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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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In short order, all of the others had returned to town, paying her varying degrees of attention as they did so... Linn especially seemed jarred by the experience, being the first to abscond. Knowing looks, confusion, none of it particularly got to Elysia any more than she had already been riled, but the final words of the light mage were what shook her.

"Do you think I don't know that?" She muttered under her breath, her voice a mere whimper, after the final of the trio had left earshot. Falling to her knees for a few minutes, Elysia allowed the tears to flow their course.

'Right... more than anything, this is a wake up call... c'mon, Elysia...' The elf finally reminded herself after a short while, standing and making her way deeper into woods towards the edge of town.

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It turned out Chandra was more tired than she realized. She slept quite soundly through the day. In fact, she overslept. The shaman wanted to get to the shops before the fresh food was gone and all the nice clothes were taken. She was in desperate need for both, so a quick brush through her hair and she was on her way.

The majority of the activity within the inn seemed to have died down somewhat, at least to normal levels. There wasn’t any time to mingle however, especially if anyone was expecting to be fed. Chandra headed outside to find a small gathering around Linn and Elysia. Nothing dire was coming of it (at least from her distance), so the shaman thought nothing of it. Her attention was drawn to the commotion within the stables. Once inside, the shaman found Rimsky and Caslan tending to the latter’s steed. The horse seemed to be deathly ill, so Chandra instinctively grabbed her staff.

“Is there anything I can do?” she asked them, looking rather concerned. “I was about to head out and get supplies. I can grab something for him if needed.”

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"Well, the experts say I feed Joey these," Caslan told Linn when she asked him about Joey glancing at Alfonso and Rimsky briefly as he did then he added as she left, "Catch you later."

Feeding Joey the last few bits of charcoal, the elf turned to Rimsky and asked, "Will that be enough? Should we get more charcoal?"


No more...please...so full...Joey moaned as he felt the charcoal swirling among a lot of fluid in its belly.

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"Yeah, I don't know. He seemed to just be a normal guy but... who knows? Val seemed to not want to talk about him so I guess there's more to him than meets the eye, you know?" He sat back with a sigh and shook his head. "You'd think that fighting demons would be like something out of a story. But it's just terrifying. I don't think I've ever been more scared than when we first saw them."

Sayina took the offered hand and smiled at the man. "Yeah, it looked like a rough wound. How'd you get it? You should take more care next time too. You were lucky it didn't get infected. Need to be careful with that if you don't have any healing staves around."

Adari shrugged. "If she can use tha axe she was carryin around, it'd be a shame ta pass up on her just cause of some emotional issues. Especially knowin the source of them. Better that she's in a group that can help keep her in check than ta leave her on her own and have her take some poor innocent's head off like she almost did today."

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"Oh, I don't know about terrifyin'. I've stared down plenty of terrifyin' things in my lifetime, I assure ye! Scary, sure, I'll give ye that one, but can ye imagine the fight one'd give ye? Well, ye've already fought them, so I guess not. But I imagine it'd be quite the challenge, one that I surely can't wait to face. Don't worry yerself, if things get tough, you can just hide behind me! If I'm there t'hide behind, hohoho! Franklin, by the way. I've had such fun with the conversation, I can't even remember if I introduced meself!"

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Deciding to be better safe than sorry, Erbert took his time in reading whatever he could muster from the 'contract'. He looked around for a moment, and signed a spiral-legged E, his usual business signature, if a bit showy. A noble-to-be's signature can't be something so constrained as words... heh.

Finding his way around the mercenary's table, he laid his contract where he saw the other new ones were put about. "There, that should be it." He bowed. "I'll be glad to be of service, you won't regret my prowess!" He said, tone slightly boasted, as he quickly returned to his old table, contemplating another drink, but a bit reluctant and considering his future pay. "... Heh, I hope I'll be pulling my weight just fine."


"Eh, wot?" The knight answered in surprised, Ernce catching him in one of the entrances of the stable, getting yet more water for the horse just in case. "... hmm. A practice, eh? Well, who am I to refuse." He replied with a grin, leaving the bucket of water by their entrace --if anything needed it, they'd certainly find it shortly. "You wish to train endurace, or some of the sort? I think I could give some good pointers... just find a space that's open enough, lad!"

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Giving the halfling a once over, Rayil grinned. "I might be a bit big to hide behind you. Besides, they need to be able to hit me. If nothing else, I am quick. And I'm Rayil. Nice to meet you. Have you got any news about what's going on in the world? I've been a bit limited in what I've known to be honest."

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"Oh, world news, is it? I've plenty, though I'm not sure it'll be very interestin' to ye. Off in Feaole, the nobles are havin' their regular marriage antics. Always arranged, always planned, never true, real love. Over in Antar though, their prince broke off his engagement to the Senian princess! What a scandle, eh? Can't imagine the Senians are pleased with that, not one bit. What else..." Franklin stopped to think for a moment, before his eyes went wide, and his smile faded away slightly. "Oh... There is that, but I'm not sure I should be tellin' anyone 'bout such a thing. Well, ye did tell me about those demons, but still. This is some serious news."

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Aleric quickly read over a copy of the contract, signing it clearly and placing it next to the others. Dangerous as this work is likely to be, it can't be much worse than traveling alone. "It will be an honor to work with you all. As much as I'd like to propose a toast to good health and a long career, I'll leave that sort of thing to a better speaker."

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Iris sat at the table, silently wondering how long she would tag along with the Harriers and if she would ever be able to return to Senia when one of the mercenaries walked up and plopped himself onto one of the open chairs. He sat there for a few minutes, and during that time Iris sensed magic coming from him, before speaking. How peculiar... I could've sworn I felt nothing from him before when he was seated across from us. "While I am under watch that doesn't mean I need to be watched at all time," Iris said indignantly. "I do not intend to repeat my earlier conversation with Ernce to you. So," Iris began, eager to change the subject and put the mercenary on the spot, "with that said are you also magically gifted? I can sense faint amounts of light magic coming from your person."


"Ah, I accidentally cut myself a few days ago. I was collecting herbs and other things when I tripped on some roots or something like that and I fell on something sharp. I didn't have any medicine at the time and by the time Conan and I got here it was partially healed so I sent him to get me some medicine. Turns out he found you instead," Zeke said with a laugh. "Oh and by the way, Conan'll probably sign up when he learns I have. A word of warning," Zeke hushed his voice to a whisper, "if you've got any dark magic folks it'd be a good idea to try an' keep Conan away from 'em. He's a bit fanatical if you know what I mean."


"Glad to hear it," Ernce said, his mood brightened considerably at the prospect of training. "If I recall correctly there was a large open space not too far out of town. It'd probably be as good a spot as any other. If you've a better place in mind I'd be willing to listen."

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"You don't need to be watched all the time? I don't know if I necessarily agree with that," he said quite plainly. She was, effectively, a prisoner and here she was saying she didn't need to be watched. She was an enemy not too long ago, and she was saying she could be trusted on her own? Right. Okay.

"But in any case, I guess what I think doesn't really matter much. As long as the commanders don't care, I've got no qualms. But er, no..." Great. What is this? The third mage who's said something about this now? Tch. "I just got done sparring with someone. Probably his magic you're sensing, if I had to guess. I wouldn't know though. Not much of a mage. I take it you are though? What's your element?" he asked.

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"He's lying," said Linn, joining into the conversation with Zeff and the Dwelf, whilst giving him a stern glare. "He had his duel long enough ago. If he'd just finished by the time Elysia and I made it out there, any lasting magic from Hale wouldn't have stayed around this long. And he's not beat up, either. If Hale was as rough as he'd have to have been to leave a lasting impression of magic all over you, you'd be much worse for wear. Hale isn't a healer, and that elixir he fed to Elysia was new. I might not be the best at sensing magic, but if she's still pulling something off of you, then I know there's something going on with that gauntlet. Hmph." She crossed her arms, and raised an eyebrow at Zeff. If you're trying to hide something you're going to have to be way more careful than that.

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Iris chose to ignore the mercenary's first statement entirely and instead moved onto his last question. "I specialize in light magic," Iris said simply, not bothering to go into the finer details. "As such I can sense light magic quite well." Iris would've continued to comment on the fact that when his gloved hand had passed by her head the magic seemed to be the strongest. However before she could the elf that had knocked her down with her wind magic interrupted them. After saying her piece it seemed that she too detected something from that strange gauntlet. "The magic seemed strongest when you passed me," she added to Linn's testimony. "Magic fades relatively fast so if you duel was that long ago the magic should have long since become undetectable."

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"Okay, and?" he said to Linn. He didn't have anything personal against anyone in the party per se, but now he was starting to get just a tad bit annoyed. "So you say you can detect magic coming off of me. Okay, then do you mean to tell me I'm a mage then? It's a glove Linn, I wear it as armor. To protect my sword arm. Because in a fight it's vulnerable," he said.

"Nor was my duel 'that long ago'. At best it's been an hour maybe two, and I just came back from watching your magical duel. Though I shouldn't need to remind you of that, right?" he added. "Look Linn, I know you like to be friendly and inquisitive, but I think you're trying to make a bigger deal out of something that doesn't exist, though I can't fathom why. Believe me, I know myself better than you. I'm not a mage."

"I'm sorry, but I'm done here." With that, he got up and left the inn.

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"I never said you were a mage. I said your gauntlet's magical," which was all she got in response before Zeff dared to bring back up what had happened between her and Elysia. The metaphorical gloves were off now, and Linn wasn't about to take any of this, when it was clear to both her and the Dwelf that he was hiding the truth. "Oh no, you get right back here!" she shouted, following him out of the inn, and waving her hand for the Dwelf to follow her.

"You! Don't even try to walk away now, you jerk!" she continued to shout, walking after the man. "You think I'm just going to let you walk away after you dare to bring up what happened between me and her? Like I don't feel bad enough about it already! And all over, what, a gauntlet? I'd believe you if you weren't protesting so much, but if three mages-- and don't even try to tell me what Elysia pulled wasn't her noticing --, if three mages notice something fishy going on, there's something fishy going on! Twenty minutes is plenty of time, and how would you know anyway? You're not even a mage! You've said so yourself multiple times!" It had been a while since she'd felt this upset towards someone.

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Iris watched as the two mercenaries' got at each others throats over a simple glove that was probably enchanted. She could see no reason why the kid with the glove would want to hide it so badly when it would save everyone trouble to simply say it had been enchanted. From what she could tell he wouldn't even need to tell Linn what the enchantment did. When Linn motioned for her to follow Linn and chase after the kid with the glove Iris briefly pondered how Ernce would react if he saw her. Deciding it would be fine if she was with two other mercenaries she stood up and followed Linn.

Iris felt rather out of place listening to Linn rant about something she was unaware of but she felt to need to back up the elf's statement so she stood and waited until Linn finished. Not to mention she was rather annoyed with the kid's attitude. She disliked people who felt they couldn't trust others. "If I may ask, why do you insist on keeping your gauntlet a secret? Ask yourself: Is a silly little enchantment worth all of this trouble? I'd think not. Now just fess up and admit your gauntlet has been enchanted with light magic. It's not that big of an issue as you're making it out to be. I'm sure one of your fellow mercenaries also has something enchanted."

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Turning around, Zeff was just about to reach his boiling point. "After I dare to bring it up? That's a strong word Linn. Yes, I dared to bring it up, because it's not something that concerns just the two of you, it concerns myself, and quite possibly the rest of us. I'm sorry, but I don't fancy the idea of getting knocked into a tree by my own ally because she can't control her magic. Who the hell am I supposed to keep my eyes on? The enemy, or you?"

Then he added "And yes. Apparently this is happening over a gauntlet. Something that belongs to me, and not to you. For some reason you've taken a fancy in thrusting your nose into my business. You think something fishy is going on? Well good for you. But I didn't ask to be questioned. It's not about protesting, it's about you wondering about other people a little too much. And maybe you and other people in this troupe don't mind getting so close, but I in fact do. So please, you can stop being curious about me, because there's nothing I wish to tell you."

Then he turned to the prisoner. He didn't even know this woman and here she was, divulging just about everything he didn't want anyone to know.

"No, you may not ask. I don't have to admit, explain, confess, or deny anything you ask me. Least of all to you. Don't act all high and mighty now, please, it's pathetic. Don't forget you're part of the same military that went ahead and killed a bunch of innocent people. The very same military in fact that attacked us not too long ago. It's an issue, and it's an issue to me. Because I can't understand why you people don't understand what privacy is."

"So if you don't mind, I think I'll take my leave now. Or would you two further insist on telling me what I should do?"

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That was certainly enough to shut Linn up. A quivering lip and some teary eyes were all she could respond with, over her magic being accused. If she didn't feel awful enough for what had happened to Elysia, she certainly did now. "W-Well then... Then, screw you! Screw you and your stupid gauntlet! All I wanted to know was what it did, but apparently that's private information. I thought you were my friend, but you're just some two faced snake, spitting poison at the only people who care about you or your things!"

Some form of anger gripped Linn, thinking of what terrible things she could say back, and only one thing came to mind. "That person you lost? Yeah, I'm glad you lost them; they deserved better than whatever you are!!" And so Linn stormed off, out of the village, with tears streaming down her face.

She didn't go very far. By the time she'd gotten back to the duel site, she was far too distraught to keep walking, and sat herself next to the unfortunate tree that had been assaulted. There she sat. I didn't ask for this power... I didn't ask to be awful at it, either! I just wanted to help a friend, and it was given to me. And I even did help them! So why am I only hurting people with it now? It's not fair... Though she didn't notice it, the air around the area was far colder than it should've been at that time of the year.

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That sure escalated quickly Iris thought as she watched the elf girl nearly burst into tears before running off somewhere. She turned back to the mercenary; his words had stung but she wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of winning so easily. "I'm pathetic?" she asked, her voice dripping with venom. "Look at yourself and what you did to your comrade over some enchanted piece of metal. And yes I was part of the military but I killed no innocent people that day. The entire thing was all for Aldrick's experiment from what I was told. It was either fight you or be killed and I bet if your scrawny ass was in the same position you'd have done the same you scum. I'm already a prisoner to you mercenaries, I've even cooperated with your leaders by telling them the location of a Senian bases. I don't need your pathetic bullshit kid. Unless that gauntlet of yours is the only thing keeping you alive than you're just being damn stubborn!"

With that Iris huffed and walked back to the inn thoroughly pissed off. She didn't need this.

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"The person who cared about me is dead. You don't even begin to compare to her." But the last words Linn uttered stung like a sword to the heart. Leaving him breathless and weak in the legs. But he didn't have time to ponder her words. The other woman had already began her verbal retort.

"My scrawny ass wouldn't be in the same position because I don't take bullshit orders from military dogs like your ex-commander Tyrus. That's why I'm where I am now, a mercenary, not a military fool who follows orders without regard. You don't need my bullshit? You say it like I asked you to be involved. Could have kept your mouth shut, but I guess that's just never an option with people anymore."

He didn't get a reply though, as the prisoner stormed off into the inn. He was left alone. Again. With no where to go, he turned and headed deeper into the village. With no goal, and no aim.

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As if by magic, Aeson popped out from around the corner. The inn had a rather interesting array of cooking pots, fascinating enough to distract the priest for quite some time. An angry woman entered, something clearly bringing her to the point of rage. Aeson wasn't one to be nosy, but he could spot something in a bother a mile away.

"I do apologize, but may I ask the matter?" Aeson asked politely, not wanting to add any more onions to the broth. "There are times where events can unleash rage in even the quietest of rabbits, especially when faced with a wolf."

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'How could I have been so weak?' That thought repeated itself over and over in the ice mage's mind, tormenting her, goading her... she knew all too well she had always been the weakest of them, the slowest, the one with the least aptitude... even if they had never said it, that fact was all too damn obvious. But she was the only one left now, the only survivor of her family, the only remnant of a once-prestigious school of magic, represented now by nothing more than a simple hack.

'But... more than anything... I need to change that. You can't make ripples in this world if you aren't strong...' It was a simple statement with a none-too-simple execution. Become strong, stronger than anyone who would stand in your way. It was a nice thought but such a thing was seeming closer and closer to impossible with each passing day, each passing fight. Experience was hailed as the most important thing in gaining strength but... for every shred of experience Elysia received, it seemed to serve only as a reminder that she, no matter how hard she fought back, was insignificant.

'I could use... that. But if I... I'll do what I wanted to do, but it will only prove... that I couldn't do it on my own...' Shaking her head violently to clear the invasive thoughts from her head, Elysia continued what she had been doing since the training had concluded, firing about blast after blast of frigid cold and ice, indiscriminately freezing anything within the woods that caught her eye. She could already feel her movements slowing but it didn't matter... she wasn't at her limit yet, not even close.

'I can handle this... this is nothing, after all.' She reminded herself, as she continued to advance deeper into the forest, into her hand made palace of ice and snow. The coincidentally artful display left behind by the walking void of cold, a mid-spring's blizzard claiming the trees and brush as it's own.

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Stupid Zeff... Stupid, stupid Zeff. I question him about his gauntlet and he goes for the jugular. I hope he feels bad, if he even feels at all. Stupid... The crying hadn't ceased, but at least she was thinking more clearly than before. And whilst she blamed Zeff, she couldn't help but regret what she'd said, in her own fit of anger. Even if he deserved it, I shouldn't have said it. He probably hates me now. I know I don't care right now, but knowing me, I'll care later. So stupid... Eventually, Linn figured that bawling against a tree wouldn't serve much purpose, as she knew no one was on their way to console her. I need a quiet room to curl up in. Somewhere warm... wait, why is it so cold, anyway?

Wandering farther into the woods would answer her question, as she spotted snow, ice, and Elysia firing it off through the trees. What's she doing out here? Well, practicing, by the looks of it. Isn't this a bit far, though? She made her way closer, avoiding what bits of trees had spiked up with ice so that she didn't impale herself. She found a tree that wasn't affected on the back, and peeked her head out into the clearing. "H-Hello? Elysia?" Her voice was still hoarse from her crying, so she cleared her throat and tried again. "What are you doing out here? You okay?

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"That should be fine then, if you'll excuse me, I'll get my lance back in my packings." The knight said, signing to the stable behind them with his left thumb. "I just took my broadsword as I left, but more weapons to fight against should help training your versatility, yes?" He said, quickly reaching inside and taking the lance, uniquely strapped to Rosa's saddle.


Hearing a commotion outside with his trained elven hearing, Erbert stood from his table and went to the entrance of the Inn to take a look. Only to see many people had been departing the place already, including a dwarf-elf rushing inside. I wonder what that was all about... He pondered as examining the departers' disposition.

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'What was that?!' Alarm, panic, distress...awoken from her trancelike state by the voice of an unexpected other ringing through the frigid air, those were the things filling Elysia's mind. Pumped with adrenaline and with nothing on her mind but the slinging of her magic, the immediate response to a projected threat was simple and obvious. Taking aim in the direction of the sound and releasing her pent up emotions and magic into her spell, a venerable torrent of ice and snow rang forth from Elysia, rocketing towards her target as her eyes caught up, taking focus and...

"Linn?!" Indeed, Elysia's 'target' was fellow Harrier and mage, whom in a way, had placed her here by winning their spar. What was she doing here, she had told them to go back into town exactly so that no one would get in the way and-

'That's not important right now... she'll be buried alive!'

"Damn it, get DOWN!" Elysia screamed, the only warning she could muster, as she attempted to alter the trajectory of the faux avalanche, erecting a last ditch wall of ice about Linn, forcing the wave of ice and snow to roar past the wind mage, rather than bury her beneath their wrathful... well, wrath.

"What are you... doing... here?" The elven mage managed to ask, her breath coming out in deep pants, having exhausted a good deal or energy on that little combination of stunts.

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