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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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"He's an elf too, you know... you don't need to get your hands dirty, Linn... I saw the look in your eyes when you found me out... there's no need to force yourself." Elysia replied... partly out of concern for not only Linn's conscience, but for her safety... though in truth, a good part of Elysia simply wanted to make sure that she herself was the one to end him... having another tag along just didn't feel right.

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Linn frowned a little, since she knew Elysia was right. In self defense it was different, but actually seeking out and killing someone? She didn't know if she had the will for it. "Alright, but... I'll still help you find him, if anything. You shouldn't have to walk the journey alone, even if you finish it by yourself." Wow, that sounded like something Aeson would say. Maybe I should ask him for more. "Even if my help if just helping you get better at magic, I'll do what I can, alright?"

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"Alright, Linn. I'll be counting on you." Elysia replied with a smile. Perhaps she had finally taken her first real step towards getting somewhere... today. But now that was dealt with, and Elysia moved to finish her meal.

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Elysia's smile made Linn smile a little herself, happy to see things finally going back to positive. Maybe this evening won't be too bad, afterall. "I should probably eat something too... hey, excuse me!" she called, to a passing barmaid, proceeding to order herself the same stew Elysia was eating. It had to be good if she was wolfing it down that quickly.

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"Oh, that experience, heh," Caslan grinned as he recalled the day he first showed signs of affinity for magic, "Well, can't really say I felt anything other than feeling pleasantly surprised I guess. I mean almost everyone in my family could cast water magic, would be a shame if I couldn't."

Leaning comfortably on one of the wooden pillars, the elf continued, "My tribe keeps this tradition of letting all the children touch these balls once every year, and it would change colour associated with the element one has an affinity for. Assuming one had the gift to cast anima magic. So one day, the ball I touched turned blue and then I got all the proper training to use my magic proficiently and all the boring stuff of reading through moldy old scrolls, being caned for not learning fast enough and the sort. How about you Chandra? How did you discover your magic?"


"So Zeke, what have you been up to?" Conan asked in an accusing tone as he had watched the pegasus rider, "I saw you speaking to that crowd over there, confess everything or the Shining God will forever forsake your soul!"

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"Hm! Heh, it's been some time since I fought unmounted, I must say." The knight readied his lance, steadying his stance as given the sign. "Well then... let us speak with our lances!" With a deep breath, Alfonso charged, and cut it short still a bit distant from the lad. Covering the rest of the distance with a violent spur and thrust relying on his stamina, he managed to use the momentum to his favor and landed a true strike.


"So they've been around here... I had the idea most of the army was in the capitol at this point... I wonder what they were doing around here, though." Erbert mused as Jacob had answered. The more I know about this, the more it can prove of use later... who knows?

"...Hmm? What's that about clothes?" Erbert looked as his new halfling pal had addressed somebody else, having missed the matter in question.

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"Well you seem to fight well enough either way," Ernce noted. He hadn't expected Alfonso to start out so strongly but it simply made things more interesting. Not to be shown up Ernce brushed off the strike as best he could and countered with his own equally impressive strike. He quickly followed up with another strike but due to his rapid actions it lost most of it's force.


"I've joined up with these here mercenaries Conan," Zeke said as he turned to face his traveling companion. "That means that you'll be paying for you room out of your own pocket," Zeke said slightly smug that he was the one with the majority of the money. While Conan was definitely a hassle Zeke felt some strange obligation to make sure he didn't do anything too stupid. "Well I 'spose you'd get free boarding if you signed up but you'd have to folow the mercenary company for a while."

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"Ooof!" Backing away at the first strike's strength, Alfonso was a bit impressed. He certainly didn't expect such a strong return after the clear shot. "Hah! You're not shabby at all, either! Oof!" He responded, actually managing to brace for the second attack just fine. Trying to counter quickly, Alfonso lost some momentum as well, but as another opening presented itself, the man dealt an impact of decent force.

Current HPs:

Alfonso: 26/39

Ernce: 9/21

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"Oh, that experience, heh," Caslan grinned as he recalled the day he first showed signs of affinity for magic, "Well, can't really say I felt anything other than feeling pleasantly surprised I guess. I mean almost everyone in my family could cast water magic, would be a shame if I couldn't."

Leaning comfortably on one of the wooden pillars, the elf continued, "My tribe keeps this tradition of letting all the children touch these balls once every year, and it would change colour associated with the element one has an affinity for. Assuming one had the gift to cast anima magic. So one day, the ball I touched turned blue and then I got all the proper training to use my magic proficiently and all the boring stuff of reading through moldy old scrolls, being caned for not learning fast enough and the sort. How about you Chandra? How did you discover your magic?"

It seemed that the situation with the horse had more or less been resolved, despite an attempted escape by said horse. That led to a bit of casual conversation about magic. Chandra had a little bit of time before heading out, so she stayed and listened to Caslan's story about obtaining his own magic. She quickly regretted staying as the subject to her own magical origins. The story of discovering dark magic was one that would spoil the rather happy mood, so she instead focused on her abilities with the staff.

"Ah, well, being raised in an abbey in the republic, I was automatically given a staff. There's no fancy ceremony or anything. We just did what we were told. I suspect they taught us healing magic in the hopes that we would always be gainfully employed once we grew."

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"Oh? To what cause do they serve?" Conan asked Zeke raising an eyebrow, his expression full of suspicion. This was a strange group of people in his homeland, and rumours on the state of the world that he had gathered in his travels were not entirely pleasant. Then again they were just rumours, but in never pays to be dismissive.

Impatient, the halfling knight brought himself up to his full height, a whole glorious four feet eight inches, and plodded towards Adari to ask, "To what cause does your mercenary band serve?"

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"So, what job are you taking now? What are the consequences for leaving the band if one does not agree with the job taken?" Conan asked his decision set on only doing work if it did not go against his principles.

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"You're better off trying another village," Raelyn interjected. "The prices here are insane. Though, thank you," she finished softly.

Celine arched an eyebrow at both of them. "Why are the two of you suddenly so helpful?" she asked. Nothing in this world is without payment.

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"Heh. You're pretty good... yourself," Ernce said as he staggered back after Alfonso's assault. Reminds me of all the sparring sessions back with the guys. I've missed this feeling; not knowing whether or not I'll emerge victorious but without my life on the line. Gotta end this fast, a few more hits and I'll go down and he barely looks winded. Ernce gripped his shield. "But don't think I'm done yet!" he shouted as he charged, getting a clean hit on the man. He followed up with two precise strikes, the first one packing more momentum than the second, which knocked the man over.

"Hah... thanks for that Alfonso," Ernce said as he caught his breath before extending a hand to Alfonso. "It's been awhile since I've been able to enjoy such a close spar like that."


Zeke opened his mouth to reply to Conan only to find that the man had wandered over to Adari. I guess he's in for sure now Zeke thought as he himself wandered to one of the empty tables and sat down.

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"We're rescuin our employer who was captured while we were on a job. Senians invaded Celisa ta capture him. We're tryin ta figure out what that was all about. If ya want ta leave, ya can leave unless we're about ta fight. Course, if ya run we won't chase ya."

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"Although height will prove decisive in combat, it is the resolve and spirit of the fighter that determines the victor," Conan said confidently as he started signing up to join the mercenary band, "My shield will not fail me, and so will my faith. I will sign up."

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"Are they? I've only been in the inn, so I guess I've saved myself a pretty penny! As for you, girlie, I said I'm only willin' ta help since yer in the same mercenary group. Can't have my fellow employees fightin' in somethin' that's gonna constrict their movements or what not. Here, hold on a moment, "Franklin said, as he started digging into one of his pockets, producing a small bag of approximately fifty gold. "Get yerself somethin' that fits properly, and then come on back here... You are a part of this group, aren't you?" Franklin then asked, forgetting if he'd seen her sign up with the boss lady.

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Alfonso was impressed, really impressed. To manage to take him down like that, the boy had plenty of skill, or luck, or both! "Oof! Oh, dear heavens! That was rougher than my old commander on a sour day! Bahahaha!" He took his time standing up, part of him glad for the lad, and another part worried about his own strength. If anything, that could have been a closer fight...

"Well! I don't think there's much I can teach you when it comes to unmounted combat! Hah! But if you want to go again, don't be shy to ask! These bones are tough enough, even if your strength is quite impressive!"


"Mmmm...." Erbert just offered a small smile, as he seemed to not be the center of attention. Well, he's using his money, and that seems plenty, I'll just keep it to myself until the subject changes again...

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"Gainfully employed, hah!" Caslan laughed, as he stopped feeding Joey anymore water. The gelding seemed to be at ease and then it turned its head away from the water to sleep. "But I guess I can't deny that healing magic is ever unwelcome anywhere."

Standing up and stretching, the elf realised how exhausted he now was with all the rushing around and constantly using his magic. And hungry too. "Well, crisis averted, Joey's sleeping soundly. I suppose we should head to the inn," Caslan said as he started heading towards the inn.

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The food had been good, not as good as the food Zeff had made, but she didn't want to upset herself again, so she stayed away from thinking about him. Instead, she pulled out the leather book she'd found in the armor store, back at the ruined village. Rather than write some magic down in it, she started reading it! Whatever could be written inside that book? Whatever it was, Linn was fully and truly absorbed in the contents.

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Entering the inn, Caslan quickly scanned the area for Linn. Spotting her seated next to Elysia. Taking the seat opposite Linn, Caslan got a barmaid to bring over a stew before leaning towards her to ask, waving his hand to catch her attention, "Hey, Linn! Anything interesting in the book?"

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"You're at a crossroads, missy. You can either go with us, or you can wander on your own. . .but you'll probably end up fighting us, since you seem to lack the skills necessary to live quietly," Raelyn said. A triumphant grin lit up the former barmaid's face, and dropped just as quickly as Celine backhanded her.

"Like YOU'D understand what it's like to see your house burned to the ground!" the younger lady shouted. "Or seein' the fresh bodies of your neighbors, with some military crest next to them! I'm gonna find those bastards and kill 'em! They're close by, I know it!" She turned heel and ran outside of the inn, not paying attention to who she brushed past on her way out. She made it about twenty feet away before the first tears wet her cheeks. Why. . .why did this have to happen to 'em? They were only trying to help me. . .

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Linn, deep into her reading, barely noticed Caslan, jumping back and closing the book when she'd finally realized someone was speaking to her. "Caslan! Hello! Sorry, I was just...reading, this. Nothing much in it, not to worry, haha..." she lied, adding an awkward laugh, trying her best to smile, as to not worry Caslan with what had happened earlier. He doesn't need to know, he's probably still got his hands full with Joey.


Franklin would've started getting annoyed at how often he was being ignored, if not for the reaction the girl had. "Goodness! I must say, I didn't expect that. That one's got a troubled past. Perhaps my money should stay where it is, lest I lose the change. Excuse me, miss," he said to Raelyn, "The name's Franklin, and I'm a part of your group now, a pleasure. You don't supposed we should go after her, do you?"

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