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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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Leon flips through his newly acquired tome before reciting a spell during his dancing, and empowering Rayil's combat team with Might!

He then flips to a fire spell and takes aim at Senian Knight B, burning him with his spell, and managing to get speared directly through the face.



Sneak uses remaining 2/2

Dodge uses remaining 2/2

Leon 0/21 HP

Senian Knight B has taken 10 damage

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Rayil quickly attacked one of the nearby horseman. Although he managed to get in two quick hits, he was answered by a stab that left him bleeding and his side numb.

[spoiler=combat stuff]


Rayil hits

8+2+3-5=8 damage twice

Horseman autos

8+5-1=12 damage, poisoned!

Rayil: 6/18

Horseman: 14/30

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Attack the horseman, Andre said. It'd be easy, he implied. Well, Rayil tried and promptly got cut for his efforts. It'd be up to Jacob to finish that one off.

And finish he did. With a smooth stroke of his blade, the Senian was beheaded and his horse panicked and galloped off.

"Not looking so good, Rayil," Jacob said, as he noticed his fellow swordsman. "You fall back. I'll cover you."


Zealous Activates! HP -2, STR + 2, SKL + 2, DEF + 2! New simple stats: HP: 16/18, MT: 19 HIT: 13 AS: 12 EVD: 13 DEF: 9 RES: 1

1,4,6 = Hit!

23-5 = 18 points of damage! Senian Horseman B is defeated!

Team Evil Overlady gains 5 points.

Jacob 16/18

Senian Horseman B 0/30

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Iris inwardly scoffed when Hale mentioned consequences for betraying the Harriers. She'd had that info from day one and it wasn't like her former comrades would spare her with what she'd told and done for the Harriers. Though she wouldn't let it get to her, she didn't need a repeat of three days ago.

When Hale motioned for them to stay to his right she obeyed. He probably knew what he was doing. "I take it I'll be leading once we're inside yes?"

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"Yes," Hale said, as the group came ever closer to the entrance. Once they were they just to the right of the open gate, the light mage moved directly in front of it and turned to face the backside of the enemy force.

"Stay behind my back," he said, extending his hands out in front of him. "Once we're inside, Iris, take us directly to the cells."

After a moment, he began to slowly back into the fort, without moving his arms.

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Linn got herself behind Hale, trying to keep her eyes off of the battle. She wasn't sure what he was doing with his arms, but she wasn't about to ask. She was sure she'd find out soon enough, and if not, it wasn't worth asking right now.

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Deciding further chatter was no longer needed Iris simply did as Hale instructed and got behind the man. Whatever he was doing at least he believed it would work and at this point it was good enough for Iris.

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Almost a full day had passed, and Vera still hadn't seen the man described as Aldrick. But no matter, she was prepared to wait as long as she needed to for him to show up. Maybe if she was lucky, she'd be able to confirm the rumors. But that was more so personal inquiry than anything else. "Why did they throw me in here?" she repeated after her prison mate.

"Well my dear, I'm an assassin--I kill people for a living. So of course I 'made a little noise' and now here I am. Granted it helps if you've got a pretty face; otherwise they usually just stick a sword in you," she shrugged.

"So I've shared a bit of my story, now how about you share a bit of yours?"

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Wow, this...there's so many well armed enemies! Caslan thought, his courage sapping but the elf reminded himself that there are others further behind enemy lines. For their sake he had to stay brave in the face of such overwhelming odds. "Or at least, for Linn's safety..."

With tome in hand, the mage surveyed his choice of targets and then saw a fellow elf being speared by a knight. Acting on instinct Caslan drew as much water as he could to from the surrounding air and rode close to the knight to fire off an orb of water in pointblank range resulting in massive damage.

He then rode further away from the battlefield to avoid being targeted.

-4res, +4mag

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4326281/ 5,1,1/6,6,6/3,5,3

Caslan crits Senian Knight B for 30 damage!

Senian knight B KO!

Senian Knight B's ghost wanted to counter for 6,6,6 autohit and crit but BtS doesn't work that way

Caslan Sneaks! (1/2) uses left

Caslan 15/15Hp

Senian Knight B 0/30Hp

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As they arrived at the fort and the battle unfolded, Rimsky was nervous this time around. The enemies were overwhelming, and the band was mostly inexperienced. The only relief he had was that Andre and co. were fighting alongside them this time, but he doubted skill would overcome overwhelming numbers. As their group of four(consisting of Zeff, Rimsky, Caslan and Chandra) moved forward, he was surprised by a sudden dark beam passing over his head and crashing into one of the cavaliers. "Wow Chandra, that was a nice one!" was what Rimsky muttered before turning around to see one of his elven comrades get speared through the face. "BLAST, that's one of ours down! CASLAN, BE CAREFUL, YA IDIOT!" he yelled as he watched Caslan charging at one of the knights. He watched as Caslan's powerful orb of water slammed into the knight, and Caslan quickly rode away for cover. Rimsky breathed a sigh of relief, and turned towards Zeff, and said,

"Hey, you might want ter attack that mage over there, next to that guy with lot's of armour and on a horse. I know Andre said we need ter aim at the mounted enemies but we should seize this opportunity when that mage is open!"

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Zeff acknowledged Rimsky's suggestion and slipped away into the battlefield. The chaos that Chandra's attack had unleashed upon the enemy rank was just the diversion he needed to slip up behind the enemy and strike swiftly. One of the enemy mage's had noticed him and began to utter a spell. Not one to be outdone, Zeff unleashed the magic in his glove and swiftly struck down his enemy.

He had to be careful using his glove though--maintaining the usage of magic was taxing given his rough skills. He turned around and readied his blade for the next attack.

Zeff strikes down Senian Monk A



New stats: HP: 22/24 MT: 11 MAG: 0 HIT: 11 AVO: 9 AS: 8 DEF: 7 RES: 6

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With Hale leading in that fashion... the most likely scenario was that he was manipulating light in order to mask their presence to the enemy... of course, such a thing would only apply visually.

With that in mind, silent following seemed the best course of action.

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Damnit we've already got someone down. "You two need to guard him until Sayina can get over here, I'll draw some attention" Ernce said to the two conscious teammates he'd been paired with. "Oi, Sayina we need ya over here!" he called out in the mounted healer's direction before he charging into the fray for something to impale. He spotted a group of cavalry, something Andre had told them to wipe out first, and stabbed at the one who appeared to be calling the shots. His stab got the rider in his thigh but the rider was still competent enough to fire his bow back at Ernce getting him in the shoulder.


Ernce stabs Senian Rider A for 9 damage!

SRA counters Ernce for 5 damage!

Ernce 16/21



Shit, our healer's down already? Zeke mentally panicked. I wish I'd been placed in a group with a reliable healer! In his internal panicking Zeke almost didn't hear Ernce when he was told to guard Leon. "R-Right!" he managed to say only for the lancer to charge off without them to attack the enemy. "Man he's been with these mercs for a but. Could've at least stayed around to guard him too..." Zeke mumbled to his mount who snorted in response.

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As the stealth squad entered the fortress proper, Hale ended the concealment spell and turned his back to the battle.

"Very well, lead the way," he said to Iris in a slightly weary voice, as he drew his sword.

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"For someone who claims to make for a bad teacher, you certainly keep an interesting cache of spells up your sleeve, Hale." Elysia commented, as the cloak was lifted... anyone that could hear her at this point could see them, now. Regardless of that, the air in Elysia's immediate vicinity began to chill, though not to the point of spreading to assail the others. A light frost could be seen floating about her, glimmering slightly in what light there was, inside.

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"She's right, you know," Linn added in. "All of this magic you're using seems incredibly fantastical. If you could show us how you did it later, that'd be great!" Linn said, hoping she wasn't being too loud. She'd gotten a good hold on her tome, ready to fight whatever they had to, despite her enthusiasm over Hale's magicks. She just hoped Iris knew where she was going.

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"Right," Iris said, ignoring the two elves who chimed in about Hale's magic as she tried to recall the layout of the fort as they came to branching paths. Right led to the barracks if I recall correctly. Taking the left they were soon at more branching paths at which Iris directed them right, knowing that it led to the dungeon. Once there she had no idea where the man they were looking for -Xane was it?- although she could sense two faint magic sources from a cell three doors down. "Hmm..." she mused out loud as she walked towards the source, stopping three doors down. "I believe he is here," she said turning to face the others assuming they had followed her. "Though I sense two magical presences behind this door."

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"Being a good teacher is different from being a crafty mage." Hale noted, as the two elves made remarks about his spell repertoire. Regardless, there was work to be done. Iris led them to a door, behind which were two magi - one of them was probably Xane, the other, a guard or a prisoner. Best be cautious, however.

"Right, I might show you later, but let's stay on task," Hale said, as he stepped back. "Elysia, can you freeze the door? The hinges are the most important part."

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"Sure." Elysia replied, as the conversation came to a close, and her instructions arrived. Quickly channelling the ice and cold, the doorway way quickly flash-frozen, ready to be blown from it's frame at a moment's notice.

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As they arrived at the fort and the battle unfolded, Rimsky was nervous this time around. The enemies were overwhelming, and the band was mostly inexperienced. The only relief he had was that Andre and co. were fighting alongside them this time, but he doubted skill would overcome overwhelming numbers. As their group of four(consisting of Zeff, Rimsky, Caslan and Chandra) moved forward, he was surprised by a sudden dark beam passing over his head and crashing into one of the cavaliers. "Wow Chandra, that was a nice one!" was what Rimsky muttered before turning around to see one of his elven comrades get speared through the face. "BLAST, that's one of ours down! CASLAN, BE CAREFUL, YA IDIOT!" he yelled as he watched Caslan charging at one of the knights. He watched as Caslan's powerful orb of water slammed into the knight, and Caslan quickly rode away for cover. Rimsky breathed a sigh of relief, and turned towards Zeff, and said,

"Hey, you might want ter attack that mage over there, next to that guy with lot's of armour and on a horse. I know Andre said we need ter aim at the mounted enemies but we should seize this opportunity when that mage is open!"

"Yeah, not bad for a spell I found on the ground," Chandra replied to Rimsky. She was pleasantly surprised that the spell provided enough confusion for Zeff to execute his own attack to strike down one of the magic users. Combined with Caslan's successful hit and run, Team Iron Chef their group was on a roll. The shaman knew that the enemy would soon regroup and bring down swift retribution upon the Harriers.

"Just get ready; they'll strike back soon. I'm right here if you need me."

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The battle had begun, and surprisingly Aeson could actually follow what was happening. It made things far easier for him when he knew who was actually on his side, it was unlikely his allies would appreciate him healing the enemy. One of their own fighters was looking a little worse for wear, the combination of his wounds and sickness did not bode well. Doing his best to stay out of the way of fire, he hurried over to Rayil, who looked even worse up close.

"Stand strong, young one." Aeson reassured as he began his healing work. "Your life is your own, I will not allow another to take it from you."

Aeson heals Rayil back to full health for 12 (out of 13) points!

6/18 -> 18/18

3 points... YEAH

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Boy, to be thrown for a seemingly-hopeless battle head on for his first assignment, Erbert suddenly didn't wonder why they'd be recruiting so many people anymore. No, I have no choise now. I want my damn pay, and I'll work overnight for it! Focus on the battle, you're the one who's living this, you're the man. No, the man wishes he was you.

Psyching himself to battle, Erbert charged full speed the moment he saw an enemy dark mage lower their guard. The mage tried to defend themselves with their own magic, but Erbert's swing cleaved through magic, cloth and flesh alike. The unfortunate mage dropped to the ground in but a moment, bleeding more than what a living thing should.

"...That could have been stronger, the blow almost made it." Erbert muttered to himself as he rushed back to his team's formation.

Erbert: 21/21 HP

Occultist A: 0/15 HP


"Everybody, stay back for now." Alfonso said, as he took to the front of his group, lance in hand. There were too many heavy hitters in the enemy group. He knew he certainly couldn't take all the blows, with poor luck. But he saw his team's prowess as superior to his, and already had a mind to keep them alive.

Alfonso uses Shield and protects his(Rayil's) team!
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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Balcerzak, December 9, 2013 - user request
Hidden by Balcerzak, December 9, 2013 - user request

whoops. Mod delete please?

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Enemy Phase 1

The trio of mounted archers decided to try their hand at taking out their leader's murder. Regrettably, neither sword nor arrow could break his defender, a rather tall and round lady.


Auto Tink!

Critical Tink!

Bertha 30/30



20-19 = 1 point of damage!

Bertha 29/30



19-19 = No damage!

Bertha 29/30

Angered by the loss of their comrades, the horsemen tried to cut down their murderers. Regrettably, a lone cavalier stood in their way. Try as they might, not even their horseslayers could bring him down, even though their blows would've been fatal to any other man.


Critical hit!

2(26-6)= 40 points of damage! Alfonso Blocks!

Alfonso 19/39



25-6 = 19 points of damage! Alfonso Blocks!

Alfonso 10/39 HP

The pegasus knights spotted one of their arch enemies - an archer. With one pass each, they brought him down, and could fly safe for a while longer.



11-3 = 8 points of damage!

Malachi 13/21


Critical hit!

2(16-3) = 26 points of damage! Malachi is defeated!

Malachi 0/21

The Senian healer, having witnessed the vicious death of his friend the mage, tried to strike down the culprit. Needless to say, her light spell went wide.



Franklin 18/18

The swordsman and fighter together went after the one who killed their magician friend. The swordsman was intercepted by the steadfast knight yet still couldn't bring him down, while the axeman grinned and hacked at his counterpart. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to bring him down either.


Zealous activates! HP -2 STR + 2 SKL + 2 DEF + 2! Now 19/21 11/9/7 simplified, respectively


12-6 = 6 points of damage!

Alfonso 4/39



20-9 = 11 points of damage!

Erbert 10/21

"Traitor! How dare you oppose the King's will!" Alvin shouted, as he rode after the enemy Senian swordsman. His lance struck true, but the mercenary was still hanging on.



15-5 = 10 points of damage!

Zeff 12/24

Alvin's squad mage hit the target with a dark sphere, but that still wasn't enough. So his lieutenant, with a strike of his own spear, brought the man down.



13-6 = 7 points of damage!

Zeff 5/24


Critical hit!

2(20-5) = 30 points of damage! Zeff is defeated!

Zeff 0/24

Poison activates! Rayil 12/18

Other phase

"Careful!" Andre yelled as Zeff was approached. Unfortunately, it was too late, as the new Harrier was brought down. With two strokes of his sword, the last aggressor was slain, and the mercenary leader was in front of his subordinate, defending him with his life.

"Sayina, over here! Adari, the leader!", the half-dwarf barked as he continued to ward off any enemies.


Zealous activates! HP -3 STR SKL DEF + 3! Now 30/33 22/23/21 respectively.

Hard hit activates! Hit is now 20, Might is now 25!


29-3 = 26 points of damage!



30-3 = 27 points of damage! Senian Rider E is defeated!

Andre 30/33

Senian Rider E 0/48

Adari followed orders, and after drinking a bit of her tonic, engaged the enemy leader head on. After an exchange of blows, the nomadic ranger landed a fatal blow, falling back as her foe bled out.

"Augh... Blasted... mercenaries," the great knight said, as he closed his eyes for the last time.


Adari Uses a tonic!

New stats: HP: 24 MT: 25 HIT: 22 AS: 17 AVO: 18 DEF: 13(12) RES: 2


31- 6 = 25 points of damage! Alvin 11/36 Resolve and Wrath activate! Might + 4 AS + 4 HIt + 4

Critical hit!

2(22-13) = 18 points of damage! Adari 6/24 Resolve and Wrath activate! Might + 4 AS + 4 Hit + 4

Critical Hit!

2(33-6) = 54 points of damage! Alvin is defeated!

Adari 6/24 HP

Toqua noticed that his card playing friends and Alfonso in general were having some difficulty. So while everyone else was over near the cavalry playing hero, he decided to cover them until they got back on their feet.

Toqua defends Team Evil Overlady! Shield activates!

Sayina rode over, and muttered a healing spell, removing the majority of Zeff's wounds.

"Stay safe," he said, as he fell back from the front lines.

Sayina Revives Zeff! 14/24

"Dammit, Alvin! I told you not to charge in, and look what happened," Aldrick grumbled, as he saw the fortresses' cavalry commander fall.

"Do you want me to engage yet?" Selia asked, a short ways away. She hadn't moved much since the battle began.

"No, I'll handle it myself," Aldrick said, as he put his tome away and drew a wicked axe. This trash wasn't deserving of his magic.

Senian Rider A 0/21 Offensive Bow C (Aggressive)

Senian Rider B 21/21 Speed Sword C (Aggressive)

Senian Rider C 21/21 Offensive Bow C (Aggressive)

Senian Rider D 21/21 Offensive Bow C (Aggressive)


Senian Horseman A 0/30 Poison Sword C (Aggressive)

Senian Horseman B 0/30 Poison Sword C (Aggressive)

Senian Horseman C 30/30 Slayer Sword C (Riding Novice) (Aggressive)

Senian Horseman D 30/30 Slayer Sword C (Riding Novice) (Aggressive)


Senian Flier A 15/15 Killer Lance C - (Passive-aggressive)

Senian Flier B 15/15 Killer Lance C - (Passive-aggressive)

Senian Flier C 15/15 Killer Lance C - (Passive-aggressive)

Senian Flier D 15/15 Killer Lance C - (Passive-aggressive)


Senian Flier E 12/12 Hit Lance C (Subvert)

Senian Flier F 12/12 Hit Lance C (Subvert)

Senian Medic A 12/12 Plain Light Tome (Aggressive)

Senian Mage A 0/12 Offensive Tome C (Anima) (Aggressive)


Senian Knight A 33/33 Plain Axe (Passive-Defensive)

Senian Archer A 9/9 Offensive Bow C (passive-subvert)

Senian Medic B 9/9 Healing Staff C (passive-aggressive)

Senian Mage B 15/15 Defending Tome C (Anima) (passive-aggressive)


Senian Knight B 0/30 Speed Axe C (Defending Senian Occultist A)

Senian Swordsman A 19/21 Killing Edge C - (Aggressive)

Senian Brute A 24/24 Hit Axe C (Aggressive)

Senian Occultist A 0/15 Defending Tome C (Subvert)


Senian Knight C 21/21 Offensive Lance C (passive-defensive)

Senian Soldier A 18/18 Plain Lance (passive-aggressive)

Senian Archer B 12/12 Slayer Bow C (Apprentice) (passive-subvert)

Senian Occultist B 12/12 Hit Tome C (Anima) (passive-aggressive)


Senian Soldier B 24/24 Killer Lance C - (Passive-aggressive)

Senian Soldier C 24/24 Killer Lance C - (Passive-aggressive)

Senian Soldier D 24/24 Speed Lance C (Passive-aggressive)

Senian Soldier E 24/24 Speed Lance C (Passive-aggressive)


Senian Swordsman B 24/24 Slayer Sword C (Journeyman) (passive-subvert)

Senian Swordsman C 24/24 Slayer Sword C (Journeyman) (passive-subvert)

Senian Swordsman D 24/24 Slayer Axe C (Acolyte) (passive-subvert)

Senian Swordsman E 24/24 Slayer Axe C (Acolyte) (passive-subvert)


Aldrick 15/15 Offensive Ace C B (Dark) (Erratic)

Senian Occultist C 18/18 Killer Tome C + (Dark) (Aggressive)

Senian Knight D 27/27 Defending Lance C (Defending Senian Swordsman F)

Senian Swordsman F 15/15 Resisting Sword C (Aggressive)


Selia 33/33 Pandia (Erratic)

Senian Duelist A 15/15 Defending Sword C (Passive-subvert)

Senian Minstrel A 15/15 Defending Tome C (Anima) (passive-aggressive)

Senian Brute B 21/21 Speed Axe C (Passive-aggressive)


Simon 24/24 Brave Lance B (Erratic)

Senian Brute C 24/24 Killer Axe C + (passive-aggressive)

Senian Medic C 9/9 Healing Staff C (passive-aggressive)

Senian Mage C 12/12 Hit Tome C (Anima) (passive-aggressive)


Alvin 0/36 Killer Lance B (Erratic)

Senian Occultist D 12/12 Speed Tome C (Dark) (Offensive)

Senian Monk A 0/18 Offensive Tome C (Light) (Subvert)

Senian Horseman E 0/48 Offensive Lance C (Offensive)




Andre 30/33 Speed Sword B (Erratic)

Adari 6/24 Offensive Sword B (Erratic)

Sayina 24/24 Healing Staff C (Erratic)

Toqua 33/33 Speed Axe C (Erratic)




Conan 21/21

Raelyn 15/15

Aeson 21/21

Franklin 18/18


Ernce 16/21

Zeke 18/18

Leon 0/21

Celine 30/30


Zeff 14/24

Caslan 15/15

Chandra 18/18

Rimsky 21/21


Rayil 12/18

Alfonso 4/39

Jacob 16/18

Erbert 10/21


Bertha 29/30

Malachi 0/21

Aleric 21/21

Player Phase 2, go!


"Get ready," Hale said, as he stepped back, and kicked the door. Thanks to the brittle metal of the hinges, it came down in one kick, surprising the guard that was standing opposite to it. Before he could properly react, a blast of light slammed him against the wall, knocking him at least unconscious, if not dead. The light mage rushed in, sword at the ready, to engage any other guards. There were none.

"Well, that was awfully easy," he said, as he turned to the cells where, sure enough there was a young half-elf who looked awfully like him. "Hello, you wouldn't happen to be Xane, would you?"

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