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(No, you're going to tell me so that I know that you aren't contradicting anything or doing something horribly complex again.)

"Sure. …If we can find a messenger..."

(No, because Dusk and I have the SS planned.)

(What would I contradict. And not something complex. It's really simple if you think about it.)

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(What would I contradict. And not something complex. It's really simple if you think about it.)

(Or… you could PM me the answer since there are a LOT of things that could be in conflicted and I don't trust your definition of simple.)

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(No, you're going to tell me so that I know that you aren't contradicting anything or doing something horribly complex again.)

"Sure. …If we can find a messenger..."

(No, because Dusk and I have the SS planned.)

Alicia: "Thank you, Kat."

(Also, I have a paralogue idea for Ace learning to finally master her Chaos powers for after the timeskip.)

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​"How's Silvia? Phoibus said she's not going to die, but…"

Shadow said Jxemas warped her to the infirmary apparently, so...

"I'm sure she'll be alright. She's been through worse before, fighting Grima and all... A stab wound isn't going to kill her"

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Oh, yeah, she needs to do that during the timeskip too.


[/still cackling]

(I'm Light and I approve.)

Shadow said Jxemas warped her to the infirmary apparently, so...

"I'm sure she'll be alright. She's been through worse before, fighting Grima and all... A stab wound isn't going to kill her"

(Well I'm still there. So is Light. Watching like le hawk.)

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​"Still… I'd feel better if I kept an eye on her. Does anyone mind her recuperating in Ylisse?"

"I don't mind" He yawns. Today has been a tiring day for him, and now he just wanted to sleep. "We should head off soon"

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"I don't mind" He yawns. Today has been a tiring day for him, and now he just wanted to sleep. "We should head off soon"

​"Perhaps we need to wait for our leader to actually dismiss us? He's busy tallying the dead, you know."

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"I found you! Jxemas."


"Tell me. Why did you leave me and Angie like were nothing. Tell me."

"......That is none of your concern."

"Yes it is their concern. They are family. You shouldn't discard it like it is nothing. Of course, being the emotionless husk that you are, you probably wouldn't understand that..."

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