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Lucina will never crit with that mask...


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Instead of "Hope will never die!", her line should be "Crits will never proc!"

I swear, that mask of hers is a freaking reverse Iron Rune.

I mean come on... 12% critical... unless my luck is really that bad... I should have seen at least one by turn 177.

I saw Sumia dual guard Chrom at 3% twice.

For goodness sake I've even seen Gimle/Grima crit.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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They may have rigged it so she can't, even when she has displayed critical chance.

If so, it's probably a combination of wanting to hide the critical voice clips and making it a bit less luck-based for players, since with her weapon, she's got high attack power so without grinding a critical hit from her is likely to kill just about anyone but Frederick and perhaps Kellam at that point.

Or you could just be ridiculously (un)lucky with it. I don't know.

Edited by Starlight36
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They may have rigged it so she can't, even when she has displayed critical chance.

If so, it's probably a combination of wanting to hide the critical voice clips and making it a bit less luck-based for players, since with her weapon, she's got high attack power so without grinding a critical hit from her is likely to kill just about anyone but Frederick and perhaps Kellam at that point.

Or you could just be ridiculously (un)lucky with it. I don't know.

That may be the case. She's got a cut in [which simply uses Lucy's normal voice overs-- I've heard both "Hope will never die" and "You will not stop me".] on L+ when she goes Luna+ on you, but you've already beaten the game once if you're on L+.

So it may be Ninty hiding it.

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Does she crit when she fights for you in Ch. 6?

Or does this non-crit thing only affect her as an enemy?

And if she cannot crit, why can she activate Luna in L+, and can her Luna srikes crit? (don't know how this is caluculated, so this might probably will be a dump question for those who know, sry ._.)

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I think it is safe to assume that the reason why Lucina will never critical is to avoid spoilers. Think about it your playing Awakening for the first time and you fight Marth. Marth criticals and you hear a feminine voice in the cut in. "What? He is a girl?" And the whole first part of Awakening is ruined for you due to chance. I believe Marth is allowed to critical you in Lunatic + due to the fact that you have you complete the campaign once and you would already know the truth about Marth's secret. I haven't played Lunatic + myself but your Marth Critical video makes that apparent.

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I think it is safe to assume that the reason why Lucina will never critical is to avoid spoilers. Think about it your playing Awakening for the first time and you fight Marth. Marth criticals and you hear a feminine voice in the cut in. "What? He is a girl?" And the whole first part of Awakening is ruined for you due to chance. I believe Marth is allowed to critical you in Lunatic + due to the fact that you have you complete the campaign once and you would already know the truth about Marth's secret. I haven't played Lunatic + myself but your Marth Critical video makes that apparent.

*nods* yeah that sounds reasonable

Didn't think about the fact that you have to complete regular Lunatic before you can get to L+

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edit 3: please do not reply to this paragraph directly, instead list the paragraph number in you reply, I will edit this comment to keep all my arguments current and for easy future reference, this is my opinion only, not anyone else.

The additions is italicized. deletions are stuck through

1. I think it is safe to assume that the reason why Masked Lucina will never critical is to avoid spoilers. Think about it your playing Awakening for the first time and you fight Masked Lucina. Masked Lucina criticals and you hear a feminine voice in the cut in. "What? He is a girl?" And the whole first part of Awakening is ruined for you due to chance.

Edit 3: Masked Lucina cannot critical due to that being an ability of the lodestar class. And since she has no active ability (e.g. ignis, luna) that can trigger, no cut ins will play in difficulty settings lower than Lunatic +, thus avoiding spoilers.

Edit 2:

2. Also in game It does not make any sense either. Remember Lucina certainly does not want to reveal who she is and I say it would be hard to disguise your voice when yelling. Also her critical voice clips will sound weird in retrospect. why is Marth saying "Hope will never die!" "I challenge my Fate when she is attacking gen 1 characters?" Though this could be solved by changing the lines. Why would she crit when she is attacking gen 1? She is trying to change her fate not kill off Gen 1 characters by using more force than necessary.

edit 1: I realized that her voice clips would be different in Japanese. But I assume they would have similar meaning

3. I believe Marth is allowed to critical you in Lunatic + due to the fact that you have you complete the campaign once and you would already know the truth about Marth's secret. I haven't played Lunatic + myself but shadowofchaos Marth Critical video makes that apparent.

4. The reason why a cut in plays in Lunatic + is due to her lunatic + ability," luna +", not due to Lucina vanilla criticaling

edit 2: changed embarrassing spelling errors, added in game justification to why Lucina won't vanilla critical.

edit 3: I realized I was wrong for saying Lucina can only critical in lunatic + or any difficulty for that matter. Also I did not distinguish between an ability cut in and a critical cut in. In Lunatic +, I now believe the fact that Lucina cannot critical is beacuase the Lodestarclass does not allow her to critical. And her cut in is because of her Luna + ability, not a vanilla critical.

Changed "Masked Marth" to "Masked Lucina" to avoid confusion.

Note: if the Lodestar class prevents criticals from the unit, then it could be an interesting tool for hackers to add an iron rune-ish ability to whoever they want to.

Edited by sifer
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She does have lines for critical or skill activations though.


Which point are you referring to?

1. Masked Marth cannot crit.

She can only crit in Lunatic plus difficulty. The video you embedded is being played in Lunatic + mode. If you look in the upper right corner you will see the ability Luna +, which only occurs in Lunatic + difficulty. I cannot provide evidence of Masked Lucina criting in other difficulties, since there is none. See shadowofchaos and Tables comments for evidence of it not happening.

2.Or are you saying that, yes there are voice clips, and a picture of Masked Lucina cut ins.

My guess is that they drew a unique cut in for Masked Lucina because she can crit in in Lunatic +. It would seem kinda weird that an Unmasked Lucina cut would play when Lucina is disguised. So the developers drew a Masked Lucina cut in to fit the story.

Did I answer your point? Sorry if I sounded too critical, I can sound like Laurent sometimes if I analyze things.

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She does have lines for critical or skill activations though.

I'm quite aware of that for her Luna+ skill. I'm the first one that uploaded it in February.

I would have uploaded it earlier in 2012, but I was kind of too afraid to touch the mode when I unlocked it for Vincent for the Lunatic+ skill icons for the mainsite.

Vanilla critical still not happening on Lunatic+:

In other words you people are suggesting that "she gets her cut-in disabled for crits for spoiler reasons for her voice clips. Lunatic+ has her with a cut-in on her Luna+ skill because you need to have beaten the game already for Lunatic+ to be unlocked."

...yeah still not feeling it.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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In other words you people are suggesting that "she gets her cut-in disabled for crits for spoiler reasons for her voice clips. Lunatic+ has her with a cut-in on her Luna+ skill because you need to have beaten the game already for Lunatic+ to be unlocked."

...yeah still not feeling it.

yea that’s right, I edited my previous comment to provide an in game reasoning, that does not apply to Lunatic + of course.

There are three circumstances a cut in would play.

1. You critical the enemy

2. You activate certain abilities e.g. luna, ignis

3. you critical and activate you ability, ignore this one for this argument

All right then. Masked Lucina cannot critical under any difficulty setting, this rules out point one. And since Masked Lucina has no skills that can activate in lunatic or lower difficult settings this rules out point two. So it is impossible for a cut in to play in those difficulties and thus avoid spoiling the story.

However for Lunatic + She is given the Luna + skill. Therefore cut ins will play, this is due to ability use, not a critical.

As I think about it. Would the negate critical be used in the class code for Lodestar in Awakening so when is hacked we can apply that to other units?


Edit: yes, I was wrong about the Lucina being able to critical in lunatic + difficulty,or any difficulty, I now think that no critical is an "ability" unique to the lodestar class.

Edited by sifer
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