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Yeah, I'm still alive...

(All I have planned is Kat moping.)

*catches some* Yay! (Vash, in case it wasn't clear, we've decided to ship Poly with Alicia, so no more guilt?)

Oh, really? Interesting indeed!

I ship it.

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Page 1000! \'o'/

[/throws confetti]


(All I have planned is Kat moping.)

I see

After a brief moment to himself he closed his eyes and fired the arrow in the general area of the siblings. Hoping that the arrow would've grabbed their attention, it did something similar... It set off most of the traps. [... Oh crap]

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(…Okay, Ace? Samson? BEWARE OF TRAPS!)

(Also, did some support updating for the Paralogue group.)

(I know, Ace isn't within range of the traps.)

"Is it worth it Ace? Or is anger driving you? Being a dead man I know a lot. This isn't a good choice."

Ace: "It's more like frustration actually. Kat works hard to keep this group together, and ever since last night where I had to deal with two suicidal idiots, I'm gonna help her shoulder this mantle." *still has cacti needles in her hands, and is taken to safety by Sampson after saying that*

Poly simply smiled at Alicia, deep down being proud that she was willing to change like she did. "No, Alicia. You're not to blame for anything. And now, at least, we can be as open as we want to with each other. That's what you wanted, right?"

Alicia smiled back, "That's what I wanted at the Neutral Ground, for us to be more open around each other. I'm just....a little mad at myself that it took me two trips up there to finally say how I felt." Alicia sighed slowly, then winced a bit at the magic burns flaring up. (Not now, please not now.)

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*jumps up at the noise* "All right. What happened?"

​"…Phoibus, I'm not sure I want to see anyone at the moment."

"No problem." *starts walking through the smoke, glaring at Ace and Samson nearby and Dusk off in the distance* "Well… what do we have here?"

Edited by Kat
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(I know, Ace isn't within range of the traps.)

Ace: "It's more like frustration actually. Kat works hard to keep this group together, and ever since last night where I had to deal with two suicidal idiots, I'm gonna help her shoulder this mantle." *still has cacti needles in her hands, and is taken to safety by Sampson after saying that*

Alicia smiled back, "That's what I wanted at the Neutral Ground, for us to be more open around each other. I'm just....a little mad at myself that it took me two trips up there to finally say how I felt." Alicia sighed slowly, then winced a bit at the magic burns flaring up. (Not now, please not now.)

"Alright. I can't stop you."
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*jumps up at the noise* "All right. What happened?"

​"…Phoibus, I'm not sure I want to see anyone at the moment."

"No problem." *starts walking through the smoke, glaring at Ace, Samson, and Dusk* "Well… what do we have here?"

Just an fyi, I'm nowhere near them, so I can't hear you

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Alicia smiled back, "That's what I wanted at the Neutral Ground, for us to be more open around each other. I'm just....a little mad at myself that it took me two trips up there to finally say how I felt." Alicia sighed slowly, then winced a bit at the magic burns flaring up. (Not now, please not now.)

Poly simply held Alicia tighter, seeing her wince at something. "Normally I'd let you go, but..." he began, trailing off because he'd simply lost his words. "You look like you're in pain, so I'm just going to keep you right here so I can help you through it."

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"Oh my. Ace and Samson are here too?.. Oh, this is going to go smoothly..." He drops off his bow into his room and starts to climb down the many stairs of the castle, making his way ever so slowly towards Phoibus... and to what he thought was going to be the last few moments of his life

Alright, so... what is going on exactly?

I'm updating the "story so far" section as I'm doing this, which will hopefully answer that question for you somewhat

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Alright, so... what is going on exactly?

(Drama. XD I think Dusk posted a very short summary a few posts back. But, basically:


Paralogue group returned


Drama involving no one going after Dan for a while save Ace and Kat, and eventually Dusk

Breezy went crazy

Drama involving Breezy running off to die

Drama involving Alicia and Poly shipping [Poly killed himself twice]

Drama involving Kat realizing how emotionally invested she's getting in the group and that scaring her into trying to leave. Sorin (with help from Dan and Shadow) stopped her.

Drama involving Alicia and Poly shipping, again. Kat runs off to the oasis afterwards, everyone else returns to castle

Whatever's going on now.)

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(A lot. Me and Breezy went mental. Poly tried to commit suicide and dusk has one?(don't quote me on this.) arm.

(He has both arms. Just both are wounded.)

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*jumps up at the noise* "All right. What happened?"

​"…Phoibus, I'm not sure I want to see anyone at the moment."

"No problem." *starts walking through the smoke, glaring at Ace and Samson nearby and Dusk off in the distance* "Well… what do we have here?"

Ace: "One frustrated Heiress of Chaos. You look just like Kat so I take it you're Phoibus. Normally I'd just walk back after beating up cacti, though seeing you just sitting there and overhearing what was just said, I'll help Kat keep this army together. Seeing as I went off on someone yesterday, I figured 'why not help out Kat?'"

Poly simply held Alicia tighter, seeing her wince at something. "Normally I'd let you go, but..." he began, trailing off because he'd simply lost his words. "You look like you're in pain, so I'm just going to keep you right here so I can help you through it."

Alicia winced a bit more due to the light magic burns not being treated, not to mention the cuts on her palms from trying to pull the Light Brand away, "I'll...be okay, since I'm with you. Though....I really should have spent my time in the infirmary all night a little better. But...I'll simply stay right here and pull through this pain."

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*jumps up at the noise* "All right. What happened?"

​"…Phoibus, I'm not sure I want to see anyone at the moment."

"No problem." *starts walking through the smoke, glaring at Ace and Samson nearby and Dusk off in the distance* "Well… what do we have here?"

"... who's tha- (Why does this person feel so familiar? was he the one who was there when Dan disappeared?... I can't remember..)... who are you?"

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Okay, here's part of the Paralogue. Ending will be added… eventually. (Multiple parts, sorry)

[spoiler=Paralogue - A]

Kat: "Looks like we're coming up on it."

Ace: "Yes, there it is, Mount Prism. I can see it in the distance."

Marth: So this is what the fabled divine grounds look like.

Poly: Took us long enough to get here... the winds feel nice.

Silvia: Oh I remember this place... it's been a while, but it's just as beautiful.

Poly: It's not the only beautiful thing around here... er, I-I mean... ugh, dammit.

Silvia: Oh-ho-ho, what's on YOUR mind, Poly?

Poly: U-uh... nothing, nothing. Let's just go... *buries his face in his coat and tries his damnedest not to think of Silvia*

Kat: "Subtle, Poly." *sighs* "Okay, instead of staring, how about we actually get inside?"

Silvia: I'm all for that. Let's go!

Marth: *speaking to himself* Soon enough....

Poly: *Ignoring everyone, heading inside* ... Woah. This is a pretty big temple.

Marth: *following Poly* This place......it feels....... familiar

Kat: *sarcastic, as she follows* "Sure, let's waltz right on in. It's not like the place can't possibly be trapped or anything."

Poly: Pfft. Who would even use this as a base or home anyway?

Kat: "Uh… Poly, the place is a known sanctuary of great power. There's bound to be SOME sort of defense mechanism."

Silvia: There wasn't last time I was here...

Poly: And Sumia was here before, and she never said anything of any traps. So, I assume it's okay, unless survivors have taken it over as their fort.

Kat: "Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you."

Poly: Thanks, 'Mom'. I'll remember that. *trips on a carpet* ... Not. A single. WORD.

Ace: *glancing around* "This place is huge, is there really fertile ground here like my mother said? And is this an enemy base? ...Ah, my brand is lighting up. I feel a presence ahead of us."

Marth: Ace. This presence. Is it friendly?

Silvia: [/notches bow with an arrow and aims with it] Just might want to be careful...

Poly: *picks himself up and draws Armads* ... Yeah, all right.

Kat: "…Can I say 'I told you so' if I'm proven right?"

Poly: That wasn't a trap, Kat. It was shoddy carpet-making.

Kat: "I'm talking about the presence, Poly, not your lack of balance."

Poly: ... Tch.

Silvia: I haven't noticed a presence. Maybe you're all just paranoid?

Ace:"It feels more like a warning that there is something waiting for us up ahead. Like a trap or ambush. Proceed with caution everyone."

Marth: *Tightly grips Falchion* Of course. I knew this wasn't going to be easy

Kat: "Can I say 'I told you so'?"

Marth: Just be sure to keep your guard up. We don't know what to expect here

Silvia: Okay. I'd like to actually SEE this mysterious presence before we start imagining things that aren't there.

Kat: *sigh* "I have a bad feeling now, Silvia. Thanks."

Silvia: I didn't mean to give you a bad feeling, Kat, I just... let's not assume there's something lurking in the shadows yet.

Poly: Though, considering who all's with us, I'm not sure if we have to worry too much about how hard any supposed fight will be.

Kat: "Poly, that sounds like some famous last words."

Poly: Heh. If they're mine, so be it. I'll make sure they're not yours or Silvia's, that's for sure. *drops his voice lower so only Kat can hear him clearly* I don't think I need to worry about Ace and Marth, since I figure they'll look after each other.

Kat: *quietly* "You saying that because you actually thinking it or is it a subconscious urge to try and keep Silvia supposedly 'single'?"

Poly: Nah, this is like my feelings on you & Dusk. They're so similar it's like they were made for each other.

Kat: "Ace is married, Poly. And Marth's… well, he's 'taken' too."

Marth: What's that Kat? Did you say something?

Kat: "Don't worry about it."

Ace: *scouting like a smart person should* "Up ahead there's...Annas in the process of being created? By what appear to be crystals... They look like all the Anna commanders we've faced so far. Defenders protecting the crystals farther inside the temple. We must smash them to stop more commander Annas from being created."

Silvia: Crystals? Wait, how do you make people out of crystals?

Kat: "Well, seems like we have an idea of why there's so many now. Must be something in the crystals themselves."

Silvia: ... That is creepy as all hell.

Poly: ... Tch. *turns back towards the crystals* ... Wait a minute. Ace, you said there were defenders for these things, but... I don't see anybody else.

Silvia: Are they gone at the moment or...?

Marth: ...Or, further ahead

Silvia: Should we split up and look?

Poly: Why? You actually want to fight these defenders? *draws Armads back, ready to swing* Maybe we can destroy these crystals now while they're gone and make this easy on ourselves.

Kat: *studying the crystals* "…Wait, prism… uh oh. These have some ancient magic on them, I think. Poly, it might be a good idea to get away…?"

Poly: Unless these things are going to shoot lasers at me, I think I'll be fine.

Kat: "Famous last words again." *sigh*

Poly: ... Okay, that made sense the first time, but now it's just you being mean. *pouts jokingly as soon as he says mean*

Silvia: *burst of inspiration* Wait a minute. That's it! A prism is an object that take light and transforms it into different colors. That must be the idea behind the Annas creation: take the original Anna, and split her into different beings. ... That's kind of sick now that I think about it.

Poly: So, that must've been it... I remember that the original Anna of this world was a kind-hearted woman, and even aided Prince Chrom in his war with the Plegians, Valmese and Grimleal. But I suppose somebody took her and used these prisms to turn her into the plague that she is today.

Silvia: Anna DOES have sisters, though, I've met some of them. If only I had actually bothered to record their full names...

Kat: "Who wants to bet it doesn't just work on Annas? How many are there anyway? Crystals, I mean."

Ace:"When these prisms look at us, they may bend the light to show us a different aspect of ourselves. One we may wish to hide deep down, or how things might have been different in our lives."

Kat: "Basically, this is going to be an interesting fight, huh? Split them up?"

Poly: I don't know if we should split up. I think we all should go one by one and destroy these crystals until they're all destroyed.

Kat: "Splitting up would mean keeping secrets and going faster, though." *shrug* "Whatever works for me. Just wanted to point this out."

Poly: Huh. Well, let's just hope that nothing too embarrassing comes out.

Kat: "Tempted to say it a third time, but I might just hurt your feelings, Poly." *pauses* "Marth's been quiet."

Poly: *again, jokingly pouts* Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat~

Silvia: *worriedly* But what if... these crystals have no way of seizing a hold of US, do they?

Ace:"The only hold these prisms can have over us, is the picture of us they paint. They just bend light to create the image the creator wants to see."

Silvia: [/approaches crystal] I wonder if... I can take a piece of this off and study it? [/pulls out her journal and starts taking notes]

Marth: *also studying one of the crystals, which had been taking a lot of his attention* "This thing...... is suppose to reflect my inner self?" *stares into crystal to see myself* *Myself in the mirror gives back a sudden glare* "!!!"

Kat: "Marth, something wrong?"

Ace: *at the same time as Kat* "Marth...what's wrong?" *Peers into crystal, my reflection smirks back at me* "Oh no, they've already started to replicate Marth and myself"

Poly: Heh, now we're getting somewhere! *pulls out Armads*

Silvia: Wait they... then don't touch them. I - If they drag you in...

Kat: "Too late. Okay, at this point, I think I'd recommend separating to make sure we don't accidentally fight the wrong version!"

Ace: "That would be the wisest course of action, and since these prisms can be moved..." *boots hers to a secluded corner of the temple to break it.* "Hopefully those commander Anna's don't try to interfere though as we break these first." *chases after the prism and leaves*

Silvia: Damn, I haven't even finished describing the texture..

Kat: "Pick one and run, I guess." *choose one at random and shoves it in the opposite direction as Ace's* "Don't die." *runs after it, leaving the others*

Silvia: I suppose I can't worry about that now... [/stows journal away and retrieves bow before running back a few steps and aiming at it]

Marth: So they've already started....There's not much time. We have to break it. Now! *Unsheathes Falchion and attempts to slice it in two* *gets knocked away*Ugh, What?!

Poly: Hrrrrrrrrragh! *swings Armads at another crystal, but has it blocked by... himself* ... Okay, what the fuck? Ah, shit... Silvia, Marth! Where'd Kat & Ace go?

Silvia: I have no idea... Did they leave? My arrows are just bouncing off this thing and I don't want to touch it...

Poly: Let me take a crack at it! *swings his axe again, but the other version of himself blocks it* Dude! The fuck?!

Poly(?): Oh please, as if you can beat me.

Poly: Well, I'm not too fond of beating myself.

Poly(?): ... Unless it involves Sil-

Poly: OKAY, NO.

Marth: *grimacing at how difficult things are becoming* We're going to have to break it in one blow then. *tries to slice it again. Gets knocked back again* The hell?

Poly: Uh, I may need to get back to you on that, Marth. *turns back towards his doppelganger* All right, asshat. Who are you?

Poly(?): I'm you, dumbass. Well, with one major exception. *removes the glove on his left hand to reveal a small ring*

Poly: Oh, hey. You're wearing a wedding ring. At least... I think it's a wedding ring.

Poly(?): It is. And I bet you can guess who it's from.

Poly: I... don't think I want to.

Poly(?): *points directly at Silvia* ... Her.

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Ace: "One frustrated Heiress of Chaos. You look just like Kat so I take it you're Phoibus. Normally I'd just walk back after beating up cacti, though seeing you just sitting there and overhearing what was just said, I'll help Kat keep this army together. Seeing as I went off on someone yesterday, I figured 'why not help out Kat?'"

"Oh, what joy. Except I have a scared little sister to try and calm down at the moment."

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