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Silvia skidded a bit on the slick surface, wincing as the blood squelched underneath her. Each footsteps was a cacophony of noise, liquid splashing and sloshing around in its bed and spilling over the sides. It looked almost... serene, the way the water moved, but that was a bit twisted in itself. She shook her head again and sighed, running her fingers through her hair and turning back to face the others. She'd gone a bit ahead, which in this atmosphere, was FAR from the brightest thing to do.

"So which way are we headed? To the docks?" Silvia asked Rosaline once she had caught up to her, earning a tense nod as a response. She nodded in return and spun back around to the direction she meant to go.

And came across a girl, standing in front of her.

The girl didn't move, only stared into nothing with eyes she couldn't see, but the blood, the blood that dripped off of her body did, the blood that fell from her fingertips and the ends of her hair, raining red onto her feet. The girl took a step back, raising a blade that used to be silver to her eyes, before bringing it in close to her and dashing past her, the wind the passing created snapping her hair back. Silvia whirled around, reaching for her lance and charging at her with it, but the girl dodged both her attack and Rosaline's without a single word. She brought in front of Silvia again and pulled it back again so fast she almost didn't see it, watching as the once rusted blade blossomed into a beautiful scarlet.

With a quick backflip onto a set of crates, she was gone, on the rooftops and taking off into nothing.

"The FUCK was that?!" Rosaline shrieked, her voice suddenly sounding a lot farther off than it should have. Silvia shook her head, bemused - why did Rosaline sound so distant? "This is not RIGHT, this is... gods above I - you're bleeding." The comment didn't sound like it was directed at her but it HAD to be, and she glanced down noticing the blood blooming across her dress - one flower at her side, where the girl had passed her, and one at the spot where the girl had held her sword up to. Funny. She hadn't felt it. "You're... holy SHIT, when did that... WHAT?" Rosaline said more, but her voice faded quickly off into nothing.

Everything... faded off into nothing.

Because I took Silvia out until the timeskip. Kthxbye~

"Silvia?!" *had chased after them* "Silvia! Oh, holy hell!" *desperately trying to stem the bleeding* "Healer!"

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(Tay-tay, you're off my Christmas card list)

Alicia heard Poly's scream resound through the air, "I take the idea of ghost's frightens you?"

"Y-Y-Yes. Now pl-please don't bring it up again." Poly stuttered.

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Silvia skidded a bit on the slick surface, wincing as the blood squelched underneath her. Each footsteps was a cacophony of noise, liquid splashing and sloshing around in its bed and spilling over the sides. It looked almost... serene, the way the water moved, but that was a bit twisted in itself. She shook her head again and sighed, running her fingers through her hair and turning back to face the others. She'd gone a bit ahead, which in this atmosphere, was FAR from the brightest thing to do.

"So which way are we headed? To the docks?" Silvia asked Rosaline once she had caught up to her, earning a tense nod as a response. She nodded in return and spun back around to the direction she meant to go.

And came across a girl, standing in front of her.

The girl didn't move, only stared into nothing with eyes she couldn't see, but the blood, the blood that dripped off of her body did, the blood that fell from her fingertips and the ends of her hair, raining red onto her feet. The girl took a step back, raising a blade that used to be silver to her eyes, before bringing it in close to her and dashing past her, the wind the passing created snapping her hair back. Silvia whirled around, reaching for her lance and charging at her with it, but the girl dodged both her attack and Rosaline's without a single word. She brought in front of Silvia again and pulled it back again so fast she almost didn't see it, watching as the once rusted blade blossomed into a beautiful scarlet.

With a quick backflip onto a set of crates, she was gone, on the rooftops and taking off into nothing.

"The FUCK was that?!" Rosaline shrieked, her voice suddenly sounding a lot farther off than it should have. Silvia shook her head, bemused - why did Rosaline sound so distant? "This is not RIGHT, this is... gods above I - you're bleeding." The comment didn't sound like it was directed at her but it HAD to be, and she glanced down noticing the blood blooming across her dress - one flower at her side, where the girl had passed her, and one at the spot where the girl had held her sword up to. Funny. She hadn't felt it. "You're... holy SHIT, when did that... WHAT?" Rosaline said more, but her voice faded quickly off into nothing.

Everything... faded off into nothing.

Because I took Silvia out until the timeskip. Kthxbye~


"Silvia!" Sorin yelled rushing to her side. "We need a healer now!"

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"Silvia!" Sorin yelled rushing to her side. "We need a healer now!"

"Move." *shoves Sorin to the side and looks at Kat* "I can't heal her fully."

"Make her NOT die." *unsurprised to see him*

"Got it." *begins chanting healing spell* "Recover." *cuts appear on Phoibus's body as Silvia's begin to close up* "Should be out of the danger zone. Get her out of the field."

"Don't need to tell me twice."

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"Move." *shoves Sorin to the side and looks at Kat* "I can't heal her fully."

"Make her NOT die." *unsurprised to see him*

"Got it." *begins chanting healing spell* "Recover." *cuts appear on Phoibus's body as Silvia's begin to close up* "Should be out of the danger zone. Get her out of the field."

"Don't need to tell me twice."

The lack of surprise here is amazing. XD

Wait, did he just... O.O

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(oh, his healing is Blood Magic.)

...I'm sorry for the random question, but are you allowed to join the RP whenever you want? I mean, you have to make it reasonable of course, not having you appear in thin air. I'm sorry for being clueless. D:

(Nah, we'll just say you were late to get to Port Ferox.)

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"Move." *shoves Sorin to the side and looks at Kat* "I can't heal her fully."

"Make her NOT die." *unsurprised to see him*

"Got it." *begins chanting healing spell* "Recover." *cuts appear on Phoibus's body as Silvia's begin to close up* "Should be out of the danger zone. Get her out of the field."

"Don't need to tell me twice."

"...Ace, cover Kat." Sorin jumped onto a roof in an attempt to find Theresa. "I saw her move. I saw it. Yet I couldn't stop her. This ends here before it begins. All of it."

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"Huh? When the fuck did Phoibus get here? And what the FUCK happened to Silvia?!"

"I've been here, after making sure Lady Aimee didn't come here. She's currently swimming back to Valm. You're welcome, by the way. As for harem-girl here, she just got a first hand glimpse of what happens when you make Theresa snap. Was fun until she decided my stomach would look better on the pavement." *winces and stands, revealing that he's bleeding from his abdomen* "I wish healing wasn't painful."

"Do you need help?"

"Nah, I'm just going to make sure one last piece moves the way I need her too. I don't think I can capture the last one, though. You and your king will have to make it work."

"All right." *notices Sorin gone* "He's always going off on his own." *hands Silvia to Poly* "I'm going after him!" *leaves*

"And I'm gone." *limps off*

The lack of surprise here is amazing. XD

Wait, did he just... O.O


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"...Ace, cover Kat." Sorin jumped onto a roof in an attempt to find Theresa. "I saw her move. I saw it. Yet I couldn't stop her. This ends here before it begins. All of it."

Wait a roof? Damn. I need to get Jxemas and Light off of ced roof. Unless confrontation.
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"... Shit." Poly cursed, snarling as he drew his Light Brand. "Alicia, stay back... please. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt defending me."

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"... Shit." Poly cursed, snarling as he drew his Light Brand. "Alicia, stay back... please. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt defending me."

(You're holding Silvia. Or did you let her drop.)'

*Roof hopping after Sorin* "Get back here! The King isn't supposed to move too far from the Queen, you know!"

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"...Ace, cover Kat." Sorin jumped onto a roof in an attempt to find Theresa. "I saw her move. I saw it. Yet I couldn't stop her. This ends here before it begins. All of it."

Rosaline swore again and clamored up after him, "Because Theresa's a speed demon! I saw it too, but once she's in motion..." Rosaline paused, waving her hands in the air. "Okay, NO. Blondie was right. I did NOT know this was going to happen. I..." She paused again, staring off into the distance towards the docks. "... Something is not quite right over there..."

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"I've been here, after making sure Lady Aimee didn't come here. She's currently swimming back to Valm. You're welcome, by the way. As for harem-girl here, she just got a first hand glimpse of what happens when you make Theresa snap. Was fun until she decided my stomach would look better on the pavement." *winces and stands, revealing that he's bleeding from his abdomen* "I wish healing wasn't painful."

"Do you need help?"

"Nah, I'm just going to make sure one last piece moves the way I need her too. I don't think I can capture the last one, though. You and your king will have to make it work."

"All right." *notices Sorin gone* "He's always going off on his own." *hands Silvia to Poly* "I'm going after him!" *leaves*

"And I'm gone." *limps off*


I was shocked at the way said magic was used. Ouch. Silvia DEFINITELY owes Phoiby thanks for that one.

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I was shocked at the way said magic was used. Ouch. Silvia DEFINITELY owes Phoiby thanks for that one.

(I told you it costed health in the PM? I thought I did, at least.)

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