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"Oh, uh, I left that food for you as I wasn't sure when you'd actually wake up and whether or not you'd be hungry."

"...You did? THANKS!" She grins, before continuing, "Heh, I'm always hungry when I've just woken up! And when I'm tired. And when I'm not tired. Basically I'm hungry all the time..." She laughs, "But nevermind that, let's go get some training swords!"

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"Yep just ignore the guy sitting here tied to the bed...."

"Oh, uh, hi Sir Breezy. Apparently you tried to kill yourself, so Kat tied you to a bed. I wasn't really paying attention, so I assumed that you were insane, so, uh..." Nathaniel gave him a sandwich, which he placed on his forehead. "I don't think this was thought through..." Nathaniel turned back to Glaedyr. "I'll grab a few wooden swords." Nathaniel left the infirmary.

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"Yep just ignore the guy sitting here tied to the bed...."

Only then does Glaedyr notice Breezy. "Hi Breezy! Wait a second... tied to the bed? Why are you tired to the bed?" Her face scrunches up in confusion.

"Oh, uh, hi Sir Breezy. Apparently you tried to kill yourself, so Kat tied you to a bed. I wasn't really paying attention, so I assumed that you were insane, so, uh..." Nathaniel gave him a sandwich, which he placed on his forehead. "I don't think this was thought through..." Nathaniel turned back to Glaedyr. "I'll grab a few wooden swords." Nathaniel left the infirmary.

["Ah... That's why..." ]She mutters to herself. She then turns to Nathaniel. "Cool! This'll be fun!"

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Ace:Blue Flames form:"Hold it, I didn't come here to yell at you, Poly. I....just wanted to help Alicia find happiness. That's why I thought about killing myslf, becausr I thought I was the one at fault here, not you. Now, I really want to stop feeling like a jerk and help out a friend. So, if you kill yourselff then I will too. Then Alicia will have to yell at both of us. Come on, I...I'm sorry."

Poly didn't hear. He was already gone, believing that his purpose had long since vanished.

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(…Okay. Okay. Now I'm getting sick of Poly's answer to everything being suicide or flat out leaving. So…)

*drops off Alicia at the infirmary and runs off after the idiotic Khan* "Yeah, he did something stupid. I just know it."

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Nathaniel returns with three wooden swords, in case one broke. "I've only used a sword twice, so don't blame me if I'm crap, okay?"

She chuckles, "Heh, I'm sure you'll be better than me in no time! Let's go!"

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Poly didn't hear. He was already gone, believing that his purpose had long since vanished.

"...So you're just going to leave." Dan was waiting for Poly, sitting on the sand. He got up. "You know, people keep wanting to run away from their problems. It really doesn't fix anything, you know."

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(…Okay. Okay. Now I'm getting sick of Poly's answer to everything being suicide or flat out leaving. So…)

*drops off Alicia at the infirmary and runs off after the idiotic Khan* "Yeah, he did something stupid. I just know it."

(It's character development. Now that he's unsure of his purpose, he's an idiot to everything)

(See also: Suzaku Kururugi)

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"Thank Mila that someone's keeping watch." *walking up and glaring at Poly* "Now then, I'm going to use an argument that was used against me not that long ago. Do you have ANY idea how Alicia would feel about you just disappearing on her?"

(It's character development. Now that he's unsure of his purpose, he's an idiot to everything)

(See also: Suzaku Kururugi)

(This is where I mention that I hated him.)

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"...So you're just going to leave." Dan was waiting for Poly, sitting on the sand. He got up. "You know, people keep wanting to run away from their problems. It really doesn't fix anything, you know."

"Your not a very good runaway are you Poly. Xavier saw you walk away so I followed you. Now what's this about problems?"

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(no one's purpose is done until the Anna's are dead, why does no one realize this?)

(Poly's being an idiot like Kat was.) Except that this has been Poly's answer to everything.

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(Poly's being an idiot like Kat was.) Except that this has been Poly's answer to everything.

(may i remind you that Dan is actually ten years old, yet he's the only one who is really keeping his mind on track. Step it the fuck up, people.)

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(may i remind you that Dan is actually ten years old, yet he's the only one who is really keeping his mind on track. Step it the fuck up, people.)

(Uh… Dan tried to kill himself, remember? Also, a lot of mental problems actually turn up when you're in LATE adolescence and early adulthood (the 18-25) range, despite being more or less 'normal' before then due to the brain's development. There's also the fact that living longer means, likely, having a LOT more stress to deal with.)

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"Thank Mila that someone's keeping watch." *walking up and glaring at Poly* "Now then, I'm going to use an argument that was used against me not that long ago. Do you have ANY idea how Alicia would feel about you just disappearing on her?"

Poly turned to the side, and just continued walking. "You wouldn't know... you're not hurting the one you love."

(This is where I mention that I hated him.)

(There's plenty of worse characters in Code Geass. Like Nina. And V.V. And Nina.)

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