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Why people say the supports in this game are bad?


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I find they pretty great. Like, on pair with sacred stones, better than FE7, path of radiance and awakening.

Just read those:







And those are just some randon ones I remembered reading. Seriously, Igrene must have the best supports in the series.

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no link to TreckxJuno, what

anyway this game has some good supports but the vast majority are generic and bland

personally I feel FESS not only has a better average quality but also has better standout supports

FE7 is just bad though like why do people have such a hardon for that game's supports some of them hardly even make sense, like try to piece together DartxGeitz C

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I suppose it is because everyone has their own opinion on what makes a good support conversation.

Yes, and that's what I'm asking, why they have that opinion. Could they explain it for me? I'm not saying my opinion is better than theirs or whatever, I just want to know why some people find the supports in this game bad and what they think is a good support conversation.

Edited by Nobody
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A lot of supports are bad because they have the dreaded +1 support growth and come on units too late to bother even at a casual pace.

This topic is about the conversations, not how long they take to be archived.

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Its nearly impossible to get most of them because of the 1+1 and nature of the maps. Most people just hate on them cause they haven't read any of them aside from crap like Alan+Lance or whatever.

FE7 and 8 are easier to get, and I think 8 has more definitive personalities set for each character, but to be frank the entire GBA support system is fucked, PoR's is still my favourite in the series. Just use two units, don't have to worry about always standing next to each other or wasting turns...

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Is there even anyone claiming that?

Personally I actually like the supports of FE6 for the most part and think the game did a very good job fleshing out the characters and the various nations.

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The current translation patch does a very job at making the supports appealing. The dialogue is stiff and awkward.

Alan/Lance C, Shanna and archers, Lilina's Roy obsession, any of Roy's A supports with women not named Lilina (are those supposed to be romantic?) are some examples. Still, they're better than nothing.

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They are short, some of them has strange end and some of them are jut bad.

But still, there is a few good like this: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe6/support/050.html

But IMO any of them are as good as my favorite FE8 supports. I was even reading FE13 supports, and they aren't really good :dry: .

FE8 has the best support conversation in series.

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Karel has really good support talks in FE6 as well its just a shame you barely have a chance to get any of them :/. Cath, Geese, Igrene, Noah, Fir, Ashtol, and a huge group of others I could name have some amazing supports

They are short, some of them has strange end and some of them are jut bad.

But still, there is a few good like this: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe6/support/050.html

But IMO any of them are as good as my favorite FE8 supports. I was even reading FE13 supports, and they aren't really good :dry: .

FE8 has the best support conversation in series.

I've always liked FE9's supports best overall I did find FE9 to be the best written in general so maybe thats why I feel that way, FE8 is also really well done though

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It's more that they're rather varied than universally bad. Alance is pretty horrible, as is Dieck and his axe mooks. Stuff like Saul does make me giggle though.

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It's more that they're rather varied than universally bad. Alance is pretty horrible, as is Dieck and his axe mooks. Stuff like Saul does make me giggle though.

Okay, why do people hate on the Alan/Lance supports? I thought that they were really good...

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