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"Violence provides more violence. It produces problems among those who can't fight. A pity of a war we live in.."

"...It's part of the circle of life Grand General. Nothing can be changed about it."

"No, I suppose not. Like I said, it's a part of what makes us human. I enjoy the violence of a fight, and yet the bigger picture disgusts me. Once this is all finished..." He closes his eyes and leans back a tiny bit "... I don't know how I'll be able to contain myself"

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"Oh really?" Poly replied to the Sorcerer before him. "You think you can handle Feroxi weapon training? Heh... we'll see."

Nathaniel smiled in reply. "We'll be making reperations to Ferox for a while... I don't wanna waste my time, you know?"

"You want a Dread Scroll?"

"Gee, you have those? If it's not any bother..."

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"Well..." Poly began, smiling and stroking his chin. "You've certainly got the moxie to pull it off. I'm just worried about these twig arms of yours." he joked, slugging Nathaniel in the arm.

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"No, I suppose not. Like I said, it's a part of what makes us human. I enjoy the violence of a fight, and yet the bigger picture disgusts me. Once this is all finished..." He closes his eyes and leans back a tiny bit "... I don't know how I'll be able to contain myself"

"Use that part of you to make yourself better. Make yourself better and better until you have achieved your peak. You're like Ephraim from the Magvel saga. I see parts of him in you."

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First sentence: Get free from these ropes)

(You know, I highly doubt they left you in those ropes without supervision.)

"Gee, you have those? If it's not any bother..."

"I found two. There were more but CERTAIN PEOPLE raiding the convoy made things a mess."

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"No, I suppose not. Like I said, it's a part of what makes us human. I enjoy the violence of a fight, and yet the bigger picture disgusts me. Once this is all finished..." He closes his eyes and leans back a tiny bit "... I don't know how I'll be able to contain myself"

Is this foreshadowing?

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(You know, I highly doubt they left you in those ropes without supervision.)

"I found two. There were more but CERTAIN PEOPLE raiding the convoy made things a mess."

(Just have someone show up.

It gets boring fast talking to yourself!)

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(You know, I highly doubt they left you in those ropes without supervision.)

"I found two. There were more but CERTAIN PEOPLE raiding the convoy made things a mess."

If I recall, Anon also wants to become a Dread Fighter, correct?

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(You know, I highly doubt they left you in those ropes without supervision.)

"I found two. There were more but CERTAIN PEOPLE raiding the convoy made things a mess."

Samson nervously scratched his head "I'm... sorry about that miss Kat."

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"Use that part of you to make yourself better. Make yourself better and better until you have achieved your peak. You're like Ephraim from the Magvel saga. I see parts of him in you."

"Ephraim... Hmm, yes, I suppose I understand what you mean. Fighting until I have achieved my peak? Sounds like something I can live with... I just want this all to end as soon as possible, and start living like normally again"

Is this foreshadowing?

Maybe possibly I don't know

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"Well..." Poly began, smiling and stroking his chin. "You've certainly got the moxie to pull it off. I'm just worried about these twig arms of yours." he joked, slugging Nathaniel in the arm.

"...They degenerated whilst I was chained up in prison. But yes, they do need some work..." Nathaniel turned to Kat. "Thank you. It should provide me with the base I need to master other weapons..."

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"Ephraim... Hmm, yes, I suppose I understand what you mean. Fighting until I have achieved my peak? Sounds like something I can live with... I just want this all to end as soon as possible, and start living like normally again"

Maybe possibly I don't know

"Then what shall you do after this? Everyone wants to go back to living at peace. But true peace isn't achieved until all war ends.."

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"So... who's going with who? I know I'm staying here in Ferox... it'll be nice to sleep in my own bed again." Poly said.

Ace: "Well sis, where are you planning on going?

Alicia: "I'm going to stay here in Ferox, Ace."

Ace: "Ah, it's because of what Frederick said right? I see, well that means I go to Ylisse then. It's gonna feel really strange rebuilding the country I'm Queen of in a different realm but, hey it'll be a good way to test my leadership skills."

Alicia: "Thank you, Ace. Oh, I need to ask Kat something before I go."

Ace: "Oh yeah, I need to ask Dan a favor before we all split up."

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"Then what shall you do after this? Everyone wants to go back to living at peace. But true peace isn't achieved until all war ends.."

"Except war will never end, so we'll never know everlasting peace... I don't know what I'll do, but whatever it is, I have to make sure Kat's safe, and I'm not too far away from her"

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"So many people wanting to talk to me!" *laughs* "Goodness."

Alicia: "Kat, do you happen to have the Tyrfing sword in your convoy?"


Ace: "Could have sworn I saw Dan come this way to ask Kat something..."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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"Except war will never end, so we'll never know everlasting peace... I don't know what I'll do, but whatever it is, I have to make sure Kat's safe, and I'm not too far away from her"

"You're a good man..... I'm no leader. But now you have the ability to be an advocate to your allies and friends. Lead my friend. Lead..."*Warps with Rewarp staff*

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