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Silvia breathed out a sigh, flopping dramatically onto the covers. "My darling, you wound me so!" She glanced up at her as she continued to speak, sighing agin as the prospect of two entire years away from them slowly drilled its way into her head. Gods, she had never regretted anything more in her entire life. "I may as well be," she said drily, glaring up at the ceiling.

"Yes, sorry dear." *smiles* "I promise, by the way, that if we get you home in time, your family will think that, at the most, you've been gone an hour. That's probably little comfort, but…"

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*not taking the bait* "You'll need to checked over by Yuffie to make sure you didn't suffer anything, Poly. You had a crazy person burrowing a hole in your head like a maggot in a corpse."

"Oh pooh on you, always so serious." Poly replied, sticking out his tongue. "My god, I sound like Silvia." He laughed and flopped down on his bed, before turning himself to face Alicia. "Well, at least I don't have to go far for new recipes," he said with a grin.

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"Yes, sorry dear." *smiles* "I promise, by the way, that if we get you home in time, your family will think that, at the most, you've been gone an hour. That's probably little comfort, but…"

Silvia almost dropped her book in shock. "Only an... hour. S-So I'm not... I'm not hurting him by leaving?"

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"Oh pooh on you, always so serious." Poly replied, sticking out his tongue. "My god, I sound like Silvia." He laughed and flopped down on his bed, before turning himself to face Alicia. "Well, at least I don't have to go far for new recipes," he said with a grin.

"I'll take THAT as a compliment," she said, laughing as she scooped her journal up towards her chest.

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Silvia almost dropped her book in shock. "Only an... hour. S-So I'm not... I'm not hurting him by leaving?"

"At most. If we get you back in time. He'll probably just think you were playing hide and seek or something. That goes for everyone. Have you never gone into the Outrealms before? Where you go, spend a lot of time, but then return right where you left off?"

(Yay for explaining game mechanics. I'm way too used to that now.)

"Oh pooh on you, always so serious." Poly replied, sticking out his tongue. "My god, I sound like Silvia." He laughed and flopped down on his bed, before turning himself to face Alicia. "Well, at least I don't have to go far for new recipes," he said with a grin.

"Not ALWAYS. Just with you."

"I'm sorry, but after that massage I thought you were going to kill me!"

"You're saying that like it's the worst thing that's happened to me. I've been EATEN, Dusk. Bad massage doesn't even rank. Besides, you were much better the second time."

Edited by Kat
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"At most. If we get you back in time. He'll probably just think you were playing hide and seek or something. That goes for everyone. Have you never gone into the Outrealms before? Where you go, spend a lot of time, but then return right where you left off?"

"Not ALWAYS. Just with you."

"You're saying that like it's the worst thing that's happened to me. I've been EATEN, Dusk. Bad massage doesn't even rank. Besides, you were much better the second time."

"Oh my gods..." Silvia was one tick away from tackling Kat to the floor. "I - I never really paid attention to the flow of - s-so they're alright. They'll be alright... What can happen in a hour?"

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""You're saying that like it's the worst thing that's happened to me. I've been EATEN, Dusk. Bad massage doesn't even rank. Besides, you were much better the second time."

"Eaten? Oh my... Least the second one went much better!"

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"Again. Pooh. On. You." Poly replied, punctuating each word for emphasis even though he was clearly joking.

"You still need a healer to check. Multiple, actually."

"Oh my gods..." Silvia was one tick away from tackling Kat to the floor. "I - I never really paid attention to the flow of - s-so they're alright. They'll be alright... What can happen in a hour?"

"A lot normally, but it sounds like your husband can take care of himself, so I'm sure everything will be just fine. You might get some teasing, of course. And maybe an explanation for why random people will come visit, because I'm more or less certain that I, at least, will do some realm-hopping to check in on everyone."

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Poly's face suddenly turned very dark. "An hour... that was all it took for the Risen to devour Sumia." he stated in a rather grim tone. "I doubt your Outrealm's infested with them, but... never assume an hour means that someone's safe."

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I have returned from certain death. Whats's happenin?

(Talking in the infirmary. You never did answer where you were, so we weren't certain of where to send the rescue party.)

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Poly's face suddenly turned very dark. "An hour... that was all it took for the Risen to devour Sumia." he stated in a rather grim tone. "I doubt your Outrealm's infested with them, but... never assume an hour means that someone's safe."

(I think Kat's answer is nicer. For once.)

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"Oh pooh on you, always so serious." Poly replied, sticking out his tongue. "My god, I sound like Silvia." He laughed and flopped down on his bed, before turning himself to face Alicia. "Well, at least I don't have to go far for new recipes," he said with a grin.

Alicia: "True, though I'm always on the hunt for new ones. It's amazing what sort of dishes one can make from one day to the next."

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"Y'know, Ducky..." Poly said, before scootching over closer to her. "I've got some Feroxi recipes I can give you." he whispered, hoping that he wouldn't have to cook for everyone. He wanted to keep it secret.

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(Talking in the infirmary. You never did answer where you were, so we weren't certain of where to send the rescue party.)

Pretty sure I mentioned I was in class

(Nobody notices I'm gone?)

With all thats happened, its not very surprising

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