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(Who said I'm not?)

"Come on. Surely you've heard something. Or have we lost belief? I hope not my friend.."

"Are you going to end this? Because if not-"

"Not yet. I still have things to do...Like set up heavens game."

"There's already a game set, idiotic child. If you try to set up another, you're only going to get hurt."

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"There's already a game set, idiotic child. If you try to set up another, you're only going to get hurt."

"Hurt? I seek the Gift of the Goddess. The three Hero's. Me, Sorin. I need to find the last hero. And I believe, It's you. We are all part of heavens game. No one can stop the wheel of fate."

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"Hurt? I seek the Gift of the Goddess. The three Hero's. Me, Sorin. I need to find the last hero. And I believe, It's you. We are all part of heavens game. No one can stop the wheel of fate."

*laughs* "Well, you sure don't know anything. But go on. I certainly won't attempt to change your mind."

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*laughs* "Well, you sure don't know anything. But go on. I certainly won't attempt to change your mind."

"How about this? Lets have a race to the top. You, me and Sorin try to get the Goddess first. Whoever is there first gets the gift she will give."

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i swear, can we please force shadow to have him have only 1 character or at the very most 2? this is getting fucking stupid.

(I've got three at this point, so I'm not sure if I can scold. Of course, I actually asked permission…)

"How about this? Lets have a race to the top. You, me and Sorin try to get the Goddess first. Whoever is there first gets the gift she will give."

"Nah, go ahead. I've no mood to play your imaginary game."

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"Hurt? I seek the Gift of the Goddess. The three Hero's. Me, Sorin. I need to find the last hero. And I believe, It's you. We are all part of heavens game. No one can stop the wheel of fate."

B-but I thought I was the third?
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(Ayo, Kat, mind if I make a second character? A female, this time.)

(No worries by my book. We need more girls anyway. Just keep track and tell me who you want to support her. And post a bio.)

Edited by Kat
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(I've got three at this point, so I'm not sure if I can scold. Of course, I actually asked permission…)

"Nah, go ahead. I've no mood to play your imaginary game."

"This is what destiny desires. I crave the answer to the world. Oh and before I leave I have targets I must kill. So if they're found by you or I find them, I'm going to kill them. Do whatever if you're there but don't get in my way. They hold the answers to my past.. And Gulac. Take care of Angie while I'm gone.*Uses Rewarp staff*"

"Such beautiful words. I must go as well. Let us meet again."*Uses Rewarp Staff*"

B-but I thought I was the third?

Read LOVELESS. I said Kat was the third due to her being trapped by the pact she made with Mila.

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(No worries by my book. We need more girls anyway. Just keep track and tell me who you want to support her. And post a bio.)

(I'll do up a bio first.)

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Dusk summons Matthew, since he had nothing else better to do

"Hmm? Oh, it's you again milord! What am I helping you with this time?

"Just a conversation this time. We've liberated Ferox now. The continent of Ylisse is free"

"That's brilliant! Doesn't seem like I did a lot though..."

"Are you serious Matthew? If it wasn't for you, that letter would've never have gotten delivered"

"Letter? Oh yeah, that. I didn't deliver it mind. Milady Kat did"

"I know, but you protected her, and you scouted the entire area. I can't thank you enough for that"

"Well, you can" He smirks. "Give me a pay raise"


"Oh, since I'm here and I see dead bodies everywhere, that must mean you've done a lot of fighting, no?"

"I guess, but-"

"Oh, then you must let me carry your inventory for you. Milord needs to rest!"

"I'm fine, Matthew..." He sighs

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