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"Soooo...." Yuffie rocked back and forth on his feet. "Would you like me to fetch an adult?"

EDIT: "I hope you realise I was joking!" Yuffie yelled to Dan, as he left the room.

"Sheesh, some people can't handle teasing."

Edited by YayForYuffie
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(But alas Jxemas isn't going to be in Valm arc for awhile.)

(Why not?)

"Soooo...." Yuffie rocked back and forth on his feet. "Would you like me to fetch an adult?"

EDIT: "I hope you realise I was joking!" Yuffie yelled to Dan, as he left the room.

"Sheesh, some people can't handle teasing."

Samson walked in and asked "Why would you need to fetch an adult?"

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(Please relax on the Rosaline thing. Sorin, Vash, and I have it all planned out. ^^)

I see how it is

EDIT: "I hope you realise I was joking!" Yuffie yelled to Dan, as he left the room.

"Sheesh, some people can't handle teasing."

Dusk emerged into the infirmary with a huge grin on his face. What happened to him last night was awesome, and he was over the moon over it. [i've never felt so alive...] "Tell me about it, Yuffie. Some people are really boring"

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Samson walked in and asked "Why would you need to fetch an adult?"

"Hey Samson! I just had a little fun mentally scarring Dan, and I don't think that he's going to spend any time near me unaccompanied any more. So I asked him if he wanted supervision, and poof! He up and vanished on me!"

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Dusk emerged into the infirmary with a huge grin on his face. What happened to him last night was awesome, and he was over the moon over it. [i've never felt so alive...] "Tell me about it, Yuffie. Some people are really boring"

"You seem remarkably cheery today Dusk. It's weird. This change unnerves me."

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"Urgh..." Poly slowly lifted his head up off of the floor, where he'd presumably fell asleep last night. "What the hell was the registration number on that carriage that hit me...?" Standing up, he noticed that he still had several cactus needles in his shoulder. "Huh. Okay." Deciding it may be a good idea to get that checked, he decided to head to the infirmary.

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"Hey Samson! I just had a little fun mentally scarring Dan, and I don't think that he's going to spend any time near me unaccompanied any more. So I asked him if he wanted supervision, and poof! He up and vanished on me!"

"Mentally scarring Dan? Why?"

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"Mentally scarring Dan? Why?"

"Eh. Why not?"

"Urgh..." Poly slowly lifted his head up off of the floor, where he'd presumably fell asleep last night. "What the hell was the registration number on that carriage that hit me...?" Standing up, he noticed that he still had several cactus needles in his shoulder. "Huh. Okay." Deciding it may be a good idea to get that checked, he decided to head to the infirmary.

"Hello Poly. Nice to see it's only a minor injury today. Let me get the tweezers. Again. Sit down over there, please."

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Poly blinked a couple of times before moving to sit down. "Again...? So I take it Ace was here a while ago for this very reason?" he asked, remembering what had happened last night. 'Damn... I wish Alicia was here with me...' he thought, as he took a seat beside Yuffie.

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Poly blinked a couple of times before moving to sit down. "Again...? So I take it Ace was here a while ago for this very reason?" he asked, remembering what had happened last night. 'Damn... I wish Alicia was here with me...' he thought, as he took a seat beside Yuffie.

"I didn't give you permission to sit here." Yuffie grins, and brings out the tweezers. "I jest, of course. This should only take a bit. Hold still, and try not to reflexively punch me or something, because I'm delicate, and you'd never hear the end of it."

Yuffie begins removing the needles from Poly's arm.

*returns with rope* "I'm back." *Sees Dusk* "Hey there, dear." *kisses his cheek* "How's your arm?"

"Thank you!"

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"Thank you!"

"No worries. Need help? I'm good with knots."

"Uh oh." Poly muttered, as he saw Kat mention the rope was for Breezy. "Welp, it was nice knowing him, crazy as he turned out to be..."

"I'm not going to kill him with it. Death by suffocation is FAR too messy. Also, I notice that you did not heed to warning my employer gave you about cacti."

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"You're not subtle at all in seeking attention, Yuffie." Poly joked, feeling the needles slowly leave his arm. "Oh, and I'm pretty sure Ace hates me. I think. Maybe."

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"You seem remarkably cheery today Dusk. It's weird. This change unnerves me."

"Better get used to it, because I got a funny feeling that I'm going to be like this for a loooooooooooong time"

*returns with rope* "I'm back." *Sees Dusk* "Hey there, dear." *kisses his cheek* "How's your arm?"

"Hello there" He then goes into a sarcastic tone "It would be alright if it didn't go through such... extensive procedures[?]... It does sting a bit"

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"You're not subtle at all in seeking attention, Yuffie." Poly joked, feeling the needles slowly leave his arm. "Oh, and I'm pretty sure Ace hates me. I think. Maybe."

​"No, she's just mad. And sleep-deprived. And mad. Btw, you're under a regiment of cold showers for… a long while."

Nathaniel walked downstairs and into the mess hall, carrying a book, which he couldn't seem to put down.

(We're all in the infirmary, you know.)

"Hello there" He then goes into a sarcastic tone "It would be alright if it didn't go through such... extensive procedures[?]... It does sting a bit"

​"Aw… didn't like the massage?"

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"I'm not going to kill him with it. Death by suffocation is FAR too messy. Also, I notice that you did not heed to warning my employer gave you about cacti."

"Yeah, well..." Poly replied, looking away from Kat as he said that. "It's kinda hard to do so when Ace whips needles at you." Poly looked back over to Kat, who seemed somewhat more cheery than she should have to him...

"Better get used to it, because I got a funny feeling that I'm going to be like this for a loooooooooooong time"

Poly looked over at Dusk, then at Kat, then at Dusk again, and it took him a moment to sort all the information through... but when he did, his face looked like he got hit with a ten-ton yaoi paddle (E/N: this is not a real thing). "NO. YOU DIDN'T." Poly replied flatly, but yet still surprised at the same time.

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