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"Considering that both are emotionally compromised, and have been together for all of a few hours, it was probably a good thing." *shrugs* "I'd say you're overreacting due to stress and exhaustion, and that Breezy probably was asking for it and Poly needed SOMETHING to cool his libido. Hell, we haven't even gotten Sorin a report of what happened at Mount Prism because of all the drama that's been going on. Now we've got an Anna wanting to make an alliance with us? I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of us didn't get much sleep."

Ace: "Heheheheh, eheheheheheh, ahahahahaha!" Ace doubled over laughing away from the edge of the balcony, "Oh I couldn't agree more on that bit about Poly. SOMEONE has to keep that guy on a short leash, I guess it may as well be me then...hehehehe, remind me to lecture him about that later....man, I'm....really tired. Though now I can....rest easy now..." Ace then turned to Kat and smiled, "Thanks Kat, I kinda needed that given...my tendency to overreact sometimes and overthink things. Staying up all night....beating myself over the head...was not a good idea....I'm going to bed now." Ace then tired to quitely make her way back to the hallway, through due to being really tired Ace tripped over Poly's discarded coat and fell facedown on the floor. The impact knocking her out cold and making a resounding thud.

(Ace just fell asleep...in the most awkward place XD)

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(Yuffie's a sage.)

Yeah. I could throw my book at you.

If only my character was a guard.judge of some sort. Then, I could arrest you, and then throw my book at you, and thus be responsible for the worst pun ever.

"I just threw the book at you. In both meanings!"

*Everybody laughs*

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Yeah. I could throw my book at you.

If only my character was a guard.judge of some sort. Then, I could arrest you, and then throw my book at you, and thus be responsible for the worst pun ever.

"I just threw the book at you. In both meanings!"

*Everybody laughs*

(Then the fun part is when Shadowblade goes into your chest. I love that part.)
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Ace: "Heheheheh, eheheheheheh, ahahahahaha!" Ace doubled over laughing away from the edge of the balcony, "Oh I couldn't agree more on that bit about Poly. SOMEONE has to keep that guy on a short leash, I guess it may as well be me then...hehehehe, remind me to lecture him about that later....man, I'm....really tired. Though now I can....rest easy now..." Ace then turned to Kat and smiled, "Thanks Kat, I kinda needed that given...my tendency to overreact sometimes and overthink things. Staying up all night....beating myself over the head...was not a good idea....I'm going to bed now." Ace then tired to quitely make her way back to the hallway, through due to being really tired Ace tripped over Poly's discarded coat and fell facedown on the floor. The impact knocking her out cold and making a resounding thud.

"Oh dear." *manages to get Ace on her back* "Come on. Let's at least get you to a bed." *glances at Poly* "Wow, you're a heavy sleeper, Khan." *leaves the room*

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*Meanwhile, elsewhere inside the castle*

​Alicia stretched and stepped off her sister's bed, since Ace didn't turn in last night Alicia figured she could borrow it for the night. Though the events of last night weighing heavily on her mind. ("Ace....if you hadn't come....I don't know...if I'd been strong enough to stand up for myself. Though from now on I need to fight my own battles, and set my own boundaries. It may not be easy given how Poly is, but....I can rely on you to be there to help me should I need help, right? I realize now, you only had my best interests in mind. Ace....I hope you can forgive me. I was scared...you'd kill him...and you aren't the type of person to cut down a comrade....unless it's a side effect from Tumultuous Arrangement.") Alicia got her Grandmaster clothes on and left her sister's room.

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Alicia: ".....She tried to kill herself, didn't she? Just like Poly did..."

​"I wouldn't say TRY, seeing as she only looked at the balcony. I've seen people with a lack of sleep do crazier."

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​"I wouldn't say TRY, seeing as she only looked at the balcony. I've seen people with a lack of sleep do crazier."

Alicia: "No wonder Ace didn't go to bed last night. She must have been up all night...though I wonder what possessed her to go that balcony. And that thud I heard didn't wake anyone else up?"

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Alicia: "No wonder Ace didn't go to bed last night. She must have been up all night...though I wonder what possessed her to go that balcony. And that thud I heard didn't wake anyone else up?"

"Yeah. Poly was right THERE and it didn't. If I had to guess, maybe she had a good memory. No idea and not my business to inquire further. However, I would recommend she eat more. She's too light, even with the armor.

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"Yeah. Poly was right THERE and it didn't. If I had to guess, maybe she had a good memory. No idea and not my business to inquire further. However, I would recommend she eat more. She's too light, even with the armor.

Alicia: "...The Khan is quite the deep sleeper then." *the statement about being too light surprises Alicia* "Ace is too light...and she was able to pummel Poly with ease. I can take Ace to her room from here, Kat. I'll have to have a talk with her when she wakes up."

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Alicia: "...The Khan is quite the deep sleeper then." *the statement about being too light surprises Alicia* "Ace is too light...and she was able to pummel Poly with ease. I can take Ace to her room from here, Kat. I'll have to have a talk with her when she wakes up."

"Sure. I need to check on the convoy supplies. If we're going for a battle… well, I've a feeling we need all we can grab."

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"Sure. I need to check on the convoy supplies. If we're going for a battle… well, I've a feeling we need all we can grab."

Alicia gently placed Ace on her own bed, the expression Ace wore as she slept being one of neither joy or regret. Alicia just gazed at her sleeping twin sister, "Ace....what were you thinking? Did you really mean to end your life by jumping off the balcony?" Alicia could only wonder.

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