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Hmm. Considering how late it's getting I don't want to keep everyone up for TOO long, and we CAN pick up on this tomorrow as well...

But I do want to throw one more lovely little surprise at you guys~!

To the docks, everyone?

(I'll watch from the roofs. Better to not die.)
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*Sees Phoibus pointing* "Sorin, let's head to the docks."

Ace: "The docks....okay then."

Alicia then turned towards the direction of the docks, as if something was there. "The docks...perhaps the foe is at the docks."

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"Gah... I need a target!" Poly yelled, to nobody in particular. "This much energy can't be held in this sword for long!" Suddenly, Alicia mentioned the docks and Poly smiled. "Yeah... that'll work." He fired the light magic energy into the sea, then took Alicia's hand before heading to the docks.

Edited by Polydeuces
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"Gah... I need a target!" Poly yelled, to nobody in particular. "This much energy can't be held in this sword for long!"


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"I've been here, after making sure Lady Aimee didn't come here. She's currently swimming back to Valm. You're welcome, by the way. As for harem-girl here, she just got a first hand glimpse of what happens when you make Theresa snap. Was fun until she decided my stomach would look better on the pavement." *winces and stands, revealing that he's bleeding from his abdomen* "I wish healing wasn't painful."

"Do you need help?"

"Nah, I'm just going to make sure one last piece moves the way I need her too. I don't think I can capture the last one, though. You and your king will have to make it work."

"All right." *notices Sorin gone* "He's always going off on his own." *hands Silvia to Poly* "I'm going after him!" *leaves*

"And I'm gone." *limps off*

(My proof)

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You might want to do that anyway. :3

This is about to become VERY... Diablo-esque.

Yeah, I'll fill you in once everything is significantly less insane. ^_^

Alright, thank you. :)

(It's fine. I don't think Alison has even been made aware of Phoibus, so…)

​"She… should be. I handed her to Poly, after all."

(Yeah she hasn't even met her yet. We'll clear this up later).

When Alicia mentioned the enemy could come from anywhere, I shivered. I gripped my tome even closer to myself. I didn't realize that we could face the same fate as Sylvia. 'I have to stay calm...I can't worry now.' Taking a deep breath, I followed the other Dreamers towards the Docks.

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"Gah... I need a target!" Poly yelled, to nobody in particular. "This much energy can't be held in this sword for long!" Suddenly, Alicia mentioned the docks and Poly smiled. "Yeah... that'll work." He fired the light magic energy into the sea, then took Alicia's hand before heading to the docks.

Alicia looked at Silvia lying on the ground, still alive but barely. She then grew concerned, "Before we go, I'd like to grab Silvia. I may not have known her as well as Ace, but I'm not going to leave anyone behind."

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Alicia looked at Silvia lying on the ground, still alive but barely. She then grew concerned, "Before we go, I'd like to grab Silvia. I may not have known her as well as Ace, but I'm not going to leave anyone behind."

(Alicia for awesome award.)

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"Eh? Well... alright." Poly replied to Alicia before Jxemas showed up. "Huh? You know what... you take care of Silvia. Something tells me I can trust you if it involves protecting her."

hehehe, shipping.

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"Eh? Well... alright." Poly replied to Alicia before Jxemas showed up. "Huh? You know what... you take care of Silvia. Something tells me I can trust you if it involves protecting her."

hehehe, shipping.

(Poly, she's already in an OT3. Shadow is NOT being added to it.)

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"Eh? Well... alright." Poly replied to Alicia before Jxemas showed up. "Huh? You know what... you take care of Silvia. Something tells me I can trust you if it involves protecting her."

hehehe, shipping.

Light: This is a Kahn huh? Never met such a figure..

Jxemas: Eh. He's not that ravishing to look at.*picks up Silvia*

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Rosaline jumped ahead a few paces, wishing she actually HADN'T tossed away those binoculars after all. She silently berated her idiocy, stopping to scan the horizon with her eyes. And just as she suspected, Anna Michel's ship was docked out some ways from the port, although why it wasn't moving was something entirely different. "Right. Can't say I'm surprised she's..." Rosaline's voice trailed off into a stutter, and then into silence, as her eyes fell onto something below her that she didn't expect to see.


Not one, not two, not ten, not FIFTY - the bodies lay scattered across the docks like the wind had tossed them there and left them to die, in the same haphazard way the feathers were strewn. There wasn't a rhyme or a reason to why they lay there, silent, in a pool of their blood that leaked itself into the harbor and make the blue waters blushes crimson, they were just... there. Serrated, sliced and broken.

The red colors of her sisters' hair were no longer unique - they all flowed together into the same, scarlet pool.

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