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I think I might just hate Nintendo fanboys


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...And to think I'm actually more on Nintendo's side in these, "console wars"...

Or maybe I just hate the ones on FB. Also, I see a friend constantly getting worked up in those debates, posting facts and images in elitism...

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My best advice is just to ignore them completely in general.

There is no point in trying to reason with people who's egos are that inflated.

It's as if their self-worth depends on being right about if what they like is better than what X likes;

it's immature and ridiculous.

Really? It isn't something general...?

It's not just facebook, elitists exist everywhere.

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there's your problem

It isn't just Facebook.

It's everywhere.

The Nintendo user base is absolutely horrendous, save for a minority. Granted, the Playstation, Xbox, and even the PC user bases are also mostly terrible, but none of them compare.

You criticize anything Nintendo does, and you get labeled a hater, Sony fanboy, MS fanboy, etc.

You talk about graphics, and they'll jump down your throat with their "GAMEPLAYZ IS ALL THAT MATTERZ!!!" (unless it's graphics from one of their beloved franchises (or a third-party game that is available only on a Nintendo platform), then they'll laugh at the non-Nintendo platforms)

And a fair number of them don't even play their Nintendo games, but just praise them brainlessly.

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so basically everyone is terrible and nowhere is safe

yeah just go look at pictures of chris hemsy or something chris hemsy makes life 1000x better


I would rather educate the masses, but it's been proven to be a waste of time.

Also, I'd rather look at pictures of bu-- *gets gunned down*

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Generally, fanboys from all fanbases are annoying as hell. Just remember to differentiate between regular fans and drooling fanboys.

From personal experience, the most annoying gaming fanboys I have come across were the PC ones that do nothing but sit around flaming console owners but Nintendo is definitely up there. Don't even get me started on pokemon fanboys.

Edited by Shauni
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I found PC elitism to be the most annoying (and coming from a primarily pc gamer), followed by Nintendo fanboys.

But every fanbase is generally somewhat annoying.

Edited by Tryhard
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I admit, i used to be a rabbid nintendo fanboy when i was 12. I'd play on my friends' playtations 2 but i'd desperately try to convince them that the GC was better. I'd also start fighting with my cousin who had every console because he was always saying that the ps2 was better thatn the gc.

I'm cured for 6 years or so, though.

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As someone who favors Nintendo games/consoles the rabid fanboys make me sad. Like, yeah, a lot of fanbases are horrible. So it's normal.


I would rather educate the masses, but it's been proven to be a waste of time.

Also, I'd rather look at pictures of bu-- *gets gunned down*

Oh oh educate me.

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Yeah, I'll admit that the Nintendo fanbase has plenty of bad apples, but I can think of fanbases that are even worse like PC and FPS' fanboys (the former which plague practically every corner of the internet while the latter bashing on all non-FPS games on youtube).

And let's not forget the Bayonetta "fans" that were so horrified that Bayonetta 2 was a Wii U exclusive and wouldn't be going on Sony and Microsoft consoles, that they even wished that Bayonetta 2 didn't exist at all. Way to be selfish and closed-minded, especially when Nintendo was the one that funded the game after Sega decided not to continue with it.

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TBH as far as my experiences with fanbases go

The majority of the fanbase actually probably isn't that awful

But the vocal minority is really fucking vocal and makes the rest of the fans look bad but there's nothing we can do about them

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I dunno I've generally avoided any console wars things

I just surrounded myself with pics of hot guys instead and it's all good


hot guys are the key to happenis

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