on her palms from trying to pull the blade away from Poly in addition to the numerous burns concealed by her Grandmaster coat. ("This pain is nothing...compared to the pain of rejection. Although....that's irreverent now that I've found you.") Alicia thought,turning to look at Poly's sleeping form before resuming her task of turning the fabric into bandages.

Not gonna lie, I have a unicorn reaction prepared too.

Oh okay. I'll just sit here and pout then. *pouts viciously*

The others may join me of they wish, and we can bond over not being gentlemen.

Indignant sniff.


(;_; I think I'm going to need a nap soon.)

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Sit back down. You aren't going anywhere friend."

"You were there. You saw everything. I have to go find her. Where is she?"

Leaving in like 17 minutes.

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"You were there. You saw everything. I have to go find her. Where is she?"

Leaving in like 17 minutes.

"I don't think I want to see another in the great above. Rest first ask questions later. Let this dead man help his friends once alright?"
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*Ended up running for the Oasis. Is sitting there with her knees pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them, and her face buried in them. Phoibus is there as well, sitting so that their backs are touching. Numerous traps are set about the Oasis, set by Phoibus so that no one that makes his sister cry can get close until she wishes it.*

(Have fun. ^^)

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*Ended up running for the Oasis. Is sitting there with her knees pulled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them, and her face buried in them. Phoibus is there as well, sitting so that their backs are touching. Numerous traps are set about the Oasis, set by Phoibus so that no one that makes his sister cry can get close until she wishes it.*

(Have fun. ^^)

(I would say something about twincest but... Wait what kind of traps.)
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(So… there's a chance Wizard's going to get yelled at by Kat. Since he didn't watch Breezy and Breezy ran off [and was found, but still.] ^^;;;)

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(Or I'll slink back to my RP...Maybe I'll have Jxemas leave and have Light come. Yeah I'm slinking back to my RP.)

(It's not to Jxemas appearing. It's the twincest comment, Shadow. *sigh*)

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(So… there's a chance Wizard's going to get yelled at by Kat. Since he didn't watch Breezy and Breezy ran off [and was found, but still.] ^^;;;)

Wha- *reads back* Oh... So, after I had to leave to see my uncle, Breezy tried to kill himself?

...Great. Now I have to RP as miserable Nathaniel instead of cheerful Nathaniel. ;_;

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(Shadow quit being dumb)

Poly was beginning to get tired of continuously drifting in and out of unconsciousness. After all, yesterday he had attempted suicide multiple times - more or less pulling it off once - and always waking up in a different spot. 'Hmm... so Alicia can bring people back before it's their time, huh?' Poly thought to himself as he got out of bed, still nursing various wounds from yesterday. 'I wonder... was it the Shepherds' time to die when they did? Could she... Would she bring them back?' Grabbing his coat - which, luckily, he didn't have yesterday, allowing him to maintain it - he changed out of the clothes he'd slept in and into a similar outfit.

'At least I know now... at least I don't have to keep searching for another love anymore...'

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Poly was beginning to get tired of continuously drifting in and out of unconsciousness. After all, yesterday he had attempted suicide multiple times - more or less pulling it off once - and always waking up in a different spot. 'Hmm... so Alicia can bring people back before it's their time, huh?' Poly thought to himself as he got out of bed, still nursing various wounds from yesterday. 'I wonder... was it the Shepherds' time to die when they did? Could she... Would she bring them back?' Grabbing his coat - which, luckily, he didn't have yesterday, allowing him to maintain it - he changed out of the clothes he'd slept in and into a similar outfit.

'At least I know now... at least I don't have to keep searching for another love anymore...'

(Yay! Poly's not being mopey! …Just Kat's being mopey now. Oops.)

Edited by Kat
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Nathaniel sat on his bed, reading his book about the Aum Staff. He had actually slept the night before, but he didn't feel much better because of it. He decided to go to the mess hall to get a bite to eat.

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As Poly exited the infirmary, he double-checked his arm to make sure that he didn't still have his Grimleal birthmark, after it was purged from him. After checking it, he clutched his right arm and leaned up against the wall by the mess hall, letting out a deep sigh. 'It's not right... I don't get how someone as cursed as I've been in my life could fall for the servant of the Goddess of Order...' Poly thought to himself, as he slowly walked into the mess hall, trying to see if there was a secluded spot where he could sit and think.

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