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Dating sim?


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That's a pretty shallow view to take of both female characters and characters in general. You are claiming that the girls are little more than character archtypes (specifically ones found in dating sims) while the males fair much better. First off, can you name a character archtype that ISN'T found in a 'typical' dating sim? Heck, you can easily find things like 'the crazy killer who seems perfectly sane' and 'the girl who just likes being alone because she likes being alone' in a 'typical' dating sim. What is a 'typical' dating sim anyways? Does something like Hatoi Boyfriend (I'm sure I'm misspelling the name) count? It is a dating sim after all, just one featuring birds instead of human beings except for the main character.

Lastly, why do you think the females are just 'archtypes' while the males are 'much better'? I found it to be more of the opposite. Virion is the high-class flirt, the axe-guy is forgetful because he's a stupid axe-user who only remembers his own pants because the women make sure he wears a belt, the guy so quiet everyone forgets he's there, the country hick/child, and so-forth. Why are the male characters 'better' than the females who are just 'archtypes'?

You got me wrong. I'm saying that, unfortunately, only the females in this game are shallow (but not all of them), not female character in general and that the males characters are enerally better. unfortunate implications on IS's part but I don't think it was intentional. But there are far more badly written female characters than badly written male characters in this game. Just my observation. But hey, you're dismissing Virion as 'a high-class flirt' and nothing more so I'm not even going to bother taking you seriously.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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I'm not sure I'd call the girls really 'sexualized', at least by how I understand it. The only one I can really think of that would be... would be Tharja, because of her Figurine (and perhaps Olivia's official art, but that pose is so common that I can't really think it as 'sexualized'). There ARE skimpier outfits for the girls than guys in base class (Nowi, Tharja, Olivia, and Aversa vs Vaike and Basilio), but a) that's never been new and b) most of the girls wear sensible outfits in base class (I'm not really including the promotions in this line of thinking). Unless one is including the miniskirts that Fire Emblem has... pretty much always had (only exception as a game that I can think of is Thracia [and maybe FE4 too]).

Vaike and Basilio are both of the fighter/warrior/berserker lines, which are known throughout the games as being shirtless.

Olivia's a dancer, which has, throughout all the games, been rather light on the clothing (Ninian's the only really exception I can think of atm). Dancers in real life can sometimes wear light/skimpy clothing for their performances. A dancer friend of mine in fact has complained about it, but wears it for her art.

Tharja and Aversa... well, with the exception of Henry, it seems like most plegian magic users wear little clothing, which implies a cultural difference.

Nowi... Okay, for her, I got nothing. Best guess that I can come up with is that she's a thousand years old and can damn well wear whatever she wants, even if she doesn't look it.

Which, as someone pointed out, can apply to most of the women. What's WRONG with showing some skin? Some women prefer it, for one reason or another.

as for being shallow... I found it rather equal in terms of how many of each gender were shallow, or were just poorly written. Then again, I'v also been known for finding implications where others might not necessarily see them.

Edited by Kat
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The female characters are very much like those you would find in a typical dating sim.

That's because "typical" dating sims can cover a very large base of character types. Frankly, I'm just happy that FE13 introduced new character archetypes past games didn't have like Owain, Tharja, or Maribelle. Hell, even Nowi is the first character of her archetype that at least shows some signs of maturity.

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The first thing I think of with that pose is Escher Girls on tumblr.

I actually looked that up. I think it proved my point of it being rather common.

even Nowi is the first character of her archetype that at least shows some signs of maturity.

What about Myrrh (or however you spell her name) from Sacred Stones?

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The only females in this game that I find to be sexualized are Tharja (obvious reasons) and Tiki (those breasts, that cleavage, and that short skirt...not to mention the official art pose). I agree that Nowi's outfit is a bit revealing for someone like her, but she's not shown with curves and Tiki-size breasts for obvious reasons.

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I actually looked that up. I think it proved my point of it being rather common.

...doesn't change how "daring" her confession CG is >_>;


I'm *THE LAST PERSON* that wants to admit their waifu is very sexualized... but damn I can't deny the character design.

The only one more "daring", I'd say is Inverse/Aversa literally smothering MU in boobs.

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That's because "typical" dating sims can cover a very large base of character types. Frankly, I'm just happy that FE13 introduced new character archetypes past games didn't have like Owain, Tharja, or Maribelle. Hell, even Nowi is the first character of her archetype that at least shows some signs of maturity.

WAT. Seriously wat?

No dude. Just no.

And Maribelle's character is not new at all.

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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...doesn't change how "daring" her confession CG is >_>;


I'm *THE LAST PERSON* that wants to admit their waifu is very sexualized... but damn I can't deny the character design.

The only one more "daring", I'd say is Inverse/Aversa literally smothering MU in boobs.

...I'm missing something, aren't I? I just see her clinging.

@Ranger - some of her supports in the later ones show some SURPRISING maturity. Best one I can think of is her support with Nah, her daughter. But there were a couple of others where I went 'oh, right. She is 1000 years old.'

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Hell, even Nowi is the first character of her archetype that at least shows some signs of maturity.

I don't see Nowi as more mature than Myhrr or even young Tiki. The only one I'd actually say it's less mature than Nowi is Fa, but that's just because Fa is supposed to be a 4 years old child, rather than a 12 years old one.

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Leen and Sylvia are just as 'bad'. Really, it's nothing new.

exactly, and yet people (or rather one person) in this thread is making it seem that way, as if earlier FEs were the pinnacle of chastity and good taste

go look at clarine's oa, her miniskirt isn't hiding much

I don't see Nowi as more mature than Mhyrr or even young Tiki.

its spelled mrrhy

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I think TelliusFE is pretty good in terms of design

All mounted units other than Mist wears pants or tights and even Mist wears shorts under that

Which isn't really long enough to cover the chafe area but it's better than the ridiculous great knight battle panties we get here

I'm more mad about Paladin and Falcoknight though

They pretend to have pants and cut a giant crotchhole there like what the fuck

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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its spelled mrrhy

Actually, it's Myhrr. I know this because of the last unique stanza in the Christmas carol "We Three Kings."

Myhrr is mine, its bitter perfume

Breathes a life of gathering gloom

Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying

Sealed in a stone-cold tomb

I've read the lyrics several times before so I could memorize them, as imo, it's a beautiful melody. :D

Anyway, that dancer outfit on that black-haired girl is just the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I know dancer outfits are typically a little revealing, but this is just ugh. :/

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I'm a lot less bothered by dancers dressing that way than heavily armored units with battle panties

Because while the latter has a lot more covered it's also like "what the hell is the point of all this, just to show butt unnecessarily?" vs like said above, dancers do use their allure and I don't really care how skimpy they wanna dress

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my problem with FE13 character design is less "its sexualized(seriously, FE surprised me with the amount of fanservice to the point that I disliked the game when I was younger)" and more "its FUCKING UGLY"

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I'm a lot less bothered by dancers dressing that way than heavily armored units with battle panties

Because while the latter has a lot more covered it's also like "what the hell is the point of all this, just to show butt unnecessarily?" vs like said above, dancers do use their allure and I don't really care how skimpy they wanna dress

Eh, I tend to go on their default outfit being what they're actually wearing. It is the oddest part, but luckily you don't see it much.

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I'm a lot less bothered by dancers dressing that way than heavily armored units with battle panties

Because while the latter has a lot more covered it's also like "what the hell is the point of all this, just to show butt unnecessarily?" vs like said above, dancers do use their allure and I don't really care how skimpy they wanna dress


Same with the Falcon Knight/Paladin outfit... the holes are so unnecessary I can't even comprehend why they exist.

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exactly, and yet people (or rather one person) in this thread is making it seem that way, as if earlier FEs were the pinnacle of chastity and good taste

You were just cherry picking a single class design of a very specific game in a series consisting of 12 games.

The closest other designs would probably be the FE8 dancer and the TRS dancer if we count those.

Though, personally I usually don't get upset over a single sexualized design. In cases like that I can justify it as being in.character. Not to mention that dancers aren't fighters.

If it comes to wearing nothing but underwear and a few accessories, Awakening by itself already got the Dark Mage, Sorceress (What is this thing even supposed to be?), Manakete and Tanguel class.

go look at clarine's oa, her miniskirt isn't hiding much

And in addition Awakening features tons of designs which run around with their panties very wide in the open and where even the shortest mini skirt would be an improvement.

On the drop of my head, I can recall the Dancer, Cavalier, Great Knight, Paladin, Falcon Knight and Dark Knight.

Then of course, we got several examples of classes on the level of FE7 Sonia. (Of course, in her case it shows only up in the artwork.)

The Assassin, the Archer, the Thief, Wyvern Knight, Tiki's custom model and Aversa's (totally worse but whatever).

Mind you, I have always been irritated by the obsession of the art direction with bare female legs in the art of Fire Emblem.

But this isn't a binary issue. These things have gotten worse. A lot.

It also ignores that the old games used to have cool shit like female characters using the very same armor as their male comrades. Even without the obligatory addition of breast plates.

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