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Silvia blinked, staring at the wound for a few moments before snapping hergaze back up to Breezy. "You... did that, Breezy? Can I ask why...?"

Ohmygosh, yes.

"At this rate I should write a book... I HAVE NO IDEA...

Maybe if a certain someone would better explain what happened...

than MAYBE I could come up with SOMETHING...."

(Also Dinner)

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"Alright. Sorry to give you all a brief visit, but I must really go and speak to Kat. Thanks for telling me where she is by the way Dan... Goodbye" He made his way out of the infirmary, and to the roof of the castle where Kat supposedly was

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Alicia had to giggle a little, though she hadn't had any balconies growing up, "Actually...where I never did stand on a balcony growing up. I always wanted to stand on a balcony and feel the wind blow through my hair, the morning sun rising up and lighting up the sky, and admire the sun's ray beaming down on my face." Alicia got excited at the thought of a balcony being somewhere around the castle.

"Oh, really?" Poly replied, his face lighting up with delight and anticipation. "Well, then... come with me." he began to walk just a bit faster, heading towards his bedroom and the adjacent balcony it possessed.

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[spoiler=Kat's thoughts - B] Sorin claims that I help, but I don't see it. Yes, there are bonds, but bonds aren't necessarily enough. Duty above all else. What would be best for the Dreamers? Would it be best if I left or best if I stayed? Sorin, Dan, and Shadow claim that it's best for me to stay, but I'm… not so sure.

​No rallies. No one uses the convoy. And, to be honest, those are really the only things that I, alone, can do. I mean; Yuffie can lecture as good as the next person. And crack jokes too, which I… haven't done so much of lately. I don't see myself as so needed here. Just another soldier. And while they're are few soldiers, I'm not so certain that I'm balancing out the problems I bring…

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i was promised a hug ;-;

Aww, poor Dan~

"At this rate I should write a book... I HAVE NO IDEA...

Maybe if a certain someone would better explain what happened...

than MAYBE I could come up with SOMETHING...."

(Also Dinner)

She blinked again, sliding around Dusk and throwing her arms around Dan in a hug. She glanced up again at Breezy. "Wait. You don't... remember..."

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"Oh, really?" Poly replied, his face lighting up with delight and anticipation. "Well, then... come with me." he began to walk just a bit faster, heading towards his bedroom and the adjacent balcony it possessed.

Alicia eagerly followed after Poly, her smile seemly lighting up the area. Finally, she would be able to actually stand on a balcony and feel the elements against her face. The very thought made her walk faster behind Poly.

*Meanwhile, in the mess hall*

Ace: "What the heck? I could have sworn I heard footsteps come from here... Man, where could that suicidal Khan be? Well...since I'm here I may as well eat something before trying to look for him. *hands itch again* Although these needles don't need to be stuck in my hands for the use I have for them. ....Oh no, they've started to get lodged in my wrist bones. *starts to tug on one needle* ...I have this feeling pulling them out is really going to hurt."

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Are you doing any more thoughts, Kat?

If not, and if you don't mind, then my character is going to be meeting you up there

(I've got one more planned, but it isn't long.)

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(Can you IMAGINE supports with Phoibus? He's a troll.)

"Perhaps you should stop making assumptions, then."

I think he'd be great for supports. I find him amusing

(Oh, Idk Poly. Your char's seemed to learn that suicide is bad.)

A lesson that we all should learn.

(Yuffie, I see you lurking. I think some people needs some scoldings.)

Give me the names.

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As Poly reached his bedroom door, he could barely contain his excitement. He flung open the door and brought Alicia in, before opening the outer door that led to the balcony. "Well, here you go. It's nothing special, but..."

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[spoiler=Kat's Thoughts - C] There's also Mila. She'd much prefer me being neutral and, really, didn't things turn out better in the long run when I did. Ugh, just look at that incident with Camus. If I hadn't intervened, then maybe he would've been found before Nyna married Hardin and… well, look how that ended up. …Wait a… ugh! That stupid mirror's messing with my thoughts, isn't it? Argh. Maybe I should just find Dusk and kiss him or something. I'm getting nowhere like this.

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I think he'd be great for supports. I find him amusing

(…Wait, hold on, what? The SANEST ONE HERE is mentioning Phoibus having supports? What? …That's it; I'm keeping him away for a while. …maybe…)

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After finding the stairs that led to the roof Dusk paused. [What if she doesn't want to see me?.. No. I've made my point. She can't wallow like this forever... C'mon, just a few more steps...] He emerged onto the rooftop and saw Kat... and nobody else. "... Can I?"

Also purely by coincidence I'm listening to this

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Aww, poor Dan~

She blinked again, sliding around Dusk and throwing her arms around Dan in a hug. She glanced up again at Breezy. "Wait. You don't... remember..."


If I remembered I would tell you..."

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As Poly reached his bedroom door, he could barely contain his excitement. He flung open the door and brought Alicia in, before opening the outer door that led to the balcony. "Well, here you go. It's nothing special, but..."

Alicia couldn't believe her eyes, an actual balcony and she could walk on it. Alicia raised out her arms to feel the gentle night breeze blowing in her direction, blowing her long hair out behind her as she smiled upon facing the wind. 'It's...." Alicia said shedding a small tear of joy, "Better than I dreamed it would be. My fondest dream...It's finally come true."

*meanwhile, in the mess hall*

Ace: "Ugh, almost got this one out. *Pulls out the needle and screams loudly for the pain of taking it out was really painful* "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH, IT HURTS!"

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