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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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Wide eyed and far more than startled, Linn managed to duck down with a shriek as the barely managed ice wall protected her from almost certain death. Luckily enough, Elysia had protected her from it, but it was still more than she could handle after all the emotional turmoil of the day. She collapsed against the ice wall and started quietly crying, before sputtering out, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I can... I can leave, i-if you want me to."

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A little sniffle and peeking over the ice wall, it was fairly obvious that Elysia wasn't alright. Linn didn't bother asking, instead apprehensively walking over, and helping the woman at least sit down, to try and catch her breath. She sat down next to her and let Elysia brace herself on her shoulder. "What were you doing out here? Were you really that upset about our fight? I just got lucky, that's all. You shouldn't do this to yourself." I can't imagine why she'd get so upset over that... Judging from all of this, she could've beaten me fairly easily.

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There was an awful lot of ice magic being dispensed out in the forest, near where they had left Elysia. It seemed like someone was venting. Best make sure she didn't hurt herself. Hale used his magic and went invisible as he approached the forest-turned target practice. Eventually he found the white-haired elf, and, not wanting to interrupt, simply examined the carnage for a while.. Eventually, Linn -a bit redeyed. Had something happened?- appeared, and things grew dangerous when the ice mage shot a miniature avalanche at the newcomer. The light mage wasn't close enough to intervene, but luckily, he didn't have to, as Elysia blocked the ice and snow from crushing her fellow elf. As one woman collapsed against the ice wall, crying, and the other into the snow, almost fainting, the half-elf ended his magic and approached the scene of the incident.

"... Alright, I think it's time to head back to the village," Hale said, as he knelt in the snow. "Elysia, do you have the energy to walk, or should we help you?"

Linn seemed to be recovering, but he'd ask her the same question, in a bit.


Jacob whistled as he entered the inn. Today had been his lucky day. He got a sharp new sword and a tonic, at a bargain of only thirty gold! With a spring in his step, he made his way over to where Rayil and a halfling were chatting about news, and helped himself to a seat.

"Afternoon, Rayil," Jacob said, before extending an arm to the other man. "And hello to you, Mister. Name's Jacob. Now, you said you had some news?"

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"I'm fine, I can..." Elysia began, but she didn't get far. As the elf attempted to push herself back up onto her feet, she immediately collapsed, landing face first in the snow.

"Guess... not... I think I... used too much energy there..." She finally managed, giving in to the fact that she in fact, did not have the strength to make it back on her own. Normally she would have wondered when Hale got there, but she wasn't in the proper shape to do so, at the moment.

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"Ahhh, Elysia, just stop!" Linn said, worry strung along all her words. She pulled the woman back up off the snow, and at this point, noticed that Hale had come in. "Oh... Hello, Hale. I, uhm. I don't want to go back right now. You can take Elysia back if you'd like but I think I'll stay out here for a bit." With him training Zeff, he's the second last person I wanted to run into.

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"That's fine. Just lean on me," Hale responded, as he took one of Elysia's arms, slung it over his shoulder, and slowly rose, so the ice mage could have time to get on her feet. "And I suppose that is fine, Linn, though staying out her won't help with whatever's bothering you. Either way, I wanted to have a word with you about the duel earlier, so if you don't mind, could you drop by the inn, later?"

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Linn frowned at Hale, and stood up, giving him a slight scowl, before her face melted into a sigh. "Yeah. I guess you're right, huh?" She put herself under Elysia's other arm, propping the woman up some more. "I guess the good part of being so positive is that I bounce back pretty quick. I should be fine, so let's go have that talk. I just hope I don't... Never mind." She didn't need to get Hale involved with that.

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"Hey Jacob. Get some shopping done, I see." Turning back to Franklin, Rayil frowned. "This news... it's clearly important. What is it?"

Sayina merely smiled at Zeke. "Yes, I noticed that, I must say. But it does not matter. We accept all who wish to join us but we also encourage everyone to accept that fact that we are comrades and must work together. Things will work out, one way or another I'm sure."

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"Okay." Elysia replied, just doing as she was told for now. She didn't have the energy to protest, after all. It seemed Hale wanted to talk about the match from earlier... Elysia presumed she too would be involved in that, whatever it was Hale wished to say.

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"Don't worry about it," Hale said, as Linn helped lift Elysia up further. "Whatever it is, it'll be settled in due time. For now, let's go."

And with that, the half-elf led the trio's return to the village, slowly, but surely.

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Raelyn had taken a few moments to herself, mostly to catch her breath. It was rudely interrupted by someone stepping on her foot. "Watch where you're going!" she yelled. A heartbeat later, she recognized the prisoner. Figures she'd have no manners.


Celine decided that talking to the strange elf girl wasn't worth her time. A bucket of water caught her attention. The horse didn't look any better. Well, maybe this'll help she mused to herself, as she hoisted the water. She made it four steps before something unseen caught her foot, and sent her face-down. She'd barely managed to keep the contents of the bucket off of the others, but in return, she was drenched (again). "Uh. . .hi. . ." she said nervously.

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Bored of seeing a relatively empty horizon, Erbert quickly returned inside. Trying to not waste another coin with alcohol for the moment, he looked around for that halfling fellow whom had talked to him not long ago. Luckily enough, he found the short man talking to some two mercenaries in a table not too far. Thinking his approach as he walked towards them, he noticed one of the mercenaries asking him about important news. Well, that's convenient, I think I do know what they're asking about.

"Excuse me, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you haven't heard of recent news from the outside world? You know, that 'war' going about? Where were you?" He butted in, at least it was some gossip to get his mind working.

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Hearing water splashing not too far from him, Caslan whirled around quickly to see that someone had emptied a bucket of water all over herself. Water that might have been important to Joey's well being. Not that the elf noticed his mount was at the present terrified at the prospect of drinking anymore water.

"HEY! What do you think you're doing with all that water!" Caslan yelled as he stood up and began extracting the water from Celine's surface.


Oh gods! Is he really going to feed me more water?! Oh please! No more! NO MORE! Joey neighed and it started trying to get up feebly.

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"Yeah... Hope so." and so Elysia was laboriously escorted back to the inn, extremely carefully, and comfortably.

It didn't take them too long to get back to the inn, and luckily for Linn, the awkward coast was clear. With Hale's help, she set Elysia into a chair at a table near the entrance. "So, Hale," she started, sitting herself down, "what did you want to talk to me about? About the duel, right? ...Right, I asked you to watch and give pointers. Did you, uh...have any?" She held a glum look on her face, hoping that her lack of control wouldn't be shoved into her face for a second time.


"Wellllll... Alright, but just because we're in the same group now! Alright, listen in. There's w--" Franklin was sorrily cut off by an interrupting Elf, who chimed in about War before he'd been able to finish the word. "Ahhhh, my day had almost been perfect, too! Ah well, it's gone well enough that it's nowhere near ruined. Though I don't think we're on about the same war, laddie, no sir. Listen in, boys!" Franklin said, standing himself up on the chair so that he could lean onto the table properly. "My news comes from Feaole. The Dwarves, and the Elves, they're pullin' back from yer human territories. And they're gettin' themselves ready for a war of their own! Armor and weapons aplenty! Fancy that? O' course, no one knows who they'll be startin' with, but that's what I know."

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With half the water in mid air and the other half in the bucket, Caslan spun around to see Joey upright, then the gelding dashed out of the other entrance, the one with far less if any people crowding around. it's stomach still hurt, but the gelding could not tell if it was because of the water or whatever afflicts it.

Dropping the water left hanging in mid air, the elf started running after his mount yelling, "Stop! Joey! Come back here!"


I can't take this anymore! Joey thought, its eyes welling with tears as it found itself in the midst of trees that were horribly mangled, soggy and some with some frosting that was rapidly melting. Its pain partially forgotten, the gelding looked about fearfully. What manner of beast could have harmed all these poor trees?

Joey looked back, and could not see its rider. It had ran too far and too fast. Whimpering, Joey crouched against a tree feeling cold, exhausted and in pain. And it was starting to feel thirsty again.

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Aimlessly Zeff stumbled about aimlessly wandering the village. He stumbled into the market district, having knocked into one too many people and getting yelled at as a result. He solemnly turned giving a meager "...whatever" as a response. He eventually found himself in front of a store, and with nothing better to do he stepped inside.

This is a familiar feeling. Though he was used to be the cashier rather than the customer, so to speak. None the less, the feeling was the same. He perused the various wares the store had to offer, none that piqued his interest but he perused all the same. Maybe I should just go back home...

He felt like such a failure. Linn was right, how did he manage to keep Reva happy if he was such a monster like she said he was? A two faced-snake? Is that really what I've become? Why is it so hard for me to trust others?

But on the other hand, he found himself saying that he was in the right. She's not Reva. Plus she did say that she was glad Reva was dead. That bothered him. It bothered him a lot. If you think Reva is above me, fine. But to find happiness in her death is...that's too much.

Two faced indeed.

Having had enough of his inner bantering he turned to leave the store...

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Though at the same time he felt thankful to find something to distract his mind, he couldn't help but grin internally as he'd beaten the halfling to some juicy information...

Or so he thought, until the halfling spoke of a tale that was truly foreign to him. "My, oh my! These are news indeed! And here I thought I had the big, updated story of the week!" He took his own liberty to take a chair, and suit himself. "All I've heard back in Senia is of this sort of war that's been really more of a massacre. Only about... thirty seven days or so since the whole deal started, and Antar has already fallen from its heart! Hard to believe, truth be told, but there was already word of the capital's fall not long ago."

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"Dammit!" Celine cursed, as she wound up soaking wet a third time. You're gonna pay for that! With renewed determination, she picked herself off the ground and ran after the elf. "What do you think you're doing?! Yelling at it will only make things worse!" she cried out.

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With his shrill nasal voice, Richard called to Zeff shouting, "Hoy there! You don't just walk into a shop and then leave without at least looking around!" Swinging the massive mallet in his hand to ground the berries he had been diligently smashing away with a manic look on his face, Richard smashed the remaining pulp with a sickening crunch that would have reminded people of flesh being crushed and squirm.

Turning around with mallet in hand and standing in his full imposing height, the dye maker tapped it on one hand as he grinned at Zeff saying, "You look like a charming young warrior! Surely, you came here because of some need to please a woman I take? Maybe purchase a dye of regal colours?"

The sly dye maker had been circling Zeff like a cat around a mouse until he re-positioned himself before his own entrance, his massive muscular form blocking it entirely. "Do you fancy a purple dye that could win over even the most difficult elf maiden's heart?"


"What?" Caslan yelled back at Celine, whom he was confused about. Why the heck is she giving chase? Is she going to attack me because I didn't extract the water completely? With that thought, Caslan quickened his pace yelling to two individuals in mind, "I'm sorry!"

It was not hard to track his wayward horse down, the pain in Joey's belly had made it stomp extra hard into the ground as it galloped away. finding Joey near a tree, tears in its eyes, Caslan ran to its side and hugged the gelding's neck, "Why did you run Joey? Why?"

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Startled, he turned back only to just notice the shopkeeper. "Uh. No? No, that's not what I'm here for. Sorry." He turned once more to leave, only to realize the man was actually now standing in front of him. Right in front of the doorway. Delightful.

"Look, I'm in the wrong store or something. Can I go?" he said as he narrowed his eyes at the man. He moved his arm to the hilt of his sword, just in case something unpleasant decided to happen.

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Celine caught up to the strange elf in good time. She took a breath to yell at the elf, then let it out when she saw him hug the horse. The latter looked absolutely miserable. "First your horse runs off without you, and then it runs into this place. The hell is going on?" She glared at a frozen tree to make her point.

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Hale himself took a seat as Linn began to ask about the pointers . This might prove to be an interesting conversation.

"Right, well, let me begin by saying that this is meant for both you and Elysia. The two of you both have quite the magical power, so, Elysia, if you're listening, you're not weak. Far from it," Hale began, as he crossed his arms and closed his eyes. " No, the issue, one the two of you share, is a lack of finesse, or control over one's magic. I'm sure you've both heard that once or twice already, so I won't harp on why it is an unfortunate. However, that issue isn't really solvable by simply practicing one's spells. It is the emotions of a caster that affects their magic. I'd imagine you both know how tense it is, to try casting in combat? The key to success in those situations, and with spellcasting in general, is keeping a clear head and a calm mind. The two combined will give you the ability to cast near perfectly, excluding outside forces. That calm comes with battle experience, though, sparring can help to build that control. And if the two of you want, while I'm around and not preoccupied with another commitment, I could help with that."


"Looks like there's a killing to be made, in arms trading. Maybe I should mention it to Dad," Jacob said, absentmindedly, before the elf mentioned his war. "Senia invading Antar? That'd explain how the Senians were on this side of the border at all, even though we still don't know why. It'll mean that whole country's going to be a mess for the next few months, so travel will be interesting."

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