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kat, don't make another character for Dan's sake of romance

'sides, the last character you made was phoibus

Hey, she'd be different! ><; Honestly, I want a char that isn't completely insane to play with too. …And Kat's not going to be doing much fighting after the time skip, SOOO...

If no one minds, that is.

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Hey, she'd be different! ><; Honestly, I want a char that isn't completely insane to play with too. …And Kat's not going to be doing much fighting after the time skip, SOOO...

If no one minds, that is.


I don't~

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Hey, she'd be different! ><; Honestly, I want a char that isn't completely insane to play with too. …And Kat's not going to be doing much fighting after the time skip, SOOO...

If no one minds, that is.


Tee hee

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Mount Prism is up. Do tell if I've missed anything/got something wrong

…Dusk, there's no mention of mirror!Silvia

What's wrong with Phoiby? He's so cuddly~!

I'm beginning to think we think alive and it's mildly scary. xD

…So, does no one mind me creating a new char to show up after the time-skip?

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Oops. No idea how I missed that. Everything else is ok though?

For now. *didn't check too carefully* There's still the ending part, of course, but that hasn't been done quite yet.

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I'll make a character for you, Dan!

Her name shall be Ariel, and she will be the illegitamate daughter of Nathaniel's disgusting mother!


Hey, she'd be different! ><; Honestly, I want a char that isn't completely insane to play with too. …And Kat's not going to be doing much fighting after the time skip, SOOO...

If no one minds, that is.

...Dan made you those knives...and that battle suit...AND FOR THIS?!

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