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Dan cut the limb in his way. ''Why don't you use something more potent then a fucking bone, eh? Make thing's interesting? You broke my blade didn't you?''

"Her name is Silvia..." Theresa said slowly, still absent-mindly swinging around her sword, oblivious to the way it bit into anything it touched. "She was so slow... she stood there... and let me run her through. Twice. I wonder... is she happier dead?"


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Alicia: *Hears the explosion* "An Explosion, take cover!"

"Hold on!" Poly replied, grabbing Alicia, pulling her tightly towards him, and diving to the ground.

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''Kill me? HAH! That's funny...''

Ace: *facepalms* "You're hurt already! She isn't going to toy with you forever before deciding to kill you!"

"Hold on!" Poly replied, grabbing Alicia, pulling her tightly towards him, and diving to the ground.

As the aftershock of the explosion passed by the pair, the ground shook faintly from them before subsiding. Alicia lifted her head up a bit, "It's passed now, that was powerful enough to take out three nearby buildings. Any closer and...." Alicia trailed off not wanting to think about it.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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*Holds still as some of the Annas flesh starts sloughing off and spilling into the blood soaked streets* "Here we go. The pawns that never should've stepped foot on the board."

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"Her name is Silvia..." Theresa said slowly, still absent-mindly swinging around her sword, oblivious to the way it bit into anything it touched. "She was so slow... she stood there... and let me run her through. Twice. I wonder... is she happier dead?"


you're killing me Vash. Make it stahp!

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"Her name is Silvia..." Theresa said slowly, still absent-mindly swinging around her sword, oblivious to the way it bit into anything it touched. "She was so slow... she stood there... and let me run her through. Twice. I wonder... is she happier dead?"


Dan's eyes widened as he rushed towards Theresa. ''You will lay not ONE finger on her! I'll make sure of it!'' please take out Dan im really tired

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"Uh... are we good now?" Poly asked, poking his head up while still keeping Alicia's body tightly against his own.

"No. It's just beginning."

(Going to try and get some description going, so… ^^; bear with me?)

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"I miss being in the front lines. Staying in the back really doesn't suit me..." Bored out of his mind, he waited for a husk to close in and decided to boot it in the stomach. Watching it kneel a bit, he shoots an arrow through the back of it's head, killing it. "... Sigh..."

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Dan's eyes widened as he rushed towards Theresa. ''You will lay not ONE finger on her! I'll make sure of it!'' please take out Dan im really tired

Theresa brought her sword up, switching to her more familiar back-hand grip. "I did already." She dashed forward, flipping her sword into her left hand and running directly past him, side-slashing him in the same way she did with Silvia earlier. She drove the sword into his back with a quick jab, swinging her foot around to press it against his back as she slid the blade out of him and slashed it upwards against his skin. With a quick backflip she ran her thumb against the blood-soaked blade and watched him crumble. "Sleep with her now. She was lonely."

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Can't I just use my Rescue staff to whisk you out of there and you fall unconscious?

Dan felt himself being teleported. As he lost his rage, so did he lose conciousness.

g'night gonna try not to make dan center of attention going to bed gg

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The Annas started lurching forward again as their flesh streamed down their limbs, revealing the true horror of what had happened to them. Grey metal glinted in the dying sunlight as they stumbled forward. Their joints, glowing with dull blue light, sparked and twisted as they tried to move. Blue light replaced their eyes as they tried to sight their targets. Seeing the Dreamers, they opened their mouths, revealing serrated teeth, and shrieked their battle cries and shattering the glass windows of nearby buildings.

Their last moments had been of torture. Transfigured by magic into unnatural monsters who could not feel, who could not talk, who could not cry. No thoughts appeared in their heads as they moved. They could not care. All they wanted was the life they'd lost. That beautiful, euphoric taste of LIFE that had been so cruelly stolen from them.

​Their targets were the emotional, chaotic, and beautifully alive Dreamers. They would stop not stop until they had devoured every inch of them. Maybe then, they would regain their old selves and could finally cry for that which they lost.

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"Uh... are we good now?" Poly asked, poking his head up while still keeping Alicia's body tightly against his own.

Alicia: "We should be...for now. Something's coming. *finally realizes Poly isn't wearing his armor* Shouldn't you....be wearing armor?" *covers faint blush with free hand*

Theresa brought her sword up, switching to her more familiar back-hand grip. "I did already." She dashed forward, flipping her sword into her left hand and running directly past him, side-slashing him in the same way she did with Silvia earlier. She drove the sword into his back with a quick jab, swinging her foot around to press it against his back as she slid the blade out of him and slashed it upwards against his skin. With a quick backflip she ran her thumb against the blood-soaked blade and watched him crumble. "Sleep with her now. She was lonely."

Ace jumped back as Dan was teleported away, her hands gripping Mercurius.

The Annas started lurching forward again as their flesh streamed down their limbs, revealing the true horror of what had happened to them. Grey metal glinted in the dying sunlight as they stumbled forward. Their joints, glowing with dull blue light, sparked and twisted as they tried to move. Blue light replaced their eyes as they tried to sight their targets. Seeing the Dreamers, they opened their mouths, revealing serrated teeth, and shrieked their battle cries and shattering the glass windows of nearby buildings.

Their last moments had been of torture. Transfigured by magic into unnatural monsters who could not feel, who could not talk, who could not cry. No thoughts appeared in their heads as they moved. They could not care. All they wanted was the life they'd lost. That beautiful, euphoric taste of LIFE that had been so cruelly stolen from them.

​Their targets were the emotional, chaotic, and beautifully alive Dreamers. They would stop not stop until they had devoured every inch of them. Maybe then, they would regain their old selves and could finally cry for that which they lost.

Ace: "Yeah, no way. Chaotic energy is my specialty, back off!"

(Can I use Ace's special skill here?)

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