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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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The last person that had asked Celine what she wanted for herself. . .the memory caused her to sob harder. She'd come to the village by sheer force of will. Her supplies had run out a week earlier, and there was precious little to forage for. He was the first one to greet her, and despite her appearance, he'd given her a BIG hug. "Welcome home, my dearest granddaughter!" he announced. Only later did she learn that the granddaughter in question had died five years earlier. Instead of turning her away, the village greeted her as one of their own. She'd found her home. . .and yet she never thought about what she truly wanted for herself.

"Everyone's left me again," she choked out. Is this normal? I didn't cry when my ship went down, yet. . .

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Ernce would've liked to answer yes to Alfonso's offer to go again but as soon as he let go of his shield he felt himself slow way down. Whatever combat high he'd gotten left, leaving him feeling more battered and bruised than he'd felt for quite a while. It feels almost as if I'm not wearing my armour... It was then Ernce noticed the lack of a familiar weight on his shoulders and recalled that he'd made a habit of removing his armour whenever he entered an inn. That would explain all my pain. "Sorry Alfonso but I'll have to pass. I forgot my armour back at the inn so unless you got a vulnerary on you I'd like to not push my luck so soon after recovering."


Zeke watched with amusement as the elves a few tables over began mistreating a book; from dropping it to throwing it across the table. The few elves I've seen would probably faint if they saw such reckless abandon towards a book. Tired of sitting alone with nothing to do Zeke stood up and walked over to the remaining elf's table. The elf seemed familiar, but Zeke couldn't place from where, and seemed to look troubled. "Lady problems?" Zeke asked.

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"Everyone has buttons that they don't want pushed... depending on how severe that button is, even people who've been friends all their lives can be broken apart... but that doesn't mean it's the end, you know? It might not be too late to go back to how things were, but you'll never know if you don't try." Elysia replied with a sincere smile.

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"Lady problems? Nope, just had some theories on magic that need sorting out," Caslan replied, his reminiscence rudely interrupted. The stew was almost finished, so the elf lifted the bowl to his mouth and drank the remaining stew down.

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"Because. . .they couldn't stand up to swords. . ." Celine gasped out, her energy slowly being sapped by the continual emotional drain. "An' I was out gettin' wood when they all. . ." Though drained, her tears wouldn't stop.

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Wide-eyed, and solemn, he stood up and said, "I see," and then drew Celine into an embrace. She was no doubt suffering excruciating emotional pain, and given that she was certainly all alone, Zeff couldn't just send her away with some money and call it a day.

"Listen," he said as he stared at the ground behind Celine. Unsure of how to proceed with his sentence. "...I'm a mercenary. I fight for a living, but I'm not alone, see? There's a whole bunch of us, and though...we can have our differences, we usually look out for each other. I can ask my bosses to find a suitable job for you. Something...I'm sure they'll let you stay with us." But...what if they say no? Well, that was an issue he would deal with when it arose.

"I know you might not want to talk about it anymore...but do you know who those people were? The one's with the swords?"

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"Alright, you... You need to know the whole story if you're going to know why I'm so worried." Linn braced herself with a sigh and explained to Elysia what had happened, from her pestering of Zeff for his gauntlet, to what he'd said, to what she'd finished with. Explaining the last part made her stammer a little, her lip starting to quiver, but she stopped herself from crying again. "That's why I'm so worried. That's why I'm so upset at myself... I didn't even mean it, I was just so mad, I said it, and..." she sunk her face into her knees.


Franklin almost gave his position away when Zeff leaned into for the hug! He'd almost shouted, 'oh, good on ye laddie, nice moves!' but had managed to keep himself shut up as to not disturb the obvious mood.

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So there it was, huh? Linn had explained the situation completely, and had promptly rolled herself into a ball and began bawling. Reaching out to her, Elysia gently unwound the ball, before pulling Linn into a tight hug and rubbing her back in an attempt to calm her.

"There, there... Linn... all I can suggest is going to talk to him about it and try to apologize... hopefully you can make it water under the bridge."

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Despite her best intentions she did end up crying a bit, though those feelings turned into surprise as she was pulled over into a hug. It was unexpected, but not entirely unwanted. She let it happen for a moment, before pulling herself back. "I'm not sure I can face him without turning into a sobbing mess. I think I'll wait a little bit. Need to collect myself, y'know?" I really feel like I can trust her. Can't believe she was sitting in a corner not speaking to anyone until I spoke to her. Guess she just needed some warming up. Heh.


Franklin felt that this show had gone on long enough, though he had to give his best to the young man. "Good afternoon to ye both," he began, pulling himself out of the shadows and into the street, "and I'll start myself off by apologizin' fer spyin' on yer conversation. I was sent off by the woman ye were talkin' with, girlie, t'make sure ye were alright. Seems the laddie's done my job for me, though. Bit unfortunate, that, but he did a fine job, I must say. What say we all head back to th'inn now, and try to relax all of this off?"

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As Franklin approached from the shadows Zeff immediately place hand on hilt, a second nature reaction at this point. Though, after hearing his little talk he felt as ease and regained his composure.

"Sorry, er, I've been on edge lately," he said, apologizing for his earlier hostile gesture. "Which woman, exactly, would you be talking about though?" Adari? Or maybe someone else entirely...

The prospect of returning to the inn was all the more nerve-wracking now that he actually had to go do it. He really didn't want to have to see Linn and the that other prisoner girl and end up back at square one, but if something was to be done about Celine, he would have to return. Stepping away from Celine, he asked, "Hey, you mind coming with us? Like I said, I'll talk to my employers and maybe arrange for something..."

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"Yeah. On another note, it's surprisingly nice out here. Maybe they pad the ground outside inns or something..."


Franklin wasn't at all surprised by the reaction; who wouldn't react like that towards a small man coming out of the shadows at you? "Oh, right! Raelyn, I believe it was. She was havin' a bit of a talk with this girl and I offered to sport the cash fer some new clothes; she's not too keen on these, y'see. Ye're still welcome to that money, if ye wish it."

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"Gainfully employed, hah!" Caslan laughed, as he stopped feeding Joey anymore water. The gelding seemed to be at ease and then it turned its head away from the water to sleep. "But I guess I can't deny that healing magic is ever unwelcome anywhere."

Standing up and stretching, the elf realised how exhausted he now was with all the rushing around and constantly using his magic. And hungry too. "Well, crisis averted, Joey's sleeping soundly. I suppose we should head to the inn," Caslan said as he started heading towards the inn.

"I have errands to run," Chandra replied. "You go on ahead." And with that, the two parted ways, the shaman heading into town.

The shopping areas of the village whose name keeps escaping me were bustling with eager merchants pushing their wares to the hundreds of people that filled the streets. Dates by the bushel! Jewels from the desert! Fresh fish! Such calls alerted shoppers what was being offered that day. Chandra however was more interested in the silk and linen merchants. She was picking out a new wardrobe to replace the bloody mess of her original outfit. Within the southern climate, lighter clothing would be preferable, so the shaman leaned for the silk. She also paired the outfit with a pair of pants. If she was serious about learning to ride, she'd need a more suitable outfit. Chandra had a good idea on how the outfit would look all together, but she wouldn't be able to try it on until she got back to the inn.

"Now for food..." Chandra thought to herself as she went through a mental checklist of what the group needed.

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Right. That. "Guess not," she said, almost begrudgingly, as she took Elysia's hand, to stand with a stretch. She then took said hand, and pulled it along back into the inn, sitting herself down at the table Caslan was at, once again. "Hey. Had the talk I needed to have, and I feel a bit better now. Sorry for ditching you there, really."

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Linn was certainly a confusing one, Elysia noted to herself, as she was pulled along back to the inn... honestly, she could walk on her own, and that aside, there wasn't really any place for her in Linn and Caslan's conversation.

"I think I'm gonna go rest for a bit... you two have fun." Elysia commented, before slipping away and towards the rooms they had booked.

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What do they have to gain by being so nice to me? Celine wiped the rest of her tears from her eyes and looked up at the pair. "I missed the ones that lived. . .but the butcher managed to take one with him. I ain't sure if this means anything to the two of ya, but here," she said, as she unfurled a piece of cloth from her money pouch. "Those cowards are gonna pay for what they did! You said somethin' about a job? Depends on which side you guys are on, I guess."
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Looking down at the cloth that Celine had presented, he stared at it for a moment before he began to grasp its relevance. It was a crest of a military uniform, and it was Senian military to be precise. Bastards...The whole lot of them.

"Which side we're on? Well, we're mercenaries, so technically we're neutral. But we've been attacked by the Senian military, so for what's it's worth, you can say we're against them." He decided to keep the military crest a secret from Celine for now. It might be best to speak with Raelyn and Adari first and then plan things out accordingly. "The patch looks familiar but I can't say I can remember where it's from right now. Let's head back and I'll have a chat with Raelyn and my boss and you can decide what you want to do after that."

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Making his way back to the inn, he followed after Celine and scanned the room for Raelyn. Turning to Celine he said, "I'm going to go talk to Raelyn, apparently you know her? If you'd like you can come with me, or you can stay here and wait. Whatever you prefer."

He walked over to Raelyn, and spotted Linn out of the corner of his eye. Lovely...

It could have be worse. She could have been sitting with the prisoner...

"Hey Raelyn, there's this girl I wanted to talk to you about, apparently you know her?" he said, not checking to see if Celine had followed him or not. "I think we need to do something about her. I don't know what your thoughts on the matter are but, I was thinking about maybe asking Adari or Andre about bringing her along with us. I know it'd be pretty dangerous and all, being that we're mercenaries but...I don't know. I just feel like it's something we should do...It's better than leaving her out by herself."

I just hope taking in orphans doesn't become a regular thing....

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Raelyn took a quick peek over Zeff's shoulder. Celine had parked herself at a table near the entrance. "You mean she didn't threaten to lop your head off? Amazing. If you know where Andre is, out with it. She had a run-in earlier with Adari, and it ended badly. For Adari. I agree that doing something about her is necessary. She's in a very unstable state of mind, and a little nudge in the wrong direction will most likely turn her into someone we'll have to fight in the future."

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"Lop off my hea-...What? Regardless, no I don't really know where Andre is, I got back here just recently so," he shrugged. "I don't have a clue. But listen, there's something I wanted to tell you. This girl, she told me that she was alone...And the people that were taking care of her were killed. She had this patch with her, and it had the Senia insignia on it. Given the current circumstances and our own run in with the Senian military, it would be suffice to say that the, as much as it pains me to admit, it was quite likely that the Senians killed off the people she was with. I decided not to tell her because, just in case she end up coming along with us, we'll most likely be fighting the Senians again and it wouldn't do well to have her rush into the battlefield trying to enact her revenge."

But then a pause. "But wait. You said she'd be someone we'd have to fight in the future? Surely you can't mean a girl like her would take up a weapon? She's so young...I mean. I suppose I'm not one to talk, but still, she's definitely seems much younger than I am."

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Linn was feeling better, things were going alright (despite Elysia walking off, but that was fine. She probably felt awkward with the two there), and she almost felt like having a conversation with Caslan. About to pop him a question, the only person she wasn't ready for walked into the inn, and she froze, as she caught him look over at her. Do I say something? Do I try to apologize? What if he's still mad? What if he starts yelling at me with everyone here? She sunk back into her seat, an obvious look of distress on the face she was trying to hide.


And that's all that, what good fortune. Franklin followed the two back, whistling a wonderful tune as he did, though a certain scene that he thought no one noticed. The man he'd heard was Zeff had looked over at the elf girl from before, and she's turned into a stress ball! Goodness gracious, what's goin' on here? Not sure I should say anythin' at all, this time. He furrowed his brows, and pondered for a bit.

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People seemed to be returning to the inn... was this another ritual he'd forgotten about too? Aeson really wondered if he had missed an announcement or something. Spotting Linn hiding away in the corner, the oblivious priest waved enthusiastically at her, making his way over.

"Linn! I seem to keep losing you." Aeson called, noting her rather nervous disposition. "Is everything OK? Did you find a spider in your soup? Last time that happened, you sat there completely silent until I took it away... is there a spider I need to rescue?"

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