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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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Zeff went around and struck Hale on the side, before stepping back and landing another blow, enough so that the half-elf dropped his sword.

"Excellent," Hale said, as he raised his hands in surrender. "The enchantment is working marvelously. You have a lack of finesse, but that can be worked on in time. However, you should be wary of mages, as you can't exactly block a fireball that well."

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"Yeah, it's almost working too good," he said with a laugh, picking up Hale's sword and handing it over to him. "Though I suspect that wasn't all you have to offer in a fight. You said something about illusions earlier? Care to explain how that works? I'm rather interested. I'd also like to know about that sword of yours if you don't mind, because I swear I saw it glow earlier, it's probably enchanted with the same magic my glove is, or something similar if I'm not wrong?"

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"Illusion magic is exactly what it sounds like. Using my light magic, I create an illusion of myself," Hale said, as he sheathed his sword. "It allows me to dodge easier. Hard to explain. As for the sword, I simply channeled some of my magic into the weapon, to make it more powerful. It isn't an enchantment, per se, since the power is coming from myself, but it has a similar effect to your glove."

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"I see. Well then, if you can't explain to me, how about you show me?" he said with a slight grin. "But more to the point, how did you learn to use light magic? My fiancée...she told me that everyone has an innate ability to use light magic, but as you can see," he pointed to his glove, "this is about as far as I've ever gotten. I've yet to shoot out any magic from it let alone create illusions like you can do," he laughed.

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The innkeeper directed Rimsky towards the firplace, where Rimsky saw a pail that he could use to carry charcoal. Filling it with what he thought was an adequate amount of charcoal, Rimsky ran back to Caslan. "Here, feed your horse charcoal. It will absorb some of the toxins and make the pain bearable. You'll probably want to let it rest for a few days." he said.

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With both the pail of water and the pail of charcoal, Caslan raised and eyebrow and asked confused, "So, I have to feed it both water and the charcoal? You mean I feed them together or separately?"

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"I was lucky. Had a friend who was pretty good with light magic teach me. Learned a good part of it myself, though," Hale said, as he drew out his tome. "Takes a lot of hard work and practice though. Anyways, you wanted to see a demonstration of the magic? How about another spar, then?"

He stepped away from Zeff and lowered his hands, staring directly at the mercenary.

"When you're ready, feel free to take a swing," the half-elf said, calmly.

Level 2 Half-elf Mage Fighter
Raw: HP: 6 STR: 6 MAG: 6 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LCK: 4 DEF:1 RES: 5
Weapon 1: Light Speed Tome C
Weapon 2:
Armor: Defensive armor C
Consumables: N/A
Demon Slayer
Runic (This unit is able to transfer half of its' STR or MAG stat to the other one. Resets at the beginning of their next phase.)

Simple stats: 18 HP, 6 might, 10 hit, 14 as, 16 avoid, 7 def, 5 res

Hale activates Runic! His might is now 9!

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Caslan sure is taking his time. Then again, if whatever's wrong with Joey is serious, I can't blame him. He's known the horse way longer than me! Linn was beginning to get restless though, as waiting was something she was fairly awful at doing. Then, she noticed that Elysia was sitting around, also doing nothing at all. Hey! I can try talking to her again! Maybe she'll give me a good conversation this time.

"Hello, Elysia!" Linn said, bringing herself over to the elf woman. "How're things going for you, now? Gotten to know any one else yet?"


Franklin's day was going fantastically! New people, new card games, a new job! Goodness, how could it get any better? Well, there was always more conversation, and noticing another man sitting on his own, Franklin decided it was time for some more discussion.

"G'day there, laddie. How's the world treatin' you, this fine day? I can say it's been treatin' myself fairly well. Though, I'm sure you'd not want to hear about the day of a stranger, so let's have you tell me about yerself instead. Is it safe to assume that yer a part of this here mercenary group?"

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"Hmm? Oh, Linn... no, not especially. I'm not very... good at meeting people, I suppose." Elysia replied, as Linn approached her.

"Do you know what's going on outside? There seems to be a lot of yelling."

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"Just takes a bit of practice. I'm not very good at stopping meeting people, if they mention something interesting. I've offended plenty of people by prying too far into a subject they didn't want pried into." Linn laughed nervously, as she attempted conversation, perhaps mentioning her faults in an attempt to make Elysia feel more comfortable about hers.

As for the commotion outside, Linn responded with an, "Oh!", before saying, "there was something wrong with Caslan's horse. Not sure what, but it was bad enough to drag Rimsky and Aeson into. I hope everything's alright."

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"Ah... is that right?" Elysia replied, somewhat nervously. Stealthily slipping the pendant she had been fingering at back into her sleeve... with the revelation that had just come up, as well as the focus of the wind mage's eyes, it was clear that she had not noticed the object in Elysia's hand... for now, at the very least, it might be best to keep it that way.

"Well, I certainly hope it all turns out well."

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"what in the? Of course ya need ta feed it both, its gettin' dehydrated! Darn, do it quickly now! We don't want joey dead now, do we!?" he yelled at caslan.

Ooc: posted this thru mobile. Dialogue supposed to be in caps. Will edit later.

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Something tells me this isn't going to go as well as last time.

"Illusions, eh? Okay. Let's see how this goes." Stepping back, Zeff drew out his sword once more and drew out some magic from his glove to ease the weight. Holding the sword in a two-handed grip, he eyed Hale for a moment. Bah. Not like I know what to expect out of this so lets just go at it. He wouldn't have to worry about illusions if he struck before Hale could cast the spell, right?


Level 2 Human Mercenary
Raw Stats: HP: 8 STR: 9 MAG: 0 SKL: 8 SPD: 8 LCK: 2 DEF:5 RES: 1

Weapon 1: Plain sword
Armor: N/A
Consumables: N/A
Zealous (T1): Increases STR, SKL, and DEF by tier+1 until the start of your next round, but costs you tier+1 HP every round this is active.

Simplified Stats: HP: 24 MT: 9 (11) MAG: 0 HIT: 9 (11) AVO: 9 AS: 8 DEF: 5 (7) RES: 1
()= Stats when Zealous is active.

Zeff activates Zealous. He takes 2 damage. MT is 11, HIT is 11, and DEF is 7.


11Hit+6Hit-16 AVO = Illusions my ass. Eat it Hale. ;]
11MT+3MT-7DEF = 7 Damage

Zeff: 22/24
Hale: 11/18

Pulling out some more magic, he bolted forward and swung in an upward arc, his strike ringing true.

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"Yeah... It's embarrassing, honestly. Especially because I don't mean to do it. Some part of me just latches onto the subject and doesn't stop. I've been better about it recently, so you shouldn't have to worry." She gave Elysia a smile, before wondering what she could actually speak to her about. "So, uhm... Well, let's get to know each other a bit more! Maybe you've got some hobbies you like to do? Family back somewhere? Anything, really. Or, I could start, if you'd rather."

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"Well, that's good to know." Elysia replied, flinching slightly as the mention of family came up.

"No real hobbies to speak of really... I've picked up a bunch of different things while travelling but... more than anything, right now I'm looking to find someone."

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No hobbies, huh? "Finding someone? Looking to get hitched, are you?" Linn joked, giving Elysia a slight nudge with her elbow. "Hey, maybe you should shack up with Zeff. Your hair even matches, it's perfect~" she added, in the most mocking tone she could put on. "Sorry, sorry. I assume you mean finding someone specific. Wanna let me know, in case I spot them? It'd be easier to find someone with two sets of eyes looking, instead of just one."

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"Alright! Alright!" And thus, to answer his own, question, the elf decided to feed both the water and charcoal at the same time. Using his water magic, Caslan picked up a hand full of charcoal and started feeding the wet yet hard mixture to Joey.


What are you? What is that? Wha...bluurrgghh, Joey thought as it was force fed chunks of charcoal stashed within balls of water.

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"I don't know what he looks like, sorry... all I know is that he has a tattoo on his chest, and right upper arm... looks like some sort of chimera... I can't really describe it, but... I would know it if I saw it... he's also an elf." Elysia replied... it was nice that she was willing to help but Elysia herself was distraught at how little she had to go off of on her own.

"Getting hitched, huh? I never really thought about it..."

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"Nice hit but you still lose," a voice said, as a hand pulsing with light magic came into existence inches away from the back of Zeff's head. The illusion of Hale's position disappeared, and he revealed himself to have circled around his opponent. It seemed that he had caught the blow on his right shoulder, judging by the padding's indent. "Does that explain it well enough?"

1,5,5 = critical hit! 2(14-1) = 26 points of damage! Zeff is defeated!

Hale 11/18
Zeff 0/24

Edited by Snike
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Startled, Zeff turned his head back and caught sight of Hale's hand glowing with magic in prime position to land a finishing blow. Stepping back and turning to face Hale, he shrugged. "That's some pretty crazy stuff right there, I'm not going to lie. Thank heavens you're on our side. As if normal enemies weren't problem enough for me, you mages are something else. Now I'm really jealous I can't do stuff like that." He sheathed his sword and extended his armored hand to Hale.

"But hey, thanks for the fight. It was good practice, and I really appreciate you fixing up my glove for me."

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"Well, I'd never really thought about it either, until recently. Sort of have no idea what I'm doing, really. I guess that's what makes it fun!" Wow, we're actually having a conversation now! This is going way better than the last time. "And I'll make sure to keep that in mind. Should I come find you if I spot him? I think it'd be fairly weird to try apprehending someone I didn't know, randomly in the streets. Why are you looking for him, anyway?" I wonder how one gets themselves a tattoo...

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"Yes, please do! It's important that I k-... find... him..." Elysia replied, somewhat excitedly at first, stopping herself before boldly shouting to the heavens that she planned on delivering the bastard to his frozen tomb.

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"Important that you k-? What do you..." She can't mean kill, can she? "Are you trying to find him so you can... uhm..." Linn wondered how best to ask, or even if there was a good way to ask, so she simply made a slitting motion near her throat, and looked slightly confused.

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'Damn... how could I mess up like this...' Elysia noted to herself with a scowl, as it became painfully obvious that Linn had caught on.

"You don't need to worry about that... I just need to find him... I have some questions I need to ask, and he's the only one who can answer." Elysia replied, taking a rather deep breath and releasing it before answering.

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Oh, oh no, was I right? Oh my... Linn swallowed, before trying to put her smile back on. "Just questions, right, right. I get'cha." This is going to get awkward fast. Thinking of a quick way to save the conversation, she went back to hobbies. "Anyway, you said you don't have any hobbies, but there must be something that you enjoy doing with your free time. Anything? I mean, I know it's surprisingly normal for me, but I enjoy shopping."

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