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[spoiler=Paralogue - B] ---Scene Change---

Ace: "Alright then, it hasn't finished replicating yet so..." *Takes out forged Killing Edge, prepares to critical the prism* "My appearance means doom for you all!" *Tries to critical the crystal, only to be blocked.* "No! Those things are fast at replicating. That's...me. But why do I have my mother's dawn colored hair?" *to the mirror version* "Why do you have the dawn colored hair of my mother?"

Mirror!Ace: "I'm you, but I didn't get screwed out of my inheritance at birth like you did."

Ace: "What was that?! You insulting me?"

Mirror!Ace: "I inherited the full power of Ashunera from my mother. You on the other hand, couldn't handle all that power so your soul split itself in two at birth. Creating your beloved twin sister, Alicia Taylor."

Ace: "What you say is a falsehood! You bear no proof of this claim!"

Mirror!Ace: "Oh, do I?"

Ace: "Then what proof do you have of your claims?"

Mirror!Ace: "Ashunera herself discarded her emotions and they became Yune, Goddess of Chaos. And she, Ashera the Goddess of Order."

Ace: “You’re me from another timeline where Alicia wasn't born and I inherited all my mother's powers. I imagine with that kind of power, you did unspeakable things with your powers. It's time I got rid of you and that prism!" *readies forged Killing Edge*

Mirror!Ace: "I'd like to see you try, honey. Oh, after I kill you Marth is mine, I need another honorable man for my harem. And for the record, I’m nothing like Ashera like you think I am. I actually brought peace to my realm, while you destroyed everything and everyone in your path when you didn’t get your way!" *Pulls out own forged Killing Edge*

Ace: *dryly* "Yeah, I gotta kill you. And fast before my nerves shatter from all this crap talk you’re spilling about me."

Mirror!Ace: "Don’t make me laugh. I’m perfect and you’re not. I brought prosperity while you rained death and destruction at every little tantrum. Now you die at the hands of Ashunera's perfect heir!" *attacks*

---Scene Change---

Kat: *chasing after the prism down a very long hallway* "Okay, how far is this stupid thing going to go? I didn't think I'd hit it that far."

*The prism finally comes to a stop in an garden area. Light streams down from high up windows, making the place look as if it is another world*

Kat: *sighs in relief as she steps into the garden* "About time." *glances at the prism, unsheathes her knives, and waits* "I'm not like the others. I know you're not going to let me get a hit in until you've had your way."

Mirror!Kat: "Aw, you're no fun." *steps out of the prism with a smile, casually twirling her knives* "Hiya!"

Kat: "Hi. Can you hold still for your death?"

Mirror!Kat: "What? No banter? That's no fun, you know."

Kat: "Yes, I know, very boring. I want to go back home more than I want to entertain you. Now, hold still."

Mirror!Kat: "But you don't have a home. Because you kept yourself tied to that bitch goddess."

Kat: "Tied?"

Mirror!Kat: "Yeah! YOU'RE still tied to her. But I'm not! I killed her!"

Kat: *startled* "You… what?"

Mirror!Kat: "I killed her! She wouldn't let me save people, so I killed her and devoured her powers. I AM the Goddess now!"

Kat: "…Oh, freaking hell, you're my bratty self, aren't you?"

Mirror!Kat: "Bratty? BRATTY?!" *shrieking* "She's the brat! All of those stupid laws and traditions and blahdeblahdeblah! Why listen to a weak bitch like her? I'M strong enough! There were deaths that I prevented! Lives that I saved!" *pacing around, furious* "Artemis? Haha, not only fixed her up, but got her to elope with Anri! Altea's fall? Prevented~ With Caeda still meeting Marth so that they could have their oh-so-lovely courtship. War of Heroes? Pfff, never happened! Because I got Camus and Nyna together and Hardin bowed out gracefully!"

Kat: "You're not convincing me of your maturity, you know. Rubbing salt in old scars is something only a child would do. Yes, I regret that I could do nothing. I'll have nightmares about those failures for the rest of my very long life. You're telling me nothing I don't know."

Mirror!Kat: "I knew it! You're jealous~" *grins* "Mom and Dad are alive too. The one set of parents I ever had that actually cared about me. No selling into slavery, no abandoned on the streets, no almost being killed because-"

Kat: *annoyed* "You can shut up now."

Mirror!Kat: "I keep them alive. So, me, Tabby, and Phoibus are so happy! That's right, even Tabby! Tabby didn't ever even get USED as a hostage, much less committed suicide in despair. No, she looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes, smiles that sweet smile, tells me how much she loves me, and-"

Kat: *angry* "You can really shut up right now."

Mirror!Kat: "Ooo, did I hit a nerve? I hope I did. Because there's a lot of stuff that never happened to me. No being burned at the stake as a 'witch', decapitated with a dull sword, eaten alive by various animals, cooked alive, suiciding after being kept as some sick man's 'pet' for-"

Kat: *livid* "I'm going to fucking kill you, so shut the hell up and hold the fuck still!"

Mirrior!Kat: "Oh, and no giving Phoibus a guilt complex for cutting out my eye!"

Kat: *finally noticing that Mirror!Kat's eyes are both the same color* "When the hell did we part paths?"

Mirror!Kat: "Who cares? I'm taking your place, anyway. With this power, I'll do everything you wanted, without regard for the stupid laws! They're just in my way!"

Kat: "I hope you don't intend on me just lying here. I was serious about killing you."

Mirror!Kat: "Then let's have some fun!" *attacks*

---Scene Change---

Marth: This thing...... is suppose to reflect my inner self?" *stares into crystal to see self*

*Marth in the mirror gives back a sudden glare*

Marth: !!! So they've already started....There's not much time. We have to break it. Now! *Unsheathes Falchion and attempts to slice it in two* *gets knocked away* Ugh, What?! Okay then, We're going to have to break it in one blow then. *tries to slice it again. Gets knocked back again* The hell? Damn thing... *continues to hack at it multiple times* Why. Won't. It. BREAK?

???: C'mon, you already know the answer to that *mirror Marth reveals himself and attacks*

Marth: *barely deflecting his sword* So then.... you are what I saw... when I looked into it.

Mirror Marth: You're not half as naive as you are weak, I see *with one half step, Mirror Marth shifts posture and continues to clash steel, whiile in conversation*

Marth: What do you mean?

Mirror Marth: Clearly, someone needs a history lesson. I'm you, only I'm the ACTUAL Hero-King

Marth: ....do you take me for a fool? You ARE me! You cannot strip me of my title!

Mirror Marth: Oh? Then do explain how, too scared to defend your subjects in Altea's fall from Gra?

Marth: I.... *Mirror Marth caught me off guard and tripped my foot to gain the upperhand.* (such a dirty move....) I had no choice! The castle was overrun and the main army was away with father, and killed,

Mirror Marth: *leans close to Marth's face* While you were cowering for dear life, I actually fought back like an actual crown prince would and took back the castle. I even saved father Cornelius from his tragic death. I then underwent a conquest to ensure that no one would ever trouble Altea again...... by conquering the entire continent under my banner!

Marth: You.....you fiend! What possesed you to do such a thing!?

Mirror Marth: Heh. Call me whatever you want, Knave-King, it won't change the history books. My rule was inexorable! *proceeds to trade blows once more* And look at you, wasting everyone's time with your dumbfounded second-handed beliefs of love and compassion, which never bore.... FRUIT. *he said with a grunt, in an attempt to run me through*

Marth: *Dodges Mirror Marth's lunge* Your rule is exactly what I am staring at; corruption. *swordplay between Marth and Mirror Marth intensifies into high speed action* Did you forget what it did to Hardin? He went mad and ravaged the continent just because he could! A king does not just do..... as he pleases!

Mirror Marth: Whatever do you mean? Hardin is still alive. He's actually my top general. Let me guess, you had to kill him didn't you?

Marth: But......

Mirror Marth: Proof enough. Your ideals are flawed, for if it weren't for you, a second war would never have broken out. You should have know better than to trust him, or anyone for the matter. Which is how I became the 25th King of Archanea.

Marth: 25th? But that was Hardin fom wedding Nyna! After the War of Darkness, I was engaged to..... *both swords collide into a power struggle*You.... What. Did. You. Do to her!!

Mirror Marth: I take it you mean that wench Caeda? Oh, I just killed her. Nothing special.

Marth: *anger begins to rise* You.... You monster!! How could you!!!!?

Mirror Marth: I found her to be a threat to my ambitions, so I had her executed. Shame to waste such a beauty, but she was easily replaced..... just like the many other wives I had *evil chuckle*

Marth: *Sheds a tear out of anger* ENOUGH!!

*activates Astra and mercilessly assaults Mirror Marth,*

---Scene Change---

Poly: ... What.

Poly(?): Oh yes, it's true. I'm you from another timeline... one that used your power for more than just smashing heads.

Poly: So, wait. You forced your timeline's Silvia to marry you?

Poly(?): Indeed I did. And you know what else? She LOVED it. She enjoyed - hell, she practically ADORED the fact that she was controlled by me, both in body and mind. *shrugs* But, you see, it was my way of protecting her.

Poly: What kind of bullshit is that? You can't protect someone by forcing them into something.

Poly(?): But that's the beautiful thing! You CAN! You see, when I did what I did, men stopped getting too close to my dearest, and the ones that were foolish enough to try... well... *reveals the necklace under his coat, which is adorned with shrunken, severed heads, some of which are recognizable as Shadow, Dan & Dusk* Let's just say I had to use a bit more force. But it's better this way, right darling? *talking to no one at that last part*

Poly: ...You're such an obsessive fuckhead it hurts.

Poly(?): But... hmm... no, this won't do. *pulls out a Runesword* You see,I'm in need of an anniversary gift, and it looks like you're getting too close to my darling. Nonono, that won't do at all! *throws his head back* AHAHAHAHAHAHA! *whips his head back forward, eyes taking on a menacing glow* I'll just have to skin you alive to make her a new dress for our anniversary! That will make you happy, won't it, Silvia?!

Poly: *dodging another Nosferatu fired from M!Poly's Runesword* Ugh... what the hell is wrong with you?

M!Poly: *ignoring Poly* NYAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dance, dance, DANCE, my puppet! *fires another shot of Nosferatu* Your dances will entertain my beloved Silvia!

Poly: I'm not sure you can call her that, considering how you supposedly won her over. *tries to draw his Light Brand, but has it shot out of his hands by M!Poly's Runesword*

M!Poly: Nyahahaha! I'm not sure you're one to talk!

Poly: And another thing! What the hell is with that laugh?

M!Poly: Nyahahaha! My dear Silvia likes it, so maybe you should give it a try here! *draws a Brave Axe*

Poly: *draws his Brave Sword* Grr... stop it with that shit! A love won by force isn't love at all! *charges M!Poly*

M!Poly: How sad... I hoped you would entertain my beloved longer than this. *hacks at Poly twice, cutting deep into his chest* But now I suppose your corpse will have to suffice as a memento to the man I never was! Nyahahaha!

---Scene Change---

Silvia: I have no idea... Did they leave? My arrows are just bouncing off this thing and I don't want to touch it...

Silvia: This is not working from a distance... Goddamn it. [/walks up to the prism and sighs] ... Well? Are you going to do something to me?

Mirror!Silvia: [/blinks twice, then tips its head] Like what?

Silvia: Are you... [/shakes head] Nope. No. No way. I'm just seeing things.

Mirror!Silvia: Sorry, I'm not just a hallucination. You'd like that, wouldn't you though? Something you see and then throw away because it's not real...

Silvia: Oh for - F-For hells' sake! L-Leave... leave me ALONE about that!

Mirror!Silvia: You do that with everything in your life you don't like... just like poor, sweet Silver... what did the boy ever do to you?

Silvia: A-Are you actually... are you kidding me right now?

Mirror!Silvia: You were unstable, a wild card. You still are... a beacon of pure power and no control... If I were in his shoes, I'd do the same. But you denied him, and denied him... ignored his words until he finally gave up on you.

Silvia: No, YOU don't understand he tried to -

Mirror!Silvia: Ever wonder what was going through his mind? When he raised the blade to his neck and slowly, slowly pushed, blood pooling out onto -

Silvia: O-Oh Gods. No. No. No. Shut up. I don't want to hear this, SHUT. UP.

Mirror!Silvia: Why? You just ignore and neglect people to suit your own purposes. Your life is very linear, oriented around goals. If someone you love doesn't fit with your goal... you abandon them.

Silvia: I d-don't mean... why are you even TELLING me this?

Mirror!Silvia: [/laughs, pulling out two Mjornir tomes and throwing one to Silvia] Because it's the truth about us both. We're quite callous, really. And so charismatic that people want us to stay, beg us to stay, but we walk our path... and leave a trail of broken hearts and bodies in our wake... Hahaha... and you say you aren't destructive.

Silvia: ... I don't know w-what you are... [/back away slowly] B-But I am not you. Never.

Mirror!Silvia: But you are! And I am you... just with one... minor difference. [/creates a wisp of dark magic in her fingers before blowing it away, watching as the magic curls into mist and fades] Guess.

Silvia: ... Y-You did NOT.

Mirror!Silvia: If I'm going to walk my path and leave destruction no matter what... I may a well level everything else in my way, no? That's your problem, Silvia. You're so cold, ruthless and analytical, but your heart doesn't match the exterior image. Imagine how unstoppable you'd be otherwise. You always wanted power, you always felt like a pawn to fate... you should have taken the offer. I shape my OWN fate instead...

Silvia: ... ...

Mirror!Silvia: Now... I think it's time I cleared one more obstacle. [/opens the Mjornir tome] Are you willing to fight for the so-called life you live?

Silvia: I... I don't know, what you're trying to say here... but leave me alone. Please. For gods' sake, why the hell does everyone want me to recall all of my mistakes at once? I - I get it! I'm a screw-up! Just... I-I'm trying to fix it, okay? I'm TRYING, damn it!

Mirror!Silvia: You try and you try, but you don't do anything. Either you make the same mistake again, Silvia, or you don't try at all. Are you going to even use that tome on me? Or are you not going to try that either?

Silvia: ... Should I actually give you the satisfaction of trying?

Mirror!Silvia: [/flips through the Mjornir tome casually] I would hope so. I like a good fight, don't you? No matter the difficulty...

Silvia: Yeah, no. Last I checked I wasn't a complete loon... [/starts to walk away]

Mirror!Silvia: So your brother can't walk away from you but you can walk away from me? Your double standards are so aggravating sometimes... you can't get away with EVERYTHING just because you're you.

Silvia: Oh, bitch, please. You would do the exact same thing if you could! And I DON'T, by the way.

Mirror!Silvia: Hahaha, I know I would! See? If you just stop rejecting everything, you'd be happy. The only person you've ever accepted had to throw himself off a cliff before you even realized you LOVED him!

Silvia: Stop. Bringing. That. UP - why the HELL does everyone want to remind me of that?!

Mirror!Silvia: And even then you leave him for a portal. And oh look - you can never go back. Throwing him away again. Sometimes even I wonder if you just secretly want to make him miserable...

Silvia: Oh gods, stop... s-stop... p-please stop.

Mirror!Silvia: Oh, DO you? Haha, I knew it! You are bad.

Silvia: N-No... Why would I DO such a thing on purpose?

Mirror!Silvia: You actually have an impact on something by making someone miserable. Not so useless now, are you? Doesn't it make you feel stronger? More in control?

Silvia: ... [/shakes head and laughs] Okay, okay. You're deluded.

Mirror!Silvia: Ooh. And your son! He takes after the both of you so well. I wonder... I wonder... will he give in to his face?

Silvia: [/whirls around, clutching the tome] Don't talk about my son.

Mirror!Silvia: I'd like to see you stop me...

Silvia: Don't push your luck... I just might.

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[spoiler=Paralogue - C]---Scene Change---

Despite being caught by surprise, Kat dodges Mirror!Kat's knife strike, scoffing. "Too obvious."

Mirror!Kat smirks. "Was it?" She lands and conjures up a magic circle instantly. "Rexaura!"

"…What the…?" Just barely, she jumps out of the way. "How can you…? That spell requires a tome."

"Who needs those stupid tomes? I'm a fucking goddess! I've got the power inside of me!"

"You sound like a damn cliche. That's boring."

"…I'm killing you even harder for that!" She lunges again, only for Kat to dodge. "How can you keep dodging me?!"

"You keep using MY trick to lunge. How am I not?"

"…Oh, right, the only thing you're GOOD at is dodging." She sighs and drops the knife. "Okay, then. Mage time!"

"Seriously, get better lines."

"Get better dodging. Forseti!"

Because of the ​spell's infamous speed, Kat fails to dodge and, instead, is launched into the air, nearly torn apart by the draconic hurricane. She hits the ground hard and doesn't move. Blood pools under her still form. Her knives land with dull thumps, just out of reach.

"I won!" Mirror!Kat laughs, dancing and skipping around like a child. "I won! Yay! Now, then… let's see about the others." She thinks and thinks. "I know! I'll just bring Sumia back for Poly! I'm sure he'd like that much better than Silvia! And I'll make Marth 'real' and give him Caeda again and…" She trails off as she realizes something. There is movement from her 'real' self. "You're still breathing, weakling?"

​"Seems so... sucks… for you…" Kat rasps as she forces herself to stand back up with shredded arms and legs. "But I'm… I'm not that…" She hacks blood as she tries to take a deep breath. Blood splatters on the ground. "I'm not... that easy... to kill."

"Whatever," Mirror!Kat scoffs, unimpressed. "One more spell will do it." A magic circle appears in front of her again. "I'll choose Valflame this time. Burn this damn garden with you. It's hideously boring." Threat in place, she smirks and begins to call, "Val…"

Suddenly, though, Kat starts to laugh. She laughs and laughs as she coughs and hacks up more blood.

"Why… are you laughing?" Mirror!Kat asks, frowning in confusion as she loses the spell. "Are you mad? You're about to die, you know."

But Kat continues to laugh, as if unable to stop. Tears join the blood as she keeps giggling and cackling.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! You're being creepy!"

"Do you know… why Mila puts up with all my bitching?" she asks through the laughter at last. "With my yelling, my complaining, my crying?" She looks up at Mirror!Kat, smiling despite the pain, the blood, the tears. A real, genuine smile that's brighter than the sun. "It's because... I deal with hers too. Because she bitches too... about how she can't help... without causing more harm… than it's worth. She yells, complains, cries. Just like I do. We are goddess and warrior, employer and assassin. Partners. Friends."

"You…" She shakes her head vigorously in denial. "You're lying!"

"No, which tells me... just where you made that decision of yours. You made it right after I got disillusioned... with the life of a contracted assassin. I chose to stick with Mila, to place my trust in her. And I won my gamble. We're partners. We're friends. That's what you, my past self, never saw."

"You're lying! You're lying!"

"Believe what you want. Should it to the heavens, if you chose. I. Don't. Care." She starts glowing faintly as she steels all her strength. "I, warrior of Mila, have condemned you to death! You have only two options! Accept your fate gracefully or go whimpering like a coward!"

"You…" Her eyes widen in fright. "You can't use magic without a tome! You're not a goddess!"

"Eh, I'm the 'rally goddess' of the Azure Dreamers. That's close enough to deal with you." She closes her eyes and concentrates, raising her arm into the air. "Also... you forgot something very, very important."

"W… what are you…?"

"Back when Valm was Valencia, magic didn't require tomes." She smirks as she feels the old power well up inside her. Yes, she knew this spell well. "It just requires… a little bit of blood." She snaps her eyes open and calls out in a crystal clear voice that echoed through the garden, "Descend, Rainarok!"

Summoned by the spell, fire rains down from the sky, devouring Mirror!Kat. She shrieks in pain, desperately tries to claw her way out of the flames. "How is this…?" she weeps, tears boiling as they streak down her face. "How is this hurting me?! I'm a goddess! I'm invincible!"

"Rainarok is from the word 'Ragnarok', meaning 'the end of gods," Kat explains calmly. She holds herself tall, proud, despite the blood streaming down. She shows no pain, no pity, no fear."Mila entrusted this spell to me, when she realized I would never turn on her. You? You never learned it because you killed her."

"I… I…" Mirror!Kat collapses, just letting the fire burn her to ash. "I just… wanted to be…"

"There is happiness in this. You're just too blind to see it."

"I…" That is it. With that word as her last breath, she is consumed by the flames. The fire, still ravenous, eats the ashes left behind until absolutely nothing remains. As the spell vanishes, barely sated from its victim, the prism that created Mirror!Kat shatters into pieces, littering the ground with shards that glimmer in the dull light.

She breaths a sigh of relief and then grimaces as she coughs up more blood."Ugh, this hurts. Stupid magic made it worse, too."

"Perhaps I can help with that." With those gentle words came the light of a healing spell.

She knows who it is without turning around. "You're going to bleed from using white magic on me, Phoibus." She glances at her arms. "Don't close the wounds fully. You won't be able to explain it away."

"You know I don't mind. Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." She flops to the ground, uncaring of the blood, and stares at the ceiling. "You have until the others get here."

"Would you like me to bring them?"

​"…No. I want to just lay here with my big brother for a bit, if you don't mind."

"Of course not, Lady of Black Magic." He sits beside her, a careful distance away. "Will it work?"

"I've got Mira's daughter and a girl known for being very distraught at being separated from her husband. I think so."

​"I've… asked HIM about it. He'll help, if she'll agree."

"Then you've upped the chances significantly. It's just a matter of what the price'll be."

"Good." He smiles. "Shall I sing for you?"

"Mom's lullaby."

​"Okay." And he begins to sing, soft and low, a gentle song of resting, of separations, and of reunions beyond all hope.

She closes her eyes and just listens to the old song, relaxing at last to its familiar melody.

---Scene Change---

Poly: 'Ugh... that laugh is so familiar, but where... Wait!' ... You're not really me now, are you?

M!Poly: Defiant to the very end, I see? Oh well, it makes it more fun when you squirm.

Poly: Not what I meant. I mean... that laugh... the bloodlust... you're acting like that weird guy who Silvia married in her own Outrealm. Am I wrong?

M!Poly: Geh...! What does that matter?! My Silvia loves ME and nobody else, while yours...

Poly: Mine cares for me still... I know that. But I know she's got her head on straight... your Silvia, though, was likely too broken by the news of the Outrealm gates to resist your come-ons, and you tried to compensate for the fact that she DIDN'T love you by becoming a shadow of her old flame.

M!Poly: No! THAT'S A LIE!

Poly: *ignoring him* Tell me... you've killed a lot of people I'm close to in this world... what of Kat? Of Sorin? Of my daughter...YOUR daughter... what of Cynthia?


Poly: Heheheheh... HAHAHAHA! *slashes twice at M!Poly, gashing his chest*

M!Poly: Gah...!! What the... what the hell was that for?! You... you DARE to defy me?! YOURSELF?!

Poly: Wrong. You're not me. Because I'd never hurt Cynthia. Which makes you just another notch on my belt. *slashes once more with the Brave Sword, dropping M!Poly to his knees*

M!Poly: *drops his Brave Axe* Please... have... mercy! Don't... don't take my beloved Silvia away... she... she needs me...

Poly: *draws Armads, rearing it back* Sorry, but... you don't get that courtesy now. *swing the axe down, cutting M!Poly right in two, as it and the prism both dissolve into the air* Heh... well... I guess your love is over... me. *slings Armads over his shoulder, then promptly collapses to the ground*

---Scene Change---

Ace: *dodges* "Ha! You missed! Feeling arrogant, Miss Demi-Goddess of Dawn? Well then... You’re not so perfect after all." *Attacks Mirror!Ace for 35 damage*

Mirror!Ace: "Not bad for a half blood born of Chaos." *next turn* Mirror!Ace: 65/80 Ace: 80/80

Ace: "I didn’t appreciate the insults you implied about my twin sister and about me! You should know well OUR bloodline is half divine at most for being “perfect” *Attacks several times but misses*

Mirror!Ace: "Ha! I'm Ashunera's rightful heir! With my powers, I'll bring peace to all realms! I'll protect all worlds and halt all wars! Thanks to my powers of the dawn goddess, Validar and Grima's heir Christine are no more! I killed both of them and the Grimleal cult! I saved my realm from all threats, and my mother didn't die because I saved her! General Zane isn't such an insomniac since I actually married him and my mother together! You are a half blood failure and you're in my way! All that pain and suffering that happened in your timeline is your fault for being imperfect!" *Attacks with Ignis for 65 damage*

Next turn: Ace: 45/80 Mirror!Ace: 80/80

Ace: *bent over exhausted*

Mirror!Ace: *smug* "Feeling tired, little demi-goddess? Well too bad, I don’t feel sorry for you. I hereby sentence you to the hell plane!" *Lunges in for the final attack...*

Ace: *Blocks her strike* "Like I said before, I love my twin sister, my cousin, General Zane and all my friends. You're just an arrogant version of myself. Yes, I didn't succeed during those times, but that's what helped me become who I am today. No one is truly perfect, you're no different than Ashera who wanted perfection. Did she get it? NO! Why? Because there is no such thing as perfection! What's more, I don't need to use Tumultuous Arrangement to kill you. Since our special skills don't work here against each other, but Ignis does...*activates it* "Keep your hand raised to the level of your eyes! Demi Dawn Goddess Bitch!" "Ignis crits Mirror!Ace and kills her*

Mirror!Ace: "NO! How could the perfect heir of Ashunera lose to Yune's imperfect heir?! This isn't fair! I'm perfect! I didn't deserve to lose to a half blood like you!" *dies and with her the prism and Ace’s forged Killing Edge shatters*

Ace: "Drat, so much for reforging that sword…No, Dan might be able to truly reforge it now."

---Scene Change---

Mirror!Silvia: *laughs* Then kill me, Sleeping Beauty! Wake from your endless sleep.


Mirror!Silvia: Oh... it's because HE uses it. A sign of the one-sided romance you two have?

Silvia: ... I love him more than anything and you damn well know that. You're just LYING at this point...

Mirror!Silvia: You look so mad... Going to hurt me...? Going to drag me into your web of false securities? Sink your tainted shadows into my dying breath? Oh, Princess? Do you wish to wound me so?

Silvia: [/growls and clutches the tome to her chest, ducking her head]

Mirror!Silvia: Ha! Someone doesn't like "The Prince of Light and the Princess of Darkness"...!

Silvia: I swear to Naga... [/opens the tome and tears out the first page before balling it up and throwing it]

Mirror!Silvia: [/rolls out of the way out of the sheet of paper as it ignites and creates a lightning bolt to strike the ground where she once stood] You're growing tired of me?

Silvia: I've... BEEN tired of you. [/tears out the second page and does the same thing]

Mirror!Silvia: [/dodges again] Because I'm the decision you almost made?

Silvia: Ha! Like I ever would have done that...!

Mirror!Silvia: I don't know - it gives you a decent excuse for all the mistakes you make instead of whatever you pull out of your ass now. "Sorry, Henry, my curiosity gets the better of me AGAIN and I'm leaving you. Toodles." For someone you can't live without, you spend a LOT of your life without him.

Silvia: ... ... [/tears out the third page and crushes it in her hands]

Mirror!Silvia: You try to be so damn noble, so... damn... good, but you fail at it so badly. Why didn't you just give in? It's the only thing you'd ever be good at!

Silvia: [/throws down the crumpled page by her foot as it ignites, creating another lightning bolt just inches from her]

Mirror!Silvia: Trying to kill yourself...? Does suicide just run in your family or something?

Silvia: [/tears our the next five pages, crumples and throws them at the mirrored Silvia before grabbing the sides of the book and twisting it, creating a tear in the binding that emits sparks from the tome itself]

Mirror!Silvia: [/dodges the five lightning strikes while tearing out a page of its own tome and throwing it at her]

Silvia: [/dodges the strike thrown at her and charges forward, slamming the electrified tome into Mirror!Silvia's head six times]

Mirror!Silvia: 50/80

Silvia: 80/80

Silvia: [/grabs a fistful of pages in her left hand and crumples them, before charging forward again, stopping just short knocking them both into the wall]

Mirror!Silvia: Any last denials?

Silvia: ... No. Just goodbyes. [/slams hers fist into the wall behind her as the pages ignite and explode into a sharp bolt of electricity, cracking a hole into the wall and knocking both Silvias back against the floor. Pieces of the ceiling shake and crumble from the impact, and the remains of the crystal are scattered in every direction. The thunder rolls around the entire room before fading into nothing]

Mirror!Silvia: 0/80

Silvia: 20/80

Silvia: [/scrambles to her feet, clutching her burnt, shredded left arm with her right] ... Just,.. goodbyes...

---Scene Change---

Mirror Marth: *Counters all of Marth's attacks with his own Astra* *laughing malevolently* Yes Marth. Get angry! Lose your composure! Wish me dead with all of your desire! Give in to the hatred within your heart! *strikes Marth's arm*

Marth: Urgh! *Ignores injury and continues assault with more ferocity than before with his anger only rising* You will PAY for this!!

Mirror Marth: Hahahahaha! This is so rich! The rage in your eyes! I can't get enough of it! I had the same exact look one time! You and I are more alike than I thought! *slices Marth's chest*

Marth: *retreating a few feet away with his hand on the cut on his chest.* I.... I am not a man like you! *still ignoring his injuries, Marth charges Mirror Marth and takes the offensive again*

Mirror Marth: *parries every swing* You're transformation has already begun, I can see it in your eyes. Yes, I even feel it in your scorn for me. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll become just as ruthless as I am and rule the world with an iron...... FIST. *knocks Falchion out of Marth's hand and hits him with an uppercut*

Marth: ........*falls to the ground and remains silent*

Mirror Marth: *stomps on Marth's chest and positions his sword at Marth's neck, ready to decapitate him* That is, unless you're too weak to do so, which is probably the case. There is room for only one Hero-King in history. Once you have bee erased, the Archanean Empire shall rise again and usurp the current continent under my rule. *raises his sword in preparation for the kill* Farewell.... Knave-King.

Marth: *speaking to himself* Is this.....the end for me? If I am anything like he is, then I don't deserve to live *closes his eyes, Marth awaits death's cold embrace*

*Mysterious Voice appears within my mind*

???: Don't listen to him! He's baiting you to become corrupt an lose your way. Remember who you are: the kind and compassionate man who won the hearts and inspired an entire age of generations! You lived with and for the people and THAT is why you have come this far! THAT is why everyone looks up to you! THAT is why why you slayed the Shadow Dragon and are known as the Hero-King! We're all counting on you! Come on, don't fail us now!

Marth: ...That's right. I AM the Hero-King! I AM the light that shines over Archanea! And I WILL put an end to you and anyone that would do wrong with what I strive to protect! *triggers Geosphere, which emits a shock wave, successfully staggering and damaging Mirror Marth*

Mirror Marth: *taking the force of the shockwave, Mirror Marth gets pushed backward* Agh! Curse him....

Marth: *Activating Aether, Marth runs in pursuit and stabs Mirror Marth's chest, pulls out while pushing away of his body with his feet into a graceful backflip.Begone! When he landed, Marth quickly leaped forward and ended him in one fell swoop

Mirror Marth: Damn..... that ..... "Marth"....... *Mirror Marth shatters, just as Marth sheathes his sword*

Marth:...... *Becomes paralyzed from his earlier usage of the Geosphere's power and nearly collapses* After a good 20 minutes, he regains himself and makes way to regroup with the others.

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(NOTE: Paralogue was written prior to the whole 'PolyxAlicia' thing.)

(And prior to just about everything that's happened in the recent days. ^^)

(Anyway, like I said, ending will be posted. But have fun reading?)

Edited by Kat
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Alicia winced a bit more due to the light magic burns not being treated, not to mention the cuts on her palms from trying to pull the Light Brand away, "I'll...be okay, since I'm with you. Though....I really should have spent my time in the infirmary all night a little better. But...I'll simply stay right here and pull through this pain."

Poly simply let out a soft laugh. For all the self-depreciating that she did, she could never find a way to insult him in any manner. "Don't say that... it's probably all my fault that those cuts and bruises that you have are there in the first place. I should be the one in pain right now."

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"Oh, what joy. Except I have a scared little sister to try and calm down at the moment."

"I think that's something family should do together" Dusk had emerged from the rear exit of the castle and slowly made his way towards Phoibus, saying those words with a fake smirk on his face

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(I should have E!Shadow appear right now.)


"I think that's something family should do together" Dusk had emerged from the rear exit of the castle and slowly made his way towards Phoibus, saying those words with a fake smirk on his face

"Yeah, no. Get back."

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"Gladly. It's your fault anyway."

"Well, as we discussed..." He rose his arms towards his side, as if to call him on. "... If I ever upset her, you'd end my life. I'm surprised I'm still breathing Phoibus"

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"Well, as we discussed..." He rose his arms towards his side, as if to call him on. "... If I ever upset her, you'd end my life. I'm surprised I'm still breathing Phoibus"

​"Because I don't want her crying MORE, you idiot!"

(I'm still a villain. Major antagonist. Something of that sort.)

(I STILL am reminding you that I didn't want the ghosts.)

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​"Because I don't want her crying MORE, you idiot!"

"And yet, I'm apparently the one who upset her. What are you going to do, Phoibus?" He starts walking towards him, raising his chin as he does so. Anything to put on fake bravado. [i know what you really want to do, right now, and yet you can't do it]

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"Oh, what joy. Except I have a scared little sister to try and calm down at the moment."

Ace: "You can relax, these cacti needles stuck in my hands are for another talk I'm going to have with a certain someone. I just want Kat to know that from now on, I'll help her keep this group together. It's about time I found a way to contribute more than I have been."

Poly simply let out a soft laugh. For all the self-depreciating that she did, she could never find a way to insult him in any manner. "Don't say that... it's probably all my fault that those cuts and bruises that you have are there in the first place. I should be the one in pain right now."

Alicia: "Yes, I was bombarded by light magic as soon as I took hold of the Light Brand. But....I don't hate you for it. I've seen enough anguish in relationships to last me several lifetimes. I've heard enough insults to make me sick of them. Using a magic blade like that on yourself had to feel like being burned alive by sunlight. I knew intervening like I did would result in these burns and cuts. I did it...so I could finally speak out my feelings in the one place I felt safe to do so, away from the world below me. Though for insults, Ace probably can think of many of them. Speaking of which, I haven't seen her today since last night...." Alicia worried since Ace still looked pretty peeved enough to beat up someone.

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Poly was torn; considering that all the wounds on Alicia were his own fault, he was almost tempted to run up to his room and impale himself yet again for hurting her as he did. But he knew that would hurt her more, so he decided against it. "Alicia... I'm sorry. About everything. I know I'm no good, but maybe if I stay with you, I'll pick up some better habits."

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"And yet, I'm apparently the one who upset her. What are you going to do, Phoibus?" He starts walking towards him, raising his chin as he does so. Anything to put on fake bravado. [i know what you really want to do, right now, and yet you can't do it]

"YOU just became the straw that broke the camel's back, mister 'duty over pleasure' reminding her that her duty is technically NOT with the damn Dreamers here. I want to just kill all of you."

Ace: "You can relax, these cacti needles stuck in my hands are for another talk I'm going to have with a certain someone. I just want Kat to know that from now on, I'll help her keep this group together. It's about time I found a way to contribute more than I have been."

"Oh, how SWEET." *mocking*

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Poly was torn; considering that all the wounds on Alicia were his own fault, he was almost tempted to run up to his room and impale himself yet again for hurting her as he did. But he knew that would hurt her more, so he decided against it. "Alicia... I'm sorry. About everything. I know I'm no good, but maybe if I stay with you, I'll pick up some better habits."

Alicia: "I forgive you, Poly. I'm sure we can learn something from staying together to better ourselves. I know I have to stop putting up my logical facade after doing so for a long time and learn to trust everyone here a little more and not worry about my empathy ability being used for ulterior purposes."

"YOU just became the straw that broke the camel's back, mister 'duty over pleasure' reminding her that her duty is technically NOT with the damn Dreamers here. I want to just kill all of you."

"Oh, how SWEET." *mocking*

Ace: "I'm serious here, Phoibus! I don't joke around, I stick to what I say!"

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"YOU just became the straw that broke the camel's back, mister 'duty over pleasure' reminding her that her duty is technically NOT with the damn Dreamers here. I want to just kill all of you."

"Yet you can't... If you can't kill anybody Phoibus, you're not a very good assassin" He paused for a moment, registering everything else he said. "And as for reminding her about her duty, that wasn't my intention. All I said that because of my station, sometimes I have to think about everybody else and not her. If I didn't, I wouldn't be a very good Grand General"

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