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We will eventually.

Hopefully, tomorrow.

Besides, who's to say Alicia will go to Ferox? There might be business she has to do in Ylisse, for instance.

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If Jxemas is there when you return. If not..

I see. Well, I haven't decided on when he's actually going to come back.I want to say he jumps into the middle of a chapter battle, just like how "Marth" did for Lissa in Chapter 1 for Awakening. Not sure which group to join though

Besides, who's to say Alicia will go to Ferox? There might be business she has to do in Ylisse, for instance.

She kind of did hint that she would

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I assume myself & Alicia are gonna be in Ferox.

You know what do to, Kat. Give us our S.

Besides, who's to say Alicia will go to Ferox? There might be business she has to do in Ylisse, for instance.

(I was planning on having Alicia go to Ferox and Ace going to Ylisse since technically Alicia is mad at Frederick still and he still has a lecture coming to him from Ace.)

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Hello people of 'murica, and fellow Brits


The Annas started lurching forward again as their flesh streamed down their limbs, revealing the true horror of what had happened to them. Grey metal glinted in the dying sunlight as they stumbled forward. Their joints, glowing with dull blue light, sparked and twisted as they tried to move. Blue light replaced their eyes as they tried to sight their targets. Seeing the Dreamers, they opened their mouths, revealing serrated teeth, and shrieked their battle cries and shattering the glass windows of nearby buildings.

Their last moments had been of torture. Transfigured by magic into unnatural monsters who could not feel, who could not talk, who could not cry. No thoughts appeared in their heads as they moved. They could not care. All they wanted was the life they'd lost. That beautiful, euphoric taste of LIFE that had been so cruelly stolen from them.

​Their targets were the emotional, chaotic, and beautifully alive Dreamers. They would stop not stop until they had devoured every inch of them. Maybe then, they would regain their old selves and could finally cry for that which they lost.

(I'm pretty sure robots hadn't been invented.)

"The good news is that these ones don't have a specific spot that you have to hit and no longer eat magic. The bad news is that they don't feel pain, so you can't cause them to buckle simply by chopping at limbs."

(Magic eating zombie-robot-Anna's.... Good thing they don't eat magic aymore, or blow up when they die.)

(…When did Kat become the leader?)

(when Sorin, Vashiane and dusk left.)

I like range too much - I tried being a Vanguard but they're best at short-range and I'm... not a short-range person.

(Whenever I play a game, I usually end up either as the up-in-your-face person to say "Welcome to DIE" or the long range support.

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Well whichever country you go in, your support levels with everyone in the same country are going to be increased by one, if that makes sense. So look at your support lists and discuss which supports you want to increase

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I have no idea where I plan on going either! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

I'm not included in BravuraLevi's greeting, because guess who's not Biritsh or 'Murrican!

You're not from northern Ireland?


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