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Alicia: "We should be...for now. Something's coming. *finally realizes Poly isn't wearing his armor* Shouldn't you....be wearing armor?" *covers faint blush with free hand*

"Hmm?" Poly hummed out, looking down at his chest. "Oh... yeah, maybe." he answered himself, getting off of Alicia and grabbing Armads, before looking at the remaining Annas... if they could be called that "Oh... fuck all kinds of duck."

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"If you became Chaos, could you control it?"

Ace: "I can, and if my hunch is right. I can't go losing my head when I go into Chaos Mode to not become a danger like General Gawain apparently did. Soooo, does that mean Tumultuous Arrangement is a go?"

"Hmm?" Poly hummed out, looking down at his chest. "Oh... yeah, maybe." he answered himself, getting off of Alicia and grabbing Armads, before looking at the remaining Annas... if they could be called that "Oh... fuck all kinds of duck."

Alicia just looked at the foes ahead of them, "It...would be a good idea considering what we're up against now."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"The good news is that these ones don't have a specific spot that you have to hit and no longer eat magic. The bad news is that they don't feel pain, so you can't cause them to buckle simply by chopping at limbs."

Edited by Kat
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"Such a magnificent, yet ugly creatures, these Annas. Grey skin, blue lights for eyes, lack of teeth... Such robotic movement too... Yet all they seem to do is rush towards their death... It's not a life really, isn't it? Those growls and groans aren't that nice either. Sounds like they lack human speech... But then again, they aren't human, aren't they? Not anymore... Gah!" Distracted by his thoughts, he was caught off-guard by one of the Anna's. Struggling to resist, he eventually wrestled it onto the floor and shot an arrow through it's skull. "... This... doesn't feel right..."

More like amazing! Dusk, I'm sharing your woman.


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Ace: "I can, and if my hunch is right. I can't go losing my head when I go into Chaos Mode to not become a danger like General Gawain apparently did. Soooo, does that mean Tumultuous Arrangement is a go?"

"So long as Alicia is close by, just in case."

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"The good news is that these ones don't have a specific spot that you have to hit. The bad news is that they don't feel pain, so you can't cause them to buckle simply by chopping at limbs."

You gotta Dead Space these things. Remove ALL the limbs!

"Such a magnificent, yet ugly creatures, these Annas. Grey skin, blue lights for eyes, lack of teeth... Such robotic movement too... Yet all they seem to do is rush towards their death... It's not a life really, isn't it? Those growls and groans aren't that nice either. Sounds like they lack human speech... But then again, they aren't human, aren't they? Not anymore... Gah!" Distracted by his thoughts, he was caught off-guard by one of the Anna's. Struggling to resist, he eventually wrestled it onto the floor and shot an arrow through it's skull. "... This... doesn't feel right..."


That'll work too. XD

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​*sees the… husks… approaching* "Fall into the gentle embrace of death, poor children." *Casts Rainarok to take out seven of them* "…Ah…" *looks at the cuts that've appeared on her arms* "I'll need to be careful." (Kat's HP - 56/80)

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The Annas started lurching forward again as their flesh streamed down their limbs, revealing the true horror of what had happened to them. Grey metal glinted in the dying sunlight as they stumbled forward. Their joints, glowing with dull blue light, sparked and twisted as they tried to move. Blue light replaced their eyes as they tried to sight their targets. Seeing the Dreamers, they opened their mouths, revealing serrated teeth, and shrieked their battle cries and shattering the glass windows of nearby buildings.

Their last moments had been of torture. Transfigured by magic into unnatural monsters who could not feel, who could not talk, who could not cry. No thoughts appeared in their heads as they moved. They could not care. All they wanted was the life they'd lost. That beautiful, euphoric taste of LIFE that had been so cruelly stolen from them.

​Their targets were the emotional, chaotic, and beautifully alive Dreamers. They would stop not stop until they had devoured every inch of them. Maybe then, they would regain their old selves and could finally cry for that which they lost.

You're so mean to them!

(You ever play Mass Effect? They're husks.)

(So… not too bad?)

Wait, so Annas are Reapers?

"I can finally be vaguely effective!" Swapping to his Celica's Gale tome, Yuffie attacked the Anna/Zombie/Husk legs, and knocked some of them over.

"This should slow them down!"

I am biotics made flesh.

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"So long as Alicia is close by, just in case."

Ace madly grinned, "Okay then, I see both her and Poly coming towards me so I don't have to hold back my feelings anymore. The ground began to pulse as the Chaotic energy in the air began to gather around Ace, "Let me just say how unhappy I am about one of my friends nearly being killed, and then another almost dies, you blow up buildings trying to kill my friends. So now, it's time I showed you the grave." Ace readied Mercurius and began to rain hell on the Robo Anna's with her sister and Poly heading towards her.

"Alicia..." Poly softly whispered to Alicia, pointing at Ace. "Your sister might need you. Come on... Let's go."

Alicia: "Ace just went to Chaos Mode to absorb all the Chaotic Energy here. Hurry, we need to be by her side in case I have to stop her with my powers."

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​"Sorin… you'd better put that plan into action soon. I can only pretend to be a leader for so long before being captured."

"Fuckin' right!" Poly replied, hacking away at the husks before him. "At least I know they're not human, so I don't need to hold back!"

"They used to be, Poly. That's what makes this all the worse. All of them, right here? They'd once been cheerful merchants, the same that you saw wandering the countries. This was how they were forced to submit."

*looking around the field* "Long range units veer towards the right. Close combat to the left! Let Ace and Alicia take the middle!"

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​"Sorin… you'd better put that plan into action soon. I can only pretend to be a leader for so long before being captured."

"They used to be, Poly. That's what makes this all the worse. All of them, right here? They'd once been cheerful merchants, the same that you saw wandering the countries. This was how they were forced to submit."

*looking around the field* "Long range units veer towards the right. Close combat to the left! Let Ace and Alicia take the middle!"

Wa-wait aren't I the leader when Sorin and Silvia aren't around?

"The right?.. I'll see how this goes" He starts to venture towards the right, using the fallen debris and broken walls as cover

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"Wherever Alicia goes, I go, Kat!" Poly called out, trying his best to ignore what Kat had said before then.

"No. I need you on the left. Khan, do NOT let emotional attachments fog your mind here! We can't afford it!"

Wa-wait aren't I the leader when Sorin and Silvia aren't around?

(Kat's the Queen.)

Edited by Kat
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"No. I need you on the left. Khan, do NOT let emotional attachments fog your mind here! We can't afford it!"

(Kat's the Queen.)

"I can fit both, remember?" Poly replied, drawing his Light Brand to fire off shots of energy at the husks to either side. "I can provide cover fire for both sides from the middle, while still defending Alicia!"

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"I can fit both, remember?" Poly replied, drawing his Light Brand to fire off shots of energy at the husks to either side. "I can provide cover fire for both sides from the middle, while still defending Alicia!"

"I said no, Khan! There will be too few on the left if you're not leading the charge there!" And if the Chaotic Bishop loses control, it's best that the Emperor Rook isn't near, considering her recent issues with him.

Edited by Kat
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"That's a... cheery image." Yuffie muttered to himself as he ran to the right, turning faintly green.

Wrex - close combat - left.

Shepard - everything - middle.

Tali - ranged - right.


But Wrex can Krogan-charge everything by himself though

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"That's a... cheery image." Yuffie muttered to himself as he ran to the right, turning faintly green.

Wrex - close combat - left.

Shepard - everything - middle.

Tali - ranged - right.


My Shepard's an Infiltrator. SNIPER RIFLES.

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