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I can't multitask well OKAY xD

Glaedyr eventually reached the mess hall, found some food, and plonked herself down on a chair and started eating.

Alicia saw someone enter the mess hall and sit down to eat. ("Who is that? I don't believe we've met before.") Alicia thought as Nathaniel carried on with his story, when hearing this latest part of the girl he loved, Alicia struggled not to sob here. Especially given her current predicament.

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Nathaniel silently pointed at the plate of food on the table next to him, then carried on with his tale.

"Elise's brother hated me even more after I became Elise's friend. He would take my tomes and constantly hit me during school. He was scum, through and through.

"When I was sixteen, I decided to take action on my feelings for her. On my sixteenth birthday, as we stood outside together looking at the stars under a tartan blanket, I confessed my feelings to her. She didn't reply at first, but smiled and kissed me..." Nathaniel looked down at the jade pendant around his neck, and sighed.

She accepted the food, and ate in silence, meanwhile listening in to his tale.

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"..Me? Oh n-no just fine and good. Good in composure as usual."(Don't get cracked up now..)

Silvia fully turned to face him now, bitterly wishing she could actually fold her arms. "Oh yeah? Then why did you just stutter there?"

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"We were in what could be considered a relationship for four years, until I was twenty. Before you ask, we didn't 'hook-up.' In my village, it was frowned upon to do 'things' before marriage. It probably is in most societies, actually.

"For those three years, we met in secret, telling each other about our days and about life at our respective homes.

"Those years were the best of my life. On our third year of courtship, I proposed to her. I fell on one knee in front of the whole village and promised her my heart, soul and entire being.

"She accepted my proposal and flung her arms around my neck. My father was over the moon for me, of course, but her father was not. He must've been fed all sorts of stories about me from his son.

"A few days after this proposal, I went to Plegia in search of a decent ring."

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"We were in what could be considered a relationship for four years, until I was twenty. Before you ask, we didn't 'hook-up.' In my village, it was frowned upon to do 'things' before marriage. It probably is in most societies, actually.

"For those three years, we met in secret, telling each other about our days and about life at our respective homes.

"Those years were the best of my life. On our third year of courtship, I proposed to her. I fell on one knee in front of the whole village and promised her my heart, soul and entire being.

"She accepted my proposal and flung her arms around my neck. My father was over the moon for me, of course, but her father was not. He must've been fed all sorts of stories about me from his son.

"A few days after this proposal, I went to Plegia in search of a decent ring."

"What's- (you can allow yourself this time)- what's hooking up?"

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"Of course not. Knights don't stutter. T-that would be r-ridiculous."

Silvia quirked an eyebrow at his statement, wondering why his earlier calm had suddenly vanished into thin air like that. "You can't be calling yourself ridiculous, now are you?" she said, taking a tiny step closer. "That's a bit harsh."

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You can't fire the Grand General. Sort your shit out

I do what ever I want. Rebel Leader Light commands you.

Silvia quirked an eyebrow at his statement, wondering why his earlier calm had suddenly vanished into thin air like that. "You can't be calling yourself ridiculous, now are you?" she said, taking a tiny step closer. "That's a bit harsh."

"NO CLOSER! Please. I'm not used to woman being around this close."

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"What's- (you can allow yourself this time)- what's hooking up?"

As Glaedyr carried on eating her food, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrow at the question Samson had just asked. She chuckled to herself before carrying on eating her meal.

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"I've nothing to say that hasn't been said. If she wants an apology, she'll ask you for one. If she doesn't, she won't. For now, she doesn't want to see-"

"Phoibus, you're talking in circles."

"Blame your boyfriend! He's an idiot!"

"I'm the one allowed to call him that."

"Moron, then."


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"I've nothing to say that hasn't been said. If she wants an apology, she'll ask you for one. If she doesn't, she won't. For now, she doesn't want to see-"

"Phoibus, you're talking in circles."

"Blame your boyfriend! He's an idiot!"

"I'm the one allowed to call him that."

"Moron, then."


I thought moron was worse than Idiot.

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"I've nothing to say that hasn't been said. If she wants an apology, she'll ask you for one. If she doesn't, she won't. For now, she doesn't want to see-"

"Phoibus, you're talking in circles."

"Blame your boyfriend! He's an idiot!"

"I'm the one allowed to call him that."

"Moron, then."


It's okay!

Dusk turned to face Kat briefly, before turning his head to Phoibus. "... I believe this is your cue to leave"

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