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"*Draws Shadowblade* I said-"

"Magic rune: 28. Warp Dan."*Warps away Dan*

"..How did you-"

"I have the power to make magic traps using my magic. That was only one of them."

"That's an old trick. I'm impressed you know it." *turns to Jxemas, very angry* "Drawing blade whenever someone calls you out on something? I've seen infants with more maturity than that. Leave this port and rot wherever you choose to go. May the thing you seek cause you great misery."

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"That's an old trick. I'm impressed you know it." *turns to Jxemas, very angry* "Drawing blade whenever someone calls you out on something? I've seen infants with more maturity than that. Leave this port and rot wherever you choose to go. May the thing you seek cause you great misery."

"So is this, Magic Rune 49. *Makes magic Wall.*"

"So tense my dear....is that the hate you bring to me after this all these millennium?"

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"So tense my dear....is that the hate you bring to me after this all these millennium?"

"Oh, please. Don't flatter yourself that I remembered once it was all over. It is your current actions that I judge you by. Nothing more and nothing less."

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"Oh, please. Don't flatter yourself that I remembered once it was all over. It is your current actions that I judge you by. Nothing more and nothing less."

"Then tell me Agrona. What does The Earth Mother whisper into your ear today?"

"You serve Goddess Mila as well? Fascinating this world is.."

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ok who ported dan away? Angie?

(No, his SIXTH CHAR, Light. Before you say anything, yes, it's gotten ridiculous.)

Edited by Kat
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(No soundproofing.)

"I highly doubt you care."

(Also, can he just leave WITHOUT being a jerk?)

(Who said I'm not?)

"Come on. Surely you've heard something. Or have we lost belief? I hope not my friend.."

"Are you going to end this? Because if not-"

"Not yet. I still have things to do...Like set up heavens game."

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