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Ace: "Alicia, I finally found out how to truly master the power of Chaos."

Alicia: "That's great news, Ace. Did you figure it out?"

Ace: "Yeah, with a little hint from Goddess Mila. There's a hidden temple within the Garden of Giants off the coast of Valm. If I can pass the test there, then when I use Tumultuous Arrangement I won't be a danger to my friends and comrades anymore."

Alicia: "Ace...if you do truly master Chaos, there will be a price for obtaining control of such a fearsome power. Also, I'm going with you! I will not let you go to the Garden of Giants alone!"

Ace: "Sis, I dunno what this test is going to be like. Are you sure about this?"

Alicia: "Yes, you're my twin sister. I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to you."

Ace: "Alright, but watch. Others are going to insist on coming with me now."

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Ace: "Alicia, I finally found out how to truly master the power of Chaos."

Alicia: "That's great news, Ace. Did you figure it out?"

Ace: "Yeah, with a little hint from Goddess Mila. There's a hidden temple within the Garden of Giants off the coast of Valm. If I can pass the test there, then when I use Tumultuous Arrangement I won't be a danger to my friends and comrades anymore."

Alicia: "Ace...if you do truly master Chaos, there will be a price for obtaining control of such a fearsome power. Also, I'm going with you! I will not let you go to the Garden of Giants alone!"

Ace: "Sis, I dunno what this test is going to be like. Are you sure about this?"

Alicia: "Yes, you're my twin sister. I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to you."

Ace: "Alright, but watch. Others are going to insist on coming with me now."

*raises hand* "You two aren't exactly being quiet. Besides, me and Silvia have been plotting since we heard."

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As if on cue, Poly came over to the two girls, wrapping his arms around Alicia. "What'cha guys talking about? Secret stuff?"

*raises hand* "You two aren't exactly being quiet. Besides, me and Silvia have been plotting since we heard."

Ace:" Off the coast of Valm is an island called the Garden of Giants. On there is a hidden temple which will test me to see if I'm worthy of mastering the power of Chaos. Although...I do expect there to be some sort of catch to taming Chaos since by it's very nature Chaos desires no master."

Alicia: *blushes* "Poly...you plan on tagging along since I'm going with my sister, right? To protect me from whatever this test may involve?"

Ace: *thinking* (I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case here...) *to Kat and Silvia* "So, you and Kat plan on tagging along with me right?"

(Yup, I'm planning a paralogue for Ace to master the power of Chaos. For sometime after the timeskip)

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Ace:" Off the coast of Valm is an island called the Garden of Giants. On there is a hidden temple which will test me to see if I'm worthy of mastering the power of Chaos. Although...I do expect there to be some sort of catch to taming Chaos since by it's very nature Chaos desires no master."

Alicia: *blushes* "Poly...you plan on tagging along since I'm going with my sister, right? To protect me from whatever this test may involve?"

Ace: *thinking* (I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case here...) *to Kat and Silvia* "So, you and Kat plan on tagging along with me right?"

(Yup, I'm planning a paralogue for Ace to master the power of Chaos. For sometime after the timeskip)

"You don't even need to ask, Ducky." Poly replied. "Of course I'm going."

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Ace: *thinking* (I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case here...) *to Kat and Silvia* "So, you and Kat plan on tagging along with me right?"

"Well, that's the plan. Seeing as Silvia can't seem to stop taking some serious injuries, though, we'll have to see when we actually get to a point where we can safely travel there."

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(Much later, I think.)

Ace:" Off the coast of Valm is an island called the Garden of Giants. On there is a hidden temple which will test me to see if I'm worthy of mastering the power of Chaos. Although...I do expect there to be some sort of catch to taming Chaos since by it's very nature Chaos desires no master."

Alicia: *blushes* "Poly...you plan on tagging along since I'm going with my sister, right? To protect me from whatever this test may involve?"

Ace: *thinking* (I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case here...) *to Kat and Silvia* "So, you and Kat plan on tagging along with me right?"

(Yup, I'm planning a paralogue for Ace to master the power of Chaos. For sometime after the timeskip)

Well then, sign me up for the quest wagon

Edited by Hero-King
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"Well, that's the plan. Seeing as Silvia can't seem to stop taking some serious injuries, though, we'll have to see when we actually get to a point where we can safely travel there."

Dual Strength/Defense flaws, GO!

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"You don't even need to ask, Ducky." Poly replied. "Of course I'm going."

Alicia: "Alright, but I don't know anything about how this test will go for Ace. It may be dangerous, and I don't want to lose you. Just promise me when we go there to support Ace in this trial, you'll be careful.."

"Well, that's the plan. Seeing as Silvia can't seem to stop taking some serious injuries, though, we'll have to see when we actually get to a point where we can safely travel there."

Ace: "Since from here it's off the far side of Valm, the best approach will be from there. Preferably after we've taken enough ground to get there."

Well then, sign me up for the quest wagon

(At this point I'm going to need to write down who all is going on this paralogue for when the time comes XD)

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Alicia: "Alright, but I don't know anything about how this test will go for Ace. It may be dangerous, and I don't want to lose you. Just promise me when we go there to support Ace in this trial, you'll be careful.."

Ace: "Since from here it's off the far side of Valm, the best approach will be from there. Preferably after we've taken enough ground to get there."

(At this point I'm going to need to write down who all is going on this paralogue when the time comes XD)

(Actually, at this point, it's the same group that went to Mount Prism + Alicia. Which, in a way, makes sense.)

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(Actually, at this point, it's the same group that went to Mount Prism + Alicia. Which, in a way, makes sense.)

(Awesome^^ That does make sense since it originated from the ending of the Mount Prism paralogue.)

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