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Who to marry Chrom to.


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Screw optimization.

He does, but sometimes you just gotta tell optimization to screw itself in the name of story-telling.

Except for the fact that, you know, Maribelle!Lucina is considered optimal in certain scenarios.

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Brady is completely unscrewable, because he gets his entire kit from his mother, and therefore is good with any father.

As far as things go:

MU (maybe, I'd say no, though)>= Olivia >= Maribelle > Sumia > Sully >> Maiden

Using MU here is notably weak. Chrom does Morgan no favors, and RK isn't a good skill [VASTLY Outdone by Aether for Luna or Sol Procing (Superior overall Luna Proc% until 73 SKL, after which Aether's own proc rate is high enough that the much higher Damage of Aether exceeds the benefit of having more Luna procs), doesn't have much use elsewhere]. Lucina really doesn't use MU's skills (She gets everything she needs from Olivia, Mari, or Sumia), and this pair locks you out of using Morgan/Lucina. Unless you -really- want to marry Chrom for altered ch 21 scene, I'd say no, go marry someone else.

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For a optimal file I'd never marry Chrom to the FEMU because then Morgan can't marry Lucina.

On a non-grind run with no DLC in mind, marrying Chrom to the avatar is pretty good, and so is marrying him to Sully (actually on par with Sumia and better than marrying Olivia, because of her laughable stats).

Edited by Nobody
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Huh? o_O

I guess he's trying to argue that Chrom/Olivia is like this game's Hector/Florina (though if you ask me, Chrom/Olivia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hector/Florina) against the whole "Inigo makes the most sense as Chrom's kid". point. Though I will be honest, if Inigo was Sumia's kid instead of Olivia's then there would be more consistency in Chrom/Sumia's favor. But I digress.

@OP: As for this topic,I would definitely suggest ♀ Robin. If, however, you don't go for that, then I'm gonna be a contrarian and say Sully. Though I'm not gonna deny the fact that Lucina's kinda unscrewable with any mother. Even Maribelle.

Edited by Just call me Al
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The true answer is this:

The mark of the exhalt on Brady... is on his right buttcheek.

Lucina's C sibling support of being afraid of that fly seems... almost only plausible with a sister, honestly.

Brady sure as hell wouldn't be afraid of that thing.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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The true answer is this:

The mark of the exhalt on Brady... is on his right buttcheek.

Lucina's C sibling support of being afraid of that fly seems... almost only plausible with a sister.

XD Headcanon acquired.

... Actually, I think it's a flying cockroach, not just a fly...

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Lucina's C sibling support of being afraid of that fly seems... almost only plausible with a sister, honestly.

Brady sure as hell wouldn't be afraid of that thing.


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For siblings, Cynthia seems the best with Lucina. As I said, I don't like Inigo as Lucina's brother. Brady is okay. Kjelle seems a bit weird.

That's the only thing about Maribelle as Chrom's wife for me, I can't pair Brady with Lucina then. :\

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Yeah, the localization specifically says it's a roach, but if it doesn't say so in the Japanese version, c'est la vie.

Yeah, the localization had it like that, and had dialogue in her sibling support with Morgan (I think? This... actually, this might've been from a fanfic, I'll have to look it up) where Morgan says that YES, he likes bugs, but NOT ROACHES.

...Now I'm really thinking that could've been a fanfic. Things are blurring together lately...

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Yeah, the localization had it like that, and had dialogue in her sibling support with Morgan (I think? This... actually, this might've been from a fanfic, I'll have to look it up) where Morgan says that YES, he likes bugs, but NOT ROACHES.

...Now I'm really thinking that could've been a fanfic. Things are blurring together lately...

No, that's in the support itself.

And I even got my sister to confirm it.

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I'd suggest Chrom/Maribelle to the OP. I like their supports.

The only one I can't imagine as being Lucina's potential sibling is Kjelle. Everyone else works well with that support in my mind.

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See I don't have an issue with Kjelle in that support because roaches are the devil and more threatening than a battalion of soldiers

The support that DOES bother me in Kjelle's case is the B. I think she of all people would have more respect for the Falchion than to use it for a fruit knife.

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