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bros, we're talking about a game series where the original main lord wore a skirt and a tiara.


Dem legs. So scandalous.

Okay, now back your regularly scheduled fan-raging segment of "stop-liking-what-I-don't-like" followed by "that's-like-your-opinion-man".

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to get offended as if female sexualization hasn't been an integral part of human culture since the dawn of time is pretty pointless

So we should just accept it and not say anything? Because I can think of a lot of practices that have been a part of human culture that today's people find repulsive. Or should we continue those too?

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Well, you're welcome to complain. But don't be surprised that if you do so incessantly on a (niche) fan forum, you'll rub a few people the wrong way. Moreover, this is something that's not likely to ever change. Fanservice is so named for a reason. I also agree with those who say it's mild in this game.

It's almost like complaining anime is the cancer killing FE when...wait Awakening saved FE. >_>

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Well, you're welcome to complain. But don't be surprised that if you do so incessantly on a (niche) fan forum, you'll rub a few people the wrong way. Moreover, this is something that's not likely to ever change. Fanservice is so named for a reason. I also agree with those who say it's mild in this game.

It's almost like complaining anime is the cancer killing FE when...wait Awakening saved FE. >_>


Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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About the Male vs Femae outfits.

Who is more scandalous ? This girl :


or this guy ? :


This guy ? :


Or this girl ? :


This guy ?


or this girl ?


Wanting to note that you're quoting/comparing a game known for having possibly the most sensible outfits for most if not all their chars.

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Wanting to note that you're quoting/comparing a game known for having possibly the most sensible outfits for most if not all their chars.

I know that...

Even Lara is pretty good compared to others dancers.

Still, Ricken have a far more sensible outfit than Asvel, I think we can all agree on that. And he is supposed to be the shota bait...

Anyway... On dancers.

FE4 dancer probably have the worst dancer outfit (Though Lalum's transparent pants worries me a little), but Olivia is the most sexualzed in her official artworks

Here's Sylvia :


Leen :


and Laylea once again :


The main difference is the colour of her outfit actually.

Edited by TendaSlimeKnight Ikkar
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The problem with those dancers are, well, they are freaking dancer, and I need to note that 3/4 out of FE4 Dancer is canonically almost a prostitute

....Not to mention that outside the game, you can't see their full body image anyway

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why not

um, because humans do some pretty horrible shit to each other and we should try to do better than our predecessors. Just because women have historically been the primary target of objectification does not mean that it is a good thing. In fact it's pretty detrimental to both genders, because it reinforces stereotypes, which leads to prejudice and dehumanization -- the main ingredients in the do-horrible-shit-to-each-other recipe.

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um, because humans do some pretty horrible shit to each other and we should try to do better than our predecessors. Just because women have historically been the primary target of objectification does not mean that it is a good thing. In fact it's pretty detrimental to both genders, because it reinforces stereotypes, which leads to prejudice and dehumanization -- the main ingredients in the do-horrible-shit-to-each-other recipe.

the sexualization of the female has historically been pretty important for the survival of our species

even now when most of the first world is on the cusp of a population implosion due to declining fertility sexualization is important

not to mention, most people on this thread complaining about the sexualization aren't complaining about sexualization itself as a concept rather than the fact that they think FE13's sexualization wasn't very sexy

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What Nessie said. And if anything, the population is going to explode in coming years because technology advances will continue to make treating diseases and stuff easier, thus extending people's lifespans.

Edited by Anacybele
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What Nessie said. And if anything, the population is going to explode in coming years because technology advances will continue to make treating diseases and stuff easier, thus extending people's lifespans.

wrong, that already happened, hence the population explosion that started in the 1850s and really took off around the mid 20th century

the population will grow based on the momentum of previous generations but as more and more nations reach the final part of the fertility and mortality transition and we start to see 1.1 fertility rates in places like Taiwan and Italy and other nations the population will eventually plateau and decline

and as for the claims about sexy media, I give you this:


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I know that...

Even Lara is pretty good compared to others dancers.

Still, Ricken have a far more sensible outfit than Asvel, I think we can all agree on that. And he is supposed to be the shota bait...

Anyway... On dancers.

FE4 dancer probably have the worst dancer outfit (Though Lalum's transparent pants worries me a little), but Olivia is the most sexualzed in her official artworks

Here's Sylvia :


Leen :


and Laylea once again :


The main difference is the colour of her outfit actually.

You're not using the TCG arts. Which are also official.

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even now when most of the first world is on the cusp of a population implosion due to declining fertility sexualization is important

[Venus of Willendorf.jpg]

I wrote my previous post in the present tense, not the past tense. It wouldn't surprise me if the Venus of Willendorf helped propagate the population of the time by promoting female traits that were suited for the ice-age-like conditions of the time and place.

But for everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. There is no reason to think that sexy media in modern first-world countries is vital (though perhaps it can be fun, depending on whom you ask). One suspects that the impending first-world population implosion is due more to general economic malaise and the high costs of child-bearing rather than inadequate sexualization (just look at Japan, for example; one of the most sexed-up countries in the world, yet its fertility rate was 1.39 in 2011).

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One suspects that the impending first-world population implosion is due more to general economic malaise and the high costs of child-bearing rather than inadequate sexualization (just look at Japan, for example; one of the most sexed-up countries in the world, yet its fertility rate was 1.39 in 2011).

Yes, that's the cause, but getting rid of hypersex in the media wouldn't help any

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I don't think anyone is arguing that removing media hypersex will directly mitigate the population implosion. Maybe it can indirectly mitigate it, I don't know, but I don't think it's worth discussing here when none of us are empirical social scientists.

Edited by Nessie
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Fire Emblem has always had it's designs be stylized rather than be what soldiers actually dress and groom like.

For example, there's how not all of the women their hair or wear pants.

Edited by The Void
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